𝙴𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝

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- Alaya- 

-present day- 

"I'm seriously not going to talk to you anymore, how can you not come to your own friends wedding" "I'm sorry Samia, I would come but I'm stuck here and really can't make it" "okay, I can only ask" "I'm sorry, I'll make it up, I just can't come" "it's fine, I know you've went though a lot" "say congrats to Mr. groom for me, I'll send your presents soon" "but the present I want is a 5'5 best friend named Alaya" I laughed at her, "send me pictures soon, and maybe come to Germany for you're honeymoon" "sure" "Samia, I'll talk to you later, my bus is about to stop" "okay, talk to you later". I tucked my phone back into my pocket. I remembered the day Samia said she wouldn't ever marry. She really took her words back.

- a year ago -

"Hello," I answered my phone without checking the caller, I was too tired, "Don't tell me you're still asleep." "Who is this?" "Who is this! WhO iS tHiS?!, I'll be at your house in 1 minute, " and with that, she cut the call, I think I fell asleep late last night, washing my favorite kdrama lately. I checked the time 9, she's half an hour early, I turned around in bed, when I heard loud banging on the door. I slowly got up and opened the door so see a disturbed Harris and an angry Samia, "I knew it, you were watching that show again" "I got bored" I said as Samia came into my room and closed the door, "so, is that him?" "Who else would I be living with?"Oh, his looks and his personality don't match, he threatened to call the police on me."  "And what did you say to him?" "I told him to be careful, if hurts you he gets hurts" "umm, I'm going to go change, sure" I picked out a simple oversized jumper and jeans and went to change and get ready for the day. I came out and fixed my hijab and grabbed my bag, "no breakfast" "I don't fell hungry" "right, I'm stopping by Starbucks, goodness knows if you're husband feeds you or not" "hahah, he isn't that cruel" "babe, you've only known him for around a week, he turned out to be a jerk, who knows how much of a bigger jerk he is" I shrugged and put on my shoes, we soon left and started our day.


"I really regret not eating right now. I thought we were going to have breakfast, but now it's almost lunch " I walked with Samia as we both held many bags, Samia bought me so many things as a wedding gift and I felt bad so I bought her things too, "okay okay, there's a halal bakery and café there" she pointed a little cute shop a few steps away. We both went and ordered a cake and drinks and sat down at a little booth. 

"my legs hurt so much" "we still have more left" "Samia, what am I going to do with all this stuff, I can wear the hijabs and dresses, but what am I going to do with all this makeup, I can't even do mine properly" "you'll learn, hey by the way, the guy two tables down keeps looking our way, don't make it obvious" I did anything but not make it obvious, I looked and  it was Atif, we made eye contact and he made his way to our table and sat down with his drink, "miss Alaya, nice to see you here" "same" I said smiling. "I've been trying to call you, but I haven't been able to reach you " "oh, that's weird, I didn't get any calls" "are you able to work for our company, I will be. I'll just to review the project and sign a contract-" I was talking to him when I noticed his attention wasn't on me but at my best friend sitting in front of me, he didn't even notice that I had stopped talking, I knocked on the table in front of him to get his attention, "huh" "here's my phone, why don't you type down you're phone number and tell you when I'm free" he nodded and typed his number, when he did, I gave him a missed call to make sure it was right. He was still sitting at our table, but Samia was too busy on her phone to realize he was staring at her. "this is my best friend Samia, Samia this is Atif, he's a COO of an company" "nice to meet you" he says almost like bowing, she looked between me and him, "nice to see you too. Um Alaya, we have reservations at a restaurant, we don't want to be late. " Before I could say something, she pulled me out of the bakery. 

"What was that for, the poor guy looks interested?" "If he's that interested, he'll come home and ask for my hand. For now, my dear friend, you'll be working with him, keep an eye on him. Your observation will either get us married or separated, " she said in a dramatic way, "you're watching way too many movies these days. Now what about the dinner reservations? " "Right, let's go or we'll be late. " 

We headed to a new halal restaurant that opened up and then had bubble tea as we walked in the park. "So what are your plans next?" I asked her, "I have a few interviews soon, but they're all in different cites so, I'll be out of the city from week to week, how about you still doing projects?"They're less stressful than working full time, and I still get paid a good amount, so in no time I start my own business." We carried on talking until it started getting really late, and told her we should get home now.

When I got home, it was almost half 9. I quietly opened the door to, the lights of the house were all off, maybe he wasn't home yet, I headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water before I go to my room, as I turned around, *SMASH* 

"What are you doing here?" I asked Harris, who had stepped back after the glass fell, "did you just get home now?" "yea-ugh, " I did notice and had moved my foot on glass. He looked down to see my foot, I was wearing white socks, which were red now due to the blood. "Alaya, gosh." He quickly picked me up and put me on the counter away from where the glass had fallen. He didn't say anything but carefully took off my sock and started looking at my foot. He had turned to the other cabinets in the kitchen and took out a first-aid kit. He looked back at my foot, I was too busy looking at his worried expression that I wasn't even thinking about my pain. 

"that's going to leave a scar" I heard him talked to himself as he cleaned the wound, "this might hurt a bit" he was right, it hurt a lot as he was cleaning it was the antibacterial wipes. I ended up clutching to his arm as I winced in pain. He continued to clean my wound and then bandage it, like he had many years of doing it. After bandaging it up, he kept me sitting there as he got a broom and started swiping away the glass. Once done, he helped me get down. I let out a simple "thanks," and he just nodded. I started walking away when I grimaced at the step I had taken. It was so painful I had to hold on to the wall beside me. 

I was making slow progress as I started walking away from him. I was about to get to the staircase when suddenly I wasn't on my feet anymore. He was carrying me, "What are you doing?" "you were taking too long" "oh, I'm sorry I can't walk on my two feet" "be nice I can drop you" "I dare you" but he didn't he stopped outside my door and slowly put me down. Call me if you need any help. Before I turned away, he took my phone from my pocket, typed something, and then put it back into my pocket. "My number's saved now." "jeez thanks" 

I turned and entered the room, gosh why is my heart beating too fast, 'why are you beating too fast" I had went into the bathroom and started my wudu, I had to take off my bandage since I had to do my wudu, it was painful but I had managed. I brought myself to my prayer mat and started praying. I was in my last few prayers when there was a knock on the door. I couldn't answer since I was praying. I heard my door open and close. I refocused on my prayer, and when I finished, I prayed and got up to put my prayer mat away when I saw Harris sitting at the edge of the bed. He looked so lost so mindless. 

I let out a fake cough which brought him out of his daze, "Sorry, I was here to give you some pain killers." "Not poising pills, I'm surprised, Mr. Harris, how the quick change?"Sadly, not poising pills, the most they can do this put you to sleep." He joked back as I took off my shawl and was getting ready for bed. "You took off your bandage." "I had to do my wudu," I said as I pointed at the bandage on the side desk. He picked it up and went to the end of my bed. Pulling my foot on top of his lap and started wrapping it again, "You don't- have to." I managed to say feeling bad. "it's fine, it's been a while since I've last bandaged." "What do you mean?" I realized I asked that. "It's not fun bandaging yourself but you learn well to help others" He also noticed we were talking too civilly, "go to sleep" he said coldly like always and closed the light as he left the room. 

If he really is this nice and caring, I hope he doesn't carry this on with me, I don't know how long my stupid heart will last against this, I thought as I laid down to sleep. 


What do y'all think of this? 

Do you think Harris is really nice?

What did Harris mean when he said "It's not fun bandaging yourself but you learn well to help others"

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