𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢- 𝚎𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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- Alaya - 

Once again, I lost the chance to tell him, how I feel, but it was the only right thing to do, otherwise he wouldn't leave me, he wouldn't go back to his father who needed him, and I wouldn't want to be a reason to stop a father and son from meeting, and with a heavy heart, this is the only thing I could do. 

It's been a month, I haven't heard anything from him, maybe it's the best for him. I wanted to call him or text at times, but I had held myself back. He needed to put his attention and concentration there. I just hope this is all for the best.

I was finishing a sketch when Ally came into my office. "Miss, someone is here to see you." "who is it?" "Mr. Alex Muller" I looked up confused, "why is he here?" "I'm not sure miss, but he refuses to leave until you don't meet with him." "Fine, I'll meet with him. Where is he?" "In the meeting room." I  thanked her and headed to the meeting room. 

Entering the room, I sat in front of him, "Can I help you?" "My my, someone has changed." "Alex, what is your problem? Why are you here?" "I came to see you." "Alex, this needs to stop. You can't follow me. Show up at my office." "Then just agree to me, be mine." "What is wrong with you, I've already told you, I don't want to-" "-it's because you're with that CEO of Ali company." "Why does that matter who I'm with, leave me alone, or else. Or else I'll call the police." "But Alaya, all I want is you, don't you get it, I love you, I want to be with you." "Alex, leave before I really call the police, walk out yourself." "Alaya, you'll regret rejecting me." "that's it." I called security and told them to bring him out. 

Taking a sigh of relief, what is wrong with him, his behavior is getting worse every day. I can't expect what he could do next. I went to the design studio to start sewing my new line, I needed to busy myself with work, and this would be the perfect way. 

- °•○•°-
I was so busy with work that I didn't even notice it was almost half 8 at night. Everyone had already called it a day, and I was the only one left. I decided to call it a day, too. Packing my things, I headed to the parking to get my car. I had started driving home when I noticed a black car following me for so long through my car window. 'Is it a coincidence?' To test my theory, I took a random left turn, then a random right turn, then a random right again. For a moment, I was relieved that it wasn't following me, but when I looked again, it was still following me. I started feeling anxious, and I decided to drive to the police station. The car had followed me until I was 2 meters away from the station. The car took a random turn and disappeared, I think it realized I was coming here. I rushed into the police station asking for help, but it was useless, the police said, since I didn't any proof of a car following me they couldn't help, and it was too dark to tell much about the car except the color of the car and they said that would be useless.  

Still feeling anxious, I went back to my car and decided to drive back home, hoping the whole way it didn't follow me. I kept looking through my rear window, looking for the black car. Thankfully, I didn't see it. Taking a breath of relief, I parked at home, I walked up to the front door and started looking in my bag for my keys, I was searching for them when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pinch on my neck, I turned to see someone masked behind me, before I could react, I felt myself loose consciousness. The last thing I remembered was being thrown into a car. 


I felt a sudden splash of water hit my face, waking me up. Taking a deep breath, I got up. Looking around, my hands and feet were tied up, and I was in some empty room. I looked up to see a masked man with a bucket of water standing in front of me. He was probably the same man who brought me here. "What is your problem? Why am I here?" I asked, looking at him. 

"Because I asked him to bring you here." I heard a voice say, as the two guards moved and reviled the man I didn't expect to see. "Alex," "the one and only." "you have completely lost it. Why would you kidnap me." "Simple, you didn't voluntarily be with me, so I had to forcefully have you." "You're mad." "mad for you, yes." he said, closing the distance between us. "But this way, you won't be able to leave me." he said, his finger tracing my jaw, "you'll be all mine" she whispered in my ear, feeling disgusted, I spit on his face, he went back, "I'll never be yours jerk."

"& you clearly don't have a choice. I have work for tonight, so you're lucky today, but I'm not sure about tomorrow." He kissed my cheek and left the room, the men followed behind. Looking around, I felt so hopeless, I didn't have any way to leave, and this monster would take me. The only thing I could now was shed tears to help me feel empty. 

I don't know how long I had been crying for. A masked man entered the room again. He put a tray of food in front of me, then went to tie my hands. "Alex said to make sure you eat, or else." He warned and left the room. I started at the food for a while, and suddenly I felt a vibration in my pocket, I reached in and found my phone. They didn't take it? it was hidden in my inside pockets, I didn't know of it until it had vibrated. I quickly tried calling the police, but the call didn't ring through, shit ,what would I do now. I tried calling other people, but none of the calls went, though. I was about to call Harris when someone barged in.  They saw the phone I tried hiding, but it was too late, Alex stomped towards me, snatching the phone, trying to call your husband, mm?" I looked away, "Don't worry, I'll call him for you." He said. Before he did, he called another man in and got my hands tied up again, then tossed me on the bed.  Alex started approaching me, with his dark eyes, "Alex, what are you doing?" I managed to whisper. "Taking what's mine, oh and don't worry, I'll call your husband. He should see his wife scream and cry under a man she deserves." " lex, please don't, please." I couldn't hold myself in front of him. My tears streamed as he called Harris on his phone. 

The phone rang a couple of times before it was picked up, "Hello" "What do you want Mr. Muller?" I heard Harris's irritated voice, "you seem so upset that I have called you, I wanted to just let you know I have your wife." Alex spoke. "What?" came Harris's disbelieved voice. "I knew you wouldn't believe me. Here she is." he said, pointing the camera at me. "Alaya," his voice whispered my name.
"Don't you dare even lay a finger on her." He shouted, "Mm, right? " he mocked Harris,   he his hands made his way to my hijab, pulling it aggressively, making my hijab fall apart. "Get away from here, you bastard." He was approaching me again when there was a knock on the door. A young man stood at the door, looking unbothered by the situation.

"Mr. Alex, your father has been calling you for so long. He asks to meet you in his office." He said. Alex grunted at him. He ended his call with Harris, and he turned to look at me. "You were lucky this time, sweetheart." I turned my head away in disgust.

He got up and left, not sparing me another glance. I was so grateful, I was safe for now from him. My hands were still tied, my hijab was on the floor, I was feeling overwhelmed, I wanted to get away from here. I moved into the small corner in the room. HoHopingo disappeared from the face of this world. 

I didn't even get to tell Harris how much I missed him right now, I wish I could go back and call him. And my family. Thinking about everyone made me cry even harder. What was going to happen to me now, Harris wouldn't want me, my family would call me a disgrace. I would be lost here, with a dirty character.

I wept and wept for so long, my eyes burning for how I had cried for. I wanted to get out of here. I prayed as I cried. "Please A, lah. Help me get out of here. Please save."

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