38 - We Love Berlin

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We Love Berlin

I hear the click of the camera, as Josh takes a picture of me standing in front of the Berlin Wall.

"You look great here." He says and I walk to him.

I see my winning smile, and my dress being blown away by the wind.

"Yeah, I know." I say, I didn't actually mean it. I'm not that conceited.

"You wanna rest there?" He asks, pointing to a big fountain, with people sitting on it's edge.

"Sure." I hold his hand as we walk there. We're gonna be in Berlin for 2 months so I guess we'll have plenty of time. I mean, we still have to shoot everyday. But we will make time.

It's once in a while you go to a foreign land, so why not enjoy the time?

We reach the fountain and see that it's filled with rubber duckies. I pick one up and squish it in front of Josh.

"Look, it's so cute." I squish it a couple times, and water squirts from it.

"Stop it." He laughs, and picks one up, and squished it, causing me to have water on my face.

"Excuse me." A girl holding a camera says in front of us, smiling "Can I take a picture? I'm such a big fan."

So far, this is the first person to come up to us. I look at Josh and he nods.

"Yeah, okay." He says, and the girl jumps. She holds the camera, and I smile.

"Thank you!" She says, still smiling. "I'm Cara, by the way."

She shakes our hands, giggling.

"It's nice meeting you." I say. I don't usually take pictures with fans, but I guess I'm having a good time, so why not?

"I guess I leave you two alone now. Goodbye!" She says, waving at us. We wave back, and she walks away.

At that moment, thunder rings through the sky. I look up, and see that there's lightning. The weather was pretty bad last night, and I guess it's continuing today. Too bad.

"We have to find cover soon." Josh says, we stand up from where we were sitting. It was a long way to his car. I just hope rain doesn't fall before we reach it.

Our steps are quick and big, he's holding my hand. And he's faster than me, so I have to catch up.

Then, I feel the rain pour from the sky. The drops are getting bigger and bigger, and we walk faster.

We didn't realize there's a big puddle in front of us, and we splash water on ourselves. Now, all of me is wet.

That sounded so wrong.

We stop in our tracks, and I look up, my eyes squinted. Well, Josh and.I are wet so, what else can we do?

He surprises me by kicking a puddle of water on me.

"Oh no, you didn't." I say, glaring at him. This is gonna be a fight.

I splash him, the water reached to his face, and I giggle.

There are currently no people around us. I guess they got cover, while we're here, acting crazy.

We keep splashing, laughing, and hitting each other. It's like we're kids again. And I could only be that way with Josh. No one else. Being together with him is the best decision I ever made. I have no regrets.

I'll admit it, the first time we hang out. I knew there was something about him that I knew no one else had. And it was something that I have been looking for my whole life.

Turns out it wasn't something about him. It was just him.

Before I knew it, I'm slipping from the water. And at the perfect moment, Josh catches me.

And because he's clumsy, or because I'm heavy, we both fell down.

For a second, I thought it was gonna be the cheesy movie romance cliches that the couple will be staring at each other. I guess not.

"That hurt." I say, but I don't stand up, I just sit there, with him.

"Well, you zoned out again." He says, sitting in front of me. "And I couldn't just let you fall."

"We still fell together." I point out.

"At least we're together. I can't let you fall by yourself. I would feel so bad." He sounds sincere, so I won't ruin it with a sarcastic comment. Or say how cheesy he is.

Instead, I just smile. I sit beside him, holding his hand.

"Thank you." I say, squeezing gently.

"For what? For this?" He asks, looking straight at me.

"For everything. For you." This was one of those moments when I just feel being a stereotypical girlfriend.

I look at his eyes, then my look lingers down to his lips. Those lips I have kissed so many times, but I still haven't gotten tired of. And I know I never will.

I lean in, and kiss him. It's all I could do. It's all I want to do. And I forget about the rain and the cold. Instead, warmth radiates my whole body. And sparks just came flying everywhere. He grabs my neck, and pulls me closer. I place my hands on his, and just feel everything.

I open for a little while, and see his eyes closed. I can't help but think how cute he is. I close it again, and allow myself to get caught up in the moment.

When we pull away, I smile. Maybe it's from the adrenaline the kiss left me. My heartbeat is racing, and I feel some tingling in my limbs. To be honest, Josh was the only guy that made me feel that way. And that's one of the million things I love about him.

The rain still haven't stopped. We stand up, and slowly make our way to his car.

"Is it okay if we're both super wet?" I ask.

"It'll dry soon." We both get in, and I feel the uncomfortable wet dress cling to my body.

"This dress is killing me." I complain. The drip of water comes to the car floor.

"It'll pass."

"Well, you've never worn a dress in the rain." I say, side eyeing him.

"Oh, I have." He says. I burst out laughing from his response. I look at him crazily. "What do you know about my dress wearing in the rain?"

"Apparently, none." I keep giggling, everything he says cracks me up. It's just that I get him and he gets me. More than anyone does.

He starts talking about how he wore a dress in the rain. I hear everything he says, and I can't stop looking at him. Like how he looks at me on interviews.

Yes, I notice that. It's hard to miss. I like it though, I find it sweet. No one has ever looks at me like how he does.

While I was looking at him, it just hit me again how much I love him. I don't know why. There was just something. He reminds me of what it feels like to fall in love. And I don't want to lose that. I don't want to lose him.


Too cheesy chapter? Maybe. But you know, it'll get dramatic soon. Stick around!

I had nothing to do, so. Here is a chapter! I've been falling back on views. But thank you for those people who stick around with my story and bear the slow updates. I try my best to catch up with the time. (In case you didn't know, this is still 2014, April or May) I have it all planned out! I think I'll catch up on Jen's bday... not sure.

Plus follow me on Instagram: starcrxssedjoshifer (Joshifer THG fan acc. surprise!) I changed my user. And please tell me you're from here. I'll follow back fan accounts.

Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you like it. Don't forget to leave a vote or maybe a comment. :)

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