𝙾𝚗𝚎 - 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐

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"I guess you were right, I mean nothing to you even until now, but it's fine now, you won't have to worry about me, live life like you wanted to. Goodbye" and saying that I turned and made my way out of the house for hopefully my last time. 

After much controlling myself, I managed to drive myself to my parents home, gathering the last amount of energy I had left, I opened the door and came inside. Mama baba were having tea, one look at me and they could tell something was wrong with me, "Alaya dear are you okay, did something happen?" but I didn't have the energy to answer, I dragged myself to my old room, the room I had spent years decorating, my comfort place, but now it was nothing but 'old'. I took out my suitcase and began packing my things. 

My parents watching my actions but both of them keeping quiet, until mama spoke again, "beta, tell us what happened, please, did something happen between you and Harris, did you guys argue?" I left a sad chuckle, "what is there to happen between us, we were both strangers forced to marry each other and still were living as strangers. Strangers that were never meant to be" I managed to voice out. "wat do you mean Alaya, you should gone through with it, it was probably a bit of arguing and you just left" baba said in a disappointment voice, and that was all to break me down.

" no baba, it wasnt just a little bit of arguing, it was toruture from the first day, and not everyone is like mama to go through the pain and suffer until the end of their time, since the day you married me to him, I have suffered everyday, everyday for months now, and you expect me to just go through it. I was never fully confident in getting married and you were the reason, I always hated the idea of relationships, because all growling I have seen it, everyone in this life wants a happy life, but I didn't get that, neither growing up nor now." I said continuing to pack, "but beta, I thought you also satrted kikijg him, you should have compromised a bit." mama tried reasoning with me, "compromise, you're asking me that. After everything, I was the one to suffer, I did everything I could. I guess I really am a disappointment to you guys. But now that won't be an issue either"

They both stayed quiet while I finished packing my things. "I just wanted to let you know, that I have left that house, and will be staying some where else", they both looked up at me and then looked at each other, as I was walking to the door, mama tried stopping me, "beta, just stay here, at your home", I felt bad for hurting her, but I was too broken myself right now, "but mama, I was always told that daughter's are guests at their father's home, so this is also a house for me. I will look for my own home now. But leave this, you take care of yourself, I'll try calling when I can" without any other words I left my first house.

I sat in the car, trying to piece myself together for just a bit more, I have to stay strong I kept telling myself, I sat in my car. Looking at my house for probably the last time, the house that had many memories, hurtful ones and some nice ones. I mentally thanked myself that I came at this time, Hiba was at school, or else it would have been harder to face this situation. 

I parked my car outside Samia's house, since she was at work, I gave her mother the keys of my car and a letter. I took a taxi and made my way to the airport, maybe it was best leaving everything here behind. I 'm not going to loose anything now, I've already lost too much. 

Boarding my plane and finding my seat, my phone pinged and showed me a notification, it was Atif's text,

Atif: all the arrangements are done, I wish you luck in the future, hopefully you can forget this past and move on.

Moving on was the easy part, but forgetting your past, I don't plan on doing that, there's so much I've learned from my hardships and sufferings to jus forget. I'll take it as my chance to learn from it and never repeat it again. 

Landing in Germany after many years felt great, I missed everything, and now hopefully it'llall be normal. Coming out of the airport,  I found the driver that was supposed to pick me from the airport. "miss Alaya, this way". Taking my luggage I made my way in side the car. 

I arrived at the place I was going to be staying at, at least until I figure out what I'll be doing with myself. Thanking the driver and getting the keys, I made my way inside the apartment complex. Standing outside the apartment, I swung opened the door and put my bag in. 

The apartment was a simple and modern little place. It had all the things I would need, the kitchen was connected to the sitting room, and inside their were two bedrooms and a bathroom. It also had a balcony that had a great view, but although this place was beautiful, something made it impossibly uncomfortable , I felt as if I was going to suffocate. I grabbed my phone and keys and made way out. I wasn't really sure of where I was but it was less suffocating outside than inside. 

After half an hour of walking around,  I decided to go back to my apartment. I was almost on my way back when I tripped and fell, I heard a few people asking me something, but my mouth couldn't open for me to respond. Slowly I felt everything around me swirl until everything went dark.

- °•○● - 

I felt my muscles aching, my body sore, after a while of trying, I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light, I woke up some where. A bed which I was laying on, a chair beside it, I has being given IV drips and was connected to a few machines. I was in the hospital, looking around, there were more beds, but they were all empty. 

I was lost in thought when the door slid open and reveling a female doctor, wearing a hijab and in scrubs, she looked probably in her early thirties. "how are you feeling now" she asked sitting on the chair beside my bed" "much better now thanks" "that's good, I'm doctor Romessa by the way" "nice to meet you, I'm Alaya"

"so Alaya is everything alright?" "excuse me?" "Alaya I'm not asking as a doctor but as maybe a friend or an older sister, listen it might be weird of me asking all of a sudden but, your tests show that you haven't eaten in a few days too, by the look of your pale face, you haven't been able to sleep either , you look like you're under huge  amounts of stress, and by all the mumbling and the things I could make out from your sleep talking, I just want to make sure you're okay?" "is it alright of I call you api ?" she nodded, "I imagine if I had a elder sister, she would look like you, where are you from?" "my parents are from Pakistan, I am Ireland" "I see, my parents are also from Pakistan, I was born here and lived here for most my life until one or two years ago when all that changed" "when you're ready to talk we'll talk okay?" I nodded, "you'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, maybe you would like to visit my home then?" She held a hopeful smile. "Of course"


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