𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 - 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜

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The two weeks in the packing and everything went so fast that by the time they knew it they had moved into their home in England, and Alaya and Hiba absolutely hated it, but couldn't do much.

Over the year, their Saba phupo would visit often with her daughter Hur, to make matters worse, whenever they were over, they made everything harder on the poor girls, she would blame them for things Alaya would have never even think of ever doing and putting so much work pressure on her mom. Whenever Alaya tried telling her baba about this behavior, he would simply give out to her instead and tell her to stay quiet.

- present time -

"you're time you spent here sounds memorable and nice" Romessa api added when I stopped talking, "it was, it truly was, and now that I'm back, I'll make up for all the time I missed" she nodded in agreement, "now please continue" she half pleaded, I chuckled at her cute behavior and continued as she asked.

- a year ago -

I was in my last year of uni, and I had finally made a couple of friends, but my closest friend that helped me fit in was Samia, she was the same age as me and had many of the same interests as me that helped the us hijabs' bond closer than sisters with each other.

One of the days after our lecture, the two of us went to a book shop, "so which book are you getting next?" "depends, I have to pull out my TBR and check" I laughed and soon both of us laughing at something Samia said. "oh, there's the textbook I need, you checking out the books?" "yep, you go ahead, I'll probably still find me here in two hours" Samia laughed at her friends obsession with books and went to where she was looking for her book.

After an hour of looking around and getting the things the two of us needed, we decided it was time to go home. I had parked her car and had entered the house when I saw baba furiously sitting and Saba phupo smirking, 'let's see what she has planned for me today' I thought internally, I slowly went to baba and said Salaam to both of them.

"where were you Alaya?" baba asked but anger was pouring out of every part of him, "baba, I was at the bookshop I texted you remember" "yes, but who is this guy" he showed me a picture of me talking to the shopkeeper, "baba where did you get this from" I asked, though I had a slight idea of who it could be "stop messing girl and tell the truth, he's your boyfriend right"

I internally laughed what she said, my standards are too high because of all my books and shows, I'd be surprised of I ever meet someone. "phupo, I don't think you were wearing your glasses when you took this picture, but let me tell you, I couldn't find the book I was looking for and asked the shopkeeper " I emphasized on shopkeeper. Baba looked at the picture closer. "so what's so say that he's your boyfriend" "phupo, please be careful of what you say next or" "or what girl" phupo tested me back, she knew I couldn't say much especially in front of baba. "Hussan look at your daughter how disrespectful she is, I'm telling you get her married soon"

"what does marriage have to do with this now?" I asked, "do you even know what you are saying woman, you come into our house and pour useless lies about us in our baba's head" *SLAP* baba had slapped it, it was the first time in a while he had raised his hand on me, of course he did casually so it was something i expected.

I gave one look to both siblings and went to my room. I could hear shouting, probably mama trying to calm baba down while phupo keeps pestering. I just curled up and sat on my chair and started at everything, tears threatening to fall out.

After an hour or two, or maybe more. Mama came into my room with a tray of food. She placed it in front of me as she patted my shoulder. "Alaya, I'm thinking you should get married" I looked at her in utter disbelief "beta, so your phupo can stop her accusing, she won't be able to say anything" "mama that isn't the only way you know" "yes beta, but you do have to get married someday, why not now?" I slowly dropped my head and faced the table. " I will talk about this with your baba" she said and left the room.

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