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- Alaya -
That day, after Harris had arrived home, I got my laptop from him, looked over the presentation, and forwarded it to Harris and Atif. Since this is the main presentation to convince Mr. Kim to join Ali Enterprise. There are a few things that are going to be edited afterward.

After arriving home, I quickly made dinner, and it was getting late, so I decided to pray Magrib before anything else. I was in my last raakat when I heard loud noises. Why are there always noises? I tried to put all my attention on praying when the door of my room was banged really loudly, I continued praying, and the banging continued, I was almost done when I felt someone enter my room. I quickly finished my prayer and turned to see no other than a furious Harris. I ignored him as I finished my dua and picked up my prayer mat. As I was putting it away, he vigorously grabbed my arm, it was with such force, I felt as if my arm was going to start bleeding, I looked up with tears in my eyes, only to meet his raged fill eyes.

"Let go of my arm right now." "Or else what?" "Harris, don't test my patience, let go" "i won't, you're the reason for all my problems" "what are you talking about" "don't play innocent with me, but i guess you cant help it since you are a gold digger" I looked at with widened eyes "why is it a shock to you, you married me for money even when i told you i liked Maria, and I'm sure you sold the information for money now too" I still slowly taking everything in, "what are saying right now" I tried voicing sternly, "gosh, im talking about you, YOU STOLE MY COMPANY INFORMATION AND INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT THAT IS IMPORTANT TO ME AND SOLD IT!"

His grip went from my arm to my shoulder, shaking me violently and continued shouting and I was in shock, "but i guess that was expected from a gold digger, what else are you huh, a-" "not another word, I will not let you insult me and judge my character" "and why is that huh? Beacuse you are one. I don't know why I'm married to you, you mean noting to me, nothing" "i guess you have really lost your vision of who is who after you started spending time with Maria" as soon as I said that, his hands grabbed my chin, adding pressure, "you don't get to talk about her with your filthy mouth" I was getting mad and I knew arguing back wouldn't help me get anywhere, "if this is about your project, I have no idea what you're talking about" "I've been tipped that someone has our presentation,  and will be presenting it for Mr. Kim, tomorrow. If I lose the project, it won't be good for you." "We'll see about that. Just show up to the presentation tomorrow." He

He narrowed his eyes while he stood in the middle of my room, I couldn't take his presence and locked myself in the bathroom. I couldn't believe he would do and say all this. I looked at myself in the mirror, feeling disappointed with myself, lonely and lost. My family wants me to keep my relationship going, and here, the man who is supposed to treat me at least like a human is not doing that either. I don't know how long I had spent in the bathroom, I wasn't crying, yet I felt tired and my eyes were burning, but I couldn't make myself cry. With a heavy heart, I managed to turn in for the night.

The next morning, I woke up with a sudden plan. It was stupid and reckless, but I was tired of this. I wanted more than this. Yes, this isn't the solution, but all I've seen growing up and going through it myself. I've decided this is better than anything else, for everyone's sake, and mine.

I started tidying my things away, and then started getting ready for the meeting, while getting ready, I was thinking of how fast three months have gone by, and alhumdulillah I had delt with another business.

I went for a comfortable look, blank pants, black turtle neck, and  black hijab, and paired it with a printed brown blazer. It was only half 7, after getting ready. I packed my laptop and got ready to leave. I needed to sort out some things by the evening.

I left for work, I had texted Atif, that I would meet up with him before the meeting. After doing some of my errands, I arrived at work at half 8.

"Are you sure?" He asked me for the 10th time in the past 20 minutes. "I am." "He hurt you, didn't he?" "How did you know?" I asked lowly. "You can see the bruise on your face," I chuckled, "can you do it for me?" "I'll have it done and text you." "Thanks. And please don't tell Samia, I'll tell her myself." He nodded. "Let's get to the meeting. There's only 5 minutes.

When I walked into the meeting room, everyone was almost there. We were just missing the CEO of the other company. I looked in my bag to look for my laptop, I forgot it in Atif's office. I told Atif I'd be right back. He told me to hurry up as I left.

Shit. There was like a minute left until the meeting started, I got my laptop and was turning down the corridor when two voices stopped me, "Are you sure you deleted them?" "Baby, I did like you asked me too" "yea, but I don't want them to show up and tell them we stole it from them" "don't worry, even if someone suspects, they'll have no proof, plus that Harris is such an idiot" "good. Let's get back to the meeting then. " I looked around the corridor to see Maria and her fiancée, what was he doing here ? What what were they talking about.

I had a hunch of what they were talking about. I was going to be late to this meeting, but whatever scheme they were cooking, I was going to burn it.

After a quick look over the presentation and my laptop, I walked into the meeting room, where everyone was seated and looked like they were waiting for someone. "Ms. Alaya?" Mr. kim asked as I walked towards my seat, I nodded. I looked around and looked like I was the last one.

I took my seat, and we began the presentation. Mr. Freeman, who also turned out to be Maria's fiancée, handed 'his' presentation booklet. I got up and handed him my presentation booklet. For at least a minute, he kept looking between both booklets. "Is there a problem?" Atif asked. Mr. Kim spoke up, "Um, is this some type of joke? Why am i given two of the same?" He demanded, getting mad.

Mr Freeman decided to butt in, "Mr.kim this is all Ali's doing. His people stole our project idea. " Mr. Kim turned to look at Harris, who was busy glaring at me. I guess it's show time.

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