𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢 - 𝚜𝚒𝚡

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2 ½ years later

- Alaya -
Getting ready for my meeting, I quickly threw on my blazer over my outfit, which I had designed for this occasion. I quickly went for black runners and my bag and my black hijab. I quickly called up my PA before she had a heart attack, "Hey Ally, I'll be there in 10 minutes, have everything ready - yea, today's the day."

I'll have to skip breakfast. Otherwise, I'd would be late. Locked the house door, I was getting in my car when my phone rang. "Aslamoalkuim Mama" "Walikumslam beta, how are you?" "Good, just driving into my big day. Mama, pray for me that this day is successful. " "Beta, my prayers are always with you." "Okay Mama, im almost at work. I'll call you later. Take care."

After parking my car, I headed inside my office. Immediately, the staff running around started getting me before they carried on with work. I quickly greeted them back and was making my way to the design studio. Luckily, Ally was already there. "Hey boss, all done here. Just need a final check, " she said, pointing to the boxes on the table. "I'll have a look at that. Is Alex already at the location?" Ally nodded and responded, "Mr Alex has been there for half an hour for his final checks." I nodded and told Ally I would start looking in the boxes had everything we needed.

After checking all the boxes the third time, I quickly packed them up and taped them. Then, slowly, one by one, some of the employees who would be going to the event with me carry the boxes outside to the van. After I got my bag and other things, I attempted to carry the two leftover boxes to my car. Key word: attempted.

I didn't realize how big and heavy these boxes were. It was either I can't see where I'm going or that I keep dropping boxes. I went for not being able to see. I was slowly walking, I think I was almost to the elevator, and when all the boxes slipped out of my hand, they weren't on the floor.

After the sigh of relief, I looked up to see Alex, holding the two boxes that were previously in my hands. "Alex, what are you doing here?" "I called you a few times, and you were picking up, i asked Ally, and she said you were still in the office. Just wanted to make sure you didn't die before the event." He chuckled, saying the last line. "You think i would die? This event took me months to complete. The design of the hotel took me a month itself." "And that's why it looks amazing." "Aww, sweet of you. Also, what's up with the formal attire?" He looked down at his blue suit, "well, since I'm representing the "Müller's", father thinks it's important. I leave a good impression in front of media and other companies." I looked done at my own outfit. It was an outfit I had designed, but it didn't look fitting enough for the event. It screamed, comfortable at work outfit.

"Alex? Would you be able to wait just 5 minutes?" He softly smiled and nodded. He pressed the elevator button for the floor my office was on. "Want me to wait for you?" He said as I was leaving the elevator, "No, it's fine, you go ahead, " I said back, running to my room. I remembered the blue dress I had made for my second collection. I took out the dress and looked at it for a bit longer, I think this will do. I quickly changed into the navy blue maxi dress and was lucky enough to find a matching hijab in my emergency hijabs.(Outfit^)

I didn't have a bag or matching shoes, so I left my bag and went for just my phone since the dress had pockets. I'd have to stick with the black runners I was wearing. I looked at my watch to see, I had spent almost 5 minutes. I quickly locked my office and ran down the stairs because the elevator would take time. I ran outside the company, towards the parking, when I was Alex sanding right in front of the entrance, leaning on his car. As I ran up to him out of breath, he took the chance to look at my outfit but didn't say anything. "I think the outfit fits the occasion." He grinned,"it is, but im not sure about the shoes, though."Well, i didn't have backup shoes sitting in my office," I huffed.

He went to the other side of the car and opened the door for me, "Let's go, before we're late." "Right," I nodded and thanked him for holding the door. We were at the hotel within minutes, the staff running here and there. Once Alex helped me place the boxes in the main hall, he said he had something to do. I nodded and told him I'll see him at the opening.

The next 2 hours were so hectic, running around here and there. Making sure the place looked spotless and clean as well. I was in the hall, making sure it was ready for the main lunch, and the microphone was set. My phone buzzed the 10th time. I looked at all my texts, but Ally's stood out, I clicked on her chat.

Ally: ribbon at the entrance is set

I sent her thumbs-up emoji and went back to finishing the final touches. I was satisfied with how my paper design was now a standing hotel, opening in almost an hour.

After all the final checks, I was making my way to the entrance of the hotel when Alex stopped me. "Here you are," "Everything okay?" I asked, sounding kind of worried. "Nothing to worry about, just wanted to give you this," he handed me a bag, "I'll wait outside for you." I looked inside the bag to see the most beautiful pair of silver heels. I looked at them for a while. I decided to give them back to him. It's not my place to take them from him.

I put the bag in a corner and would tell Ally to retrieve it for me later. I ran outside, and as I approached the entrance, I was the huge crowd looking towards the hotel. All the cameras pointing this way, I took a deep breath and stood in front of the ribbon that needed to be cut. Alex was approaching me, and I looked down at my shoes, but I was soon disappointed to see them. I wasn't wearing them. I mouthed him a sorry before we started.

Alex started the speech by welcoming everyone, then told everyone how the event would go. After introducing both of us, one of his guards handed us a pair of scissors after cutting them. We both welcomed all the guests who were invited to the opening. It was so tiring, but this was the starting point to bring my company to success. After we had welcomed most of the guests, we were requested in the hall before our speech. Alex kind of looked upset with me. Is he still upset about the shoes.

We were standing behind the stage, getting our microphones set up, "you didn't like them?" "No, that's not it, I can't take them," I said, looking down. "And why is that?"Alex, can we talk about this later?" I asked sternly, but before he could say anything, I left him standing there.

Finally, the staff pointed to the stage, and we both went up. After greeting everyone again and introducing ourselves, "Hello everyone, I'm Alaya Sheikh, also the owner of Aya." "Good day, everyone. I'm Alex Müller, son of John Müller and today I'll be representing Müller corporates." It was my turn to speak again, and I told them how I worked on the interior and exterior of the building, and soon Alex spoke his turn about how Müller was in charge of the main construction.

Soon, after the speech, lunch was served to all the guests since it was a daytime event. In all the work, I decided to hide behind the stage, I was so tired. "That was great work," I heard, "thanks, Alex," I said, still closing my eyes. "Now about the shoes," I opened my eyes to look at him. "Alex, you know i hate receiving gifts, and don't forget that we're business partners, nothing else," i said, sounding really pissed with him. "But i thought we were friends, even before you left Germany, " "Gosh, Alex, i wasn't friedns with you then either, i hust smiled and talked like a nice person. And we were both friends with Sarah. I hung out with her." "Okay, im sorry if i offended you, but you could give me a chance?"

"Alex, I'm done here, I'm going to check in with the guests." I got up and left, I wasn't going to deal with him anymore than I have to. I originally joined this project because I thought Mr Müller would be working, I didn't think Alex would join. Heck, I didn't even know he was Müller.

After what felt like hours of standing and talking, it was time for me to go home. It was only 3 in the afternoon, but I was happy to get out of here. The event ended successfully, and after I had instructed the team, I took a taxi to my company to get my things before I go home.

Paying the taxi, I got outside the car, I was in the elevator when my phone was vibrating because of a call. I picked it up, and I instantly heard a child crying.

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