VII. Do you hate me Hort

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" Do you hate me, Hort? "

( tw : blood, language, violence )

Celeste walked out of the classroom. Her eye was still red and it looked like she was trying to stifle a rub to the eye. But she already did anyway since her eye was getting itchy. She gasped. Did that mean Sophie was dirty? Celeste smirked to herself. "Are you sure you're okay, sweetheart?" Hort asked. He gently put his hand on her tunic.

Celeste slightly shoved his hand off her shoulder.

"Don't call me sweetheart," she snarled angrily. "But.. yes, I am okay." she sighed breathlessly. Hort was relieved. She's kind of cute when she's mad at me, he thought to himself. "I'm glad you're okay. I wouldn't want a pretty face like yours get damaged." he smiled warmly at her. "Wait what?" Celeste swung her head around in concern. (She almost tripped down the cob-webbed stairs).

Celeste blushed a dark crimson red on her pale cheeks and looked away embarrassedly.

"I- uhm I never really said that.." he mumbled, rubbing his neck while blushing furiously. Celeste nodded and patted her eye gently. He looked at her in concern. Celeste was twitching her red eye and used her sleeve to wipe away her tears. He didn't know Sophie would hurt her that hard that she would be 'crying'. Hort was wondering if he should still follow around Sophie or Celeste.

An idea popped into his mind. He tapped her shoulder and she looked at him with his goofy face close to hets. Celeste's eyes filled with confusion and answers. "Hey, if you want to get your eye treated, you can come to my dorm..?" he hesitantly asked. Celeste furrowed her eyebrows and didn't reply for a few good seconds. Hort rubbed his palms together nervously as they walked in the dark, gloomy halls together.

Mostly of the silence was Nevers kicking them to walk faster. "Yeah, sure." she said a little too quickly. Hort pumped his fist in the air quietly but aggressively. "Wait a minute. Do you even know how to treat people?" that made Hort regret asking her. "Uh... y-yes?" he stammered, showing his hands in his stinky uniform. "I'll be there soon I guess." she said before walking away from him to her room. "Oh and Celeste!" he yelled after her.

She stopped. "You need stop rubbing your eye. It's going to get worse. Maybe put some tissues?" he said. He was pondering to himself if her eye was getting itchy due to Sophie's filthy and unwashed sleeve. She nodded and smiled. Hort blushed like crazy and his heart was pounding. Never did Celeste ever smiled at him.

Hort stayed behind before ending up walking with Anadil.

"Hey, you know how to brew health and curing potions?" he whispered in her ear softly, not even taking a glance at the albino. His gaze was focused on Celeste. "Yeah, so?" she whispered back. "I need help to do that. It's for one of your roommates." he quickly said. She nodded and sighed in annoyance. "Thanks!" he ran away stiffly.

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