Chapter 6

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I went back to my car and sat there for quite sometime. I was hurt when she said that she didn't trust me enough. And why would she? What have I done to gain her trust? I really need to work hard if I want her.

I am about to start the car when I see Bella walking with a handsome boy. He is strong too. I can feel him radiate power. They look in love. And he looks so much like Grace. He can be her brother. They enter the building and I start my car driving to school.

School was boring today as Grace didn't come to school today. I was really not in good mood. Kyle kept making me restless.

'I want to go to my mate'

'Believe me! I too!'

'Than why don't you? Try something.'

'I am trying.'

'I can see that.'

'Shut up! Why don't you tell me then what to do?'

'Just do what you want. I just want her with me and that too early.'

'I promise I'll do everything.'

'Keep that promise..!'

I really have to think. When Kyle gets all worked up on something, its impossible to control him. But since its our mate he's trying to be calm and patient but it won't be long till he start to become impatient.

I should go to Grace's apartment again and talk to her, right? But his brother will be there. Oh comeon its not like that human can do anything to me.

School got over and after telling Jack about my plan I left in my car towards Grace's apartment. I killed the engine and walked up to door.

After taking a quick breath I knocked the door. I waited as Bella opened the door and gasped. Standing at her back was the boy I saw on the morning. There scents were mixed and clearly had sex.

"Whoz this Bella?" He asked with authority in his voice. He was quite handsome I'll give you that. Rare handsome human beings.

"I am Caleb." I said as a look of recognition came on his face.

"I am James. Grace's brother and Bella's boyfriend." He said shaking my hand and I entered inside.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I heard Grace's sweet voice as she came in view.

"You skipped the school." I said. "You can land in a lot of trouble."

"Oh please. Like you care!" She snapped.

"Since you are here now." James said. "Would you like to join us for an early dinner?"

"What?" Grace turned to him in horror. "No."

Now that I see they were all dressed. They were going out I see.

"Grace." James said and I saw Grace take a step back.

"Fine." She said and left to her room.

"I am sorry. She can be handful sometimes. Come sit." James said as Bella followed her to her room.

"So any specific reason that you came here Caleb?" He asked.

"No. I just didn't saw them at the school today so I came to check if everything was alright." I replied.

"So you are in same year as them, I see." He said.

"Yes and you?" I asked.

"I am in college so I don't live with them but I guess I'll soon." He said and my head snapped in his direction.

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