𝚃𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢- 𝚘𝚗𝚎 - 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚎?

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- Alaya -

Today was Tuesday, but since I didn't have that much work on Tuesday, I decided it was finally time to pay a visit to my family.

I wanted to talk to them about this situation and hopefully get out of it. I don't think I could last another while here, especially with him.

After Harris had left, I decided to leave around half 10. Thankfully, by then, Samia had the car delivered, so I drove my new car home. Of course I wish it was, growing up, I was always told that girls are guests at their home, but once they're married, they are told that their married homes aren't homes for them. I really hated that thinking growing up, and still I question which is my home.

I parked my car and rang the doorbell. The door opened and revealed my younger sister, "api ? You're here?" She practically jumped into my arms and had the longest hug ever. "How are you, and why haven't you visited at all?" "Sorry Hiba, I've been so busy. But I made sure to call and text" "not enough, ypu know how much he'll I had to suffer" "really now?" "OK, maybe not that bad, but I still missed you so much." "Me too. Where's everyone? It's so quiet."

"Mama baba are inside. They don't know you're here." "Okay, let's go in." we walked into the living room, and Mama tan up and hugged me. Baba just nodded to me from afar.

For mist the afternoon, I spent the whole time talking to Hiba and Mama about the most random things.

It was after dinner when Baba said something to Mama, which made her feel concerned. After Baab headed to his room, Mama came and sat with me and Hiba.

"Hiba beta, why don't you go up and pray?" "But -" "Hiba," Mama said in a strict tone. "Well, I guess that's my cue to leave." Once Hiba had gone, Mama looked at me concerned. "Is eberyhtkng okay, Mama?"Everything is fine here, but what about you? You look tried and pale. Is everything okay with you?"

'This is my chance to tell her and to leave that he'll hole'

"Mama, I don't want to stay their anymore." she looked at me in confusion, "What do you mean?" "Mama, im not happy there, Harris - he doesn't treat me right" "beta, its not even been a year of you two getting married, you just need time" "mama, that isn't it, he's-" "stop. This is something between a husband and wife. You guys just need to spend time with each other." "But-" "no buts, what time are you heading home?" This time, it was Baba, entering the living room as he joined the conversation.

He doesn't want me here either, "Can I not stay in my room?" "No, you're married now. You need to live with your husband, no matter what." "No matter what?" "Yes" I looked at my watch. It was almost half 7, and they didn't want me here.

"I'm leaving in a bit. I don't want to disturb you guys." I picked up my bag and headed to Hiba's room to say bye to her.

*knock* *knock*
"Hey, I'm leaving now," I said, entering her room, "already? Shouldn't you stay over? You haven't come over since you got married. " "Don't worry, I'll visit soon, goodbye hug?" She got up and ran to hug me. In the process, she grabbed my arm, which I had burnt. The sudden pressure with the bandage made me whince in pain, Hina also noticed this and looked at my sleeved arm.

Tears had formed from the sudden pain. She held my arm and lifted up my sleeve to see the bandaged arm, "Api, what happened?" "Oh, it's nothing serious, I just burnt myself." "api, I know you, you aren't this clumsy. I'm telling Mama and Baba. " "Hiba wait -" Hiba didn't listen. She started walking over to Mama and Baba.

"Have you seen Api's arm? It looks bad, and I'm sure it has something to do with Harris, bhai." I stood behind her as she confronted our parents. Baba looked straight at me, at my arm that in front of then then back at me, "Alaya, what did you tell your sister?" "Nothing baba" "Hiba, this has nothing to do with you. This is between husband and wife." "Baba, Api is in pain, and you won't say anything? What if she comes home with more bruises and burns?" "This is between her and her husband. She can bear a bit." "I am bareing it, everyday living with him, but if this is the way you react when I'm in pain and like this, then there is no point of trying to ask your help or anything" I spoke out. I wiped my tears and walked out of the house and got into the car. Right now, I just wanted to get out of here and end up anywhere.

I drove myself to the closest shopping mall since I really didn't know where to be. Might as well cool myself down with some window shopping. For the next three to four hours, I spent most of my time looking around. I found the cutest pair of heels and shoes and spent way too long in the book shop.

I looked at my watch after I had walked for quite a while now, *7.54*
I should start making my way home now since it's late and almost closing time.

I started going down the escalator to leave the shopping mall. I was minding my business when suddenly I heard someone screaming in excitement and people clapping. As I got off the escalator and walked toward the crowd of people, I saw a man hugging a women, behind them, there was a 'will you marry me?' sign. I awed with adoration with the cute couple enjoying their moments. Just as the couple pulled apart, I was shocked to see who it was.

I wonder who it could be?
This is kinda a short chapter but u hope you guys still enjoyed.

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