𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗 - 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐

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Harris - 

I woke up from my phone ringing, my head was throbbing, I got up to see I was only in my pants, I saw Maria sleeping beside me, we were in a hotel. I thought I drifted back to my phone that continuously rang, I looked at the time. It was almost 9. I picked up Atif's call, "where the hell are you, we have a meeting remember" "I'm on my way, just try to buy me at least 10 more minutes" "I'll see what I can do" I quickly called my assistant and asked him to send some fresh clothes over to the hotel room.

I quickly took a shower and changed into new clothes. "are you leaving babe" I saw Maria get up and put on a robe, "yea, a meeting" "oh okay, thanks for the great night" she winked, "I kissed her check, "see you later" "mm" 

I quickly went to my car and speeded my way to my office, I checked the time *9.05* I rushed off to the meeting room. I got my laptop from my assistant and went into the meeting room, "Sorry I'm late, I got stuck somewhere." I looked at her as we locked eyes, "Alaya?" "Harris. " We were both looking at each other. 

Atif was the one to break the silence, "You guys know each other." Let's just say that," Alaya responded to him, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Harris, " she said, sticking her hand out for me to shake, "same here, Ms. Alaya" "Atif, has told be all about your project, I will work on it for the next 3 months until the due date, we have signed and have made an agreement. I hope you have already had a look over it. " I just hummed at her question. "We will also try have a meeting every 2 weeks, where I can update you on my work" "that's settled, Atif is her work space ready" "yea, my assistant recently went on leave for a few months, so you could have her desk" "great, let's not waste time" She quickly packed her things and both her and Atif went to his office. 

I internally laughed at my situation, Alaya working for me for my very important project that costs everything for my company. I went back to my office to start working on the different parts of the project. 

"What the hell was that?"Atif asked as he walked in, "You didn't knock, "and you didn't answer my question. How do you know her?"If you're that interested in knowing, she's my wife." "Funny. " "I'm not joking."  "Wait, really, when? how?" I got married to her around a month ago."And I wasn't invited?"This wedding doesn't mean much to me." "What do you mean?" he asked, sitting down. The conversation was leading into a danger zone now, "I've been forced to marry here or else my CEO position would be removed. But don't worry,  I've already told her I'm not interested in her and that I like Maria. " "YOU DID WHAT!" he shouted getting up form his seat, "exactly what I said" "who does that, and does she know about the CEO part" "I didn't tell her the rest" "careful Harris, Karma is real, and it will come back" "yea sure, where is she now" "in my office" and saying that he got up and left my office. 

I didn't see him in lunch, which we normally had together. I headed down to the cafeteria when I saw Alaya sitting down at a table with Atif. I was getting food, but all my attention and focus was on them. Atif had said something that made Alaya laugh, 'what is she laughing about', but why the hell am I so curious what they are talking about, they could go do whatever and I wouldn't care. 

Before I could think I found myself, I had texted my assistant to let her know to call Atif and tell him about the meeting that is taking place in 5 minutes, I was watching them, as Atif picked up his phone and then said something to Alaya and then left the table. I made my way to the table and sat down in front of Alaya, She looked at me for a minute and then went back, looking at her food. "We can start looking at the main files for the project after lunch." "Okay sir," she said, still looking down. "I'm done lunch here, I'll get going first," and saying that, she got up and left the table. 'Great, why did I come here in the first place'

After lunch, I had asked her to see my office, she came without arguing and went through the files, "I think the work will be done by the due date, we'll just have to work constantly" "mm sure". She excused herself and went back to his office. 

The whole day I couldn't focus on my work, I ended up doing rounds and every time I would see Alaya talking with Atif or laughing with him, which made my blood boil, 'why was she so nice with him, laughing with him, she doesn't even give me look'

 It was the end of the day, everyone was gone home except for some people, even she didn't go home yet, I had parked my car in the reserved space in front of the building and could see when anyone left or entered. after what felt like half an hour of waiting, she finally came out talking to my assistant, they waved to each other and then she went to her car and drove home, while I drove behind her, we got home at the same time. By the time I had parked my car,  she had already opened the door and went inside. 

The same continued on for days, Alaya would work with Atif, Harris would get no work done, and she would completely ignore him unless it was something important and work related.

 It was getting annoyed. How can my own wife ignore me. "Nina, tell Atif you will be working in his room since he has a meeting in a few days and will need you're help" "Yes sir, what about Ms. Alaya?" "move all her things here, I'm giving you lunch to do it" "yes sir" and she dashed out of my office, by the end of lunch, Alaya marched into my office with an annoyed face, she stood in front of my desk, "why am I moved here" "why is there a problem" "yes, yes there is, I don't want to work here, I'm fine working with Atif" "so you're okay with other men but can't work with your husband" "last I checked, you didn't want to be my husband, so why call yourself that now" I got up right in front of her, closing our distant, "this is my company Alaya, I can do whatever I want" "well I don't care, I refuse to work here" "well. I. don't. give. a. damn." I said, now pushing her right against my desk, trapping her between me and the desk. She looked hot as she frowned in anger. I was looking at her face, taking in her features, her long eyelashes, her small nose, her tan skinned her plump lips, I looked back at her, 'gosh those lips looking so tempting right now'

Before I could do anything I would regret later, my phone started ringing. Alaya took this opportunity and dashed out my office after pushing me aside. I looked at my phone to look who had interrupted my moment. I picked up the phone, "What?"Your father wants you and Alaya for dinner party tonight." "we're busy." "Tell him that." "Fine, we'll be there at  half six."

Great, now Rameen aunty had invited us to dinner. I didn't know where Alaya had run off, but I know she'd be back since her bag is here , but she might purposely ignore me. I texted her about our invite and told her to be home and ready by six. She had seen the text but hadn't responded to anything back. 

I put my phone back and finished my work, as excepted, she only came back ten minutes before six with her laptop and packed her bag, I closed down all my things and we both went down to our own cars and drove home, I told her to dress black tie as there will be many people there so we both went into our own rooms. I had dressed in a black suit with my watch, I headed downstairs, as I waited for her, half a few minutes after me she came downstairs, wearing a black saree and looking absolutely radiant and divine, her black hijab done, her makeup making her look more breath-taking and her slender figure that was covered in the saree. she was wearing heels and was still a few inches smaller than me. 

She stood closer to me, and I could smell her rose fragrance hitting my nose and her red lips looking inviting. "Are you ready?" "huh- yea, let's go, " we started walking to the car.  We both went to the venue and were greeted by people, we both went and found our parents, I had seen people wishing them, I had forgotten it was their wedding anniversary. Alaya and I both went up to my parents and greeted them. 


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