So it begins

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"This is going to be interesting" Arthur said as Roelynn was told to go onto the football field. Lately Roe had been alot to handle, running around barefoot, getting into fights. So I decided that she should occupy herself with some sports, beside riding Blue-eye around. But up untill now none of the sports she tried, was a success. Somehow I also had a feeling this football match was not going to end well either. Not only considering the fact she was the only girl on the field. But also because she does not want to be here. "Go get them, Roe!" Arthur yelled as we watched her run after the ball. But then an opponent player came and tackled her off her feet. "Dear lord" Ms Honey gasped seeing how hard Roe fell onto the ground, "she's okay. Its part of the sport" I told her before turning to yell at Roelynn "brush it off and lets go". Roe stood up before running after the ball again. Apperantly the boy was not fond of having her on the field, especially when Roelynn had the ball and was about to score a goal. So, the boy tackled her once again before taking off with the ball to the opposite side of the field. This was a harder one and even the coach started to yell at the referee that it was a harsh move and the match was put to a halt. All the while I watched Roelynn get up to her feet. "Oh here we go" I said with a sigh as we watched Roelynn take off running towards the boy. "Shelby!" The coach called trying to stop her but it was to late. She had already made up her mind. Roe tackled the boy to the ground before sitting on top of him and hitting him. "Eat dirt! Eat it" she screamed and pushed his face into the dirt. "Kick his ass!" John and Arthur yelled, "don't encourage her" Ms Honey snapped, "Tommy, do something" she then told me, "she's winning, Hayley" Arthur replied to Ms Honey and you could hear he was having a great time watching his niece beat up a boy. "Does it taste good? Huh!" Roelynn mocked at the boy. "You're going to cry? Do it! cry!". "Roelynn Shelby, you stop beating up that boy right now!" Hayley screamed at her, making John and Arthur laugh. Ms Honey or Hayley, soon realized I was not going to do something about it and stood up herself. Before walking towards the field like a mother about to scold her child. In my opinion Roelynn should have a mother figure and considering Roe doesn't really get along with Lizzie. I had approached Hayley and asked if she wanted to become a God Mother for Roelynn. She happily agreed. Altough Hayley doesn't live with us, Roelynn sometimes goes home with her after school whenever I work later or am out of town. Me and my brothers watched her walk up to Roe before pulling her off the boy.

"Kicked out of your first ever football match because you beat up a kid" Arthur said as we walked towards the car, "thanks uncle Arthur" Roelynn replied with a smile, "we are not seriously rewarding her for violence?" Hayley questioned, "come on. She's a Shelby, violence comes with the name" John replied with a chuckle Hayley rolled her eyes. "So who's the boy she beat up anyway?" John questioned eventually in curiousity, "Ansel Lee" Roelynn simply shrugged. All of us brothers gave each other a look. Ansel Lee, the youngest child of Zilpha Lee, matriach of the Lee family.

Published: 5th of March 2023

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