13 - Get Out of Here

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Meeting you was fate.

Being your friend was a choice.

But falling in love with you?

I had no control over.


"I love you! Okay?" I say, I didn't even think what's coming out of my mouth. It's involuntary, as if that's even possible. I see the confused expression on his face. But his face still gives a hint of anger.

"You know I love you too." he says, and I'm surprised. But I can't let myself assume too much... That's where all heartbreaks come from.

"Not in that way." I say, looking straight into his eyes, I can feel the tears stinging my eyes. I don't know, these days I think all I do is cry. As if something good's going to come out of it...

"Exactly in that way." he says, and I can feel my heart beat faster every second. I hope I don't blush, but I can feel the hotness rise in my cheeks.

"Well, then prove it." I don't even know why I said that. How can he even prove it?

"I can't stand." he says, pointing to his foot. "See?"

"Then maybe I'll go there." I say, not even thinking what I'm going to do. How is he gonna prove it? How? I walk towards him, getting nervous every second. Over thinking whatever is gonna happen. But well, I can't assume too much.

Finally, I reach him. I sit besdie him, not taking my eyes off of his. He places his hands on my jaw. My heart beats rapidly, thumping like it's gonna come out of my chest any second.

"Was it true?" he asks, almost like a whisper.

"What?" I ask, forgetting everything that has happened. I'm stuck in this moment, savoring what's happening, or rather, what will happen.

"You love me?" he says it again in a soft voice. Something that makes something in my stomach flutter.

"I..." I say, trailing off. Jen! What's happening to you? You're sure about that right? God, you cry about him almost every single night. Don't say you don't! "I don't know."

Good choice. Ugh. That's not what's supposed to come out of my mouth.

"What do you mean?" he takes off his hand from my face and places it beside him. He gives me a quizzical look. I start to feel guilty, makingl my stomach twist.

"I'm not sure." I say, my palms getting sweaty. I avoid his gaze and instead, look at the door.

What's wrong with you? Why can't you just say it?

Then, the answer hits me in the face like a ton of bricks. It's simple, I'm not ready. There are just too much consequences that could go with me confessing. I may lose him. But maybe I won't.

But he said he loved me too. Right?

But he still loves Claudia.

It's impossible to love two people at the same time...

I take a glance at him, expecting to find him angry but instead, his countenance shows nothing. In other words, he shows a blank expression.

"Maybe this will help you decide." he says, and he slowly inch his face closer to mine. I close my eyes, prepared for what will happen next.

Maybe that will.

BANG! I hear the door slam open, which made me jump in my seat. Then I hear a loud gasp after that. Which made me think that person is very shocked of what he/she has witnessed. And there was one thing in my mind.

There, the moment is over. OVER.

But when I see the person who opened the door.

Fuck. We're doomed.

It was Claudia.


She just stands there, frozen like a statue. Shock plastered all over her face.

I stand up, and walk to her, every step hard to make. All I wanted to do is to get to her and hug her.

"Don't!" she says, pointing at me, tears forming in her eyes. Though I can't tell what she's feeling right now. There's too many choices.

She looks at Jen, like her veins are going to pop out from her head. Her face gives a hint of red, and she starts to walk fast towards Jen.

Jen stands up, I think she was alarmed so she goes into a defensive position. Blocking her face from Claud.

Claudia grabs a bunch of Jen's hair, screaming in the process. I try to walk towards them, but my foot won't cooperate. It hurts too much. So, i just watch. I feel guilty for not doing anything to stop them.

Jen pushes Claud away, and she falls to the floor. Jen sits on top of her and punches Claud, square in the face. This somehow made me angry, and shocked. Besides, Claudia is still my girlfriend. And I still love her.

I walk there, ignoring the pain in my feet. I see blood on Claud's face as she cries. And Jen isn't stoppping.

"Jen!" I shout, making her look at me. She's still on top of Claud, who's silently sobbing in pain.

"What!? She did it first." she says, her hair all messed up and she's breathing heavily.

"It's too much, don't you see?" I say, loud, but softer than before.

"So, you'll side with her?" she asks, I don't know what to say. I don't know who to be with. "You know what? Just get out of here."

"Fine." I says, in an angry tone. I grab Claudia with me, carrying her by my side.

As soon as we leave, I hear the door slam behind us. Claudia is still crying in my arms, so we sat down for a bit because we're both injured.

And it was both of Jen's fault.

"I'm sorry Claud." I say, wiping some of her blood away. "Please forgive me."

I kiss her forehead and hug her. We sit on the floor, our backs on the wall and I rest my foot and I hug her.

"Just this one time." she says in a voice that sounds gargly. Maybe it's because of her nose. "At least you sided with me. And all I want to do now is rest."

"Okay." I say and I make her stand up. We walk towards my room, and I make her lie on the bed.

I grab two ice packs from the fridge. On for her. One for me.

"I just have another question." she says, staring intently at me. "Do you feel anything for her?"

Don't lie. Don't lie.

"I don't." I say. I have to do this. I can't lose her. I have to toss away everything I feel for Jen.

For now.


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+Thank you Adriana, if you're reading this haha :3

Edited because it was super confusing.

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