A cure for sleep

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(Roelynn's P.O.V.)
I looked up from the piece of paper in my hand and towards the door after hearing a noise. I stood completely still, not making a move at all while listening. Daddy's footsteps walked around outside of his office. Going back and forth past the door. It was late and he had clearly woken up because of something. I just hoped he wouldn't come into his office. Then the footsteps went away, towards the kitchen I believe. I let out a carefull breath. Before quickly deciding to get out of there. I shoved the piece of paper with the stable name into the pocket of my pyjama jacket. Then tiptoed towards the door. I carefully pushed the door open, making it squeek slightly. I breathed in sharply, almost as if I didn't dare to breath. But I didn't hear a sound that would tell me dad would soon arrive. So I quickly, yet carefully made my way to the stairs to go up to my room. My barefeet tapped against the hardwood floor when I crossed the hallway. I had just one foot on the stairs. "Roe?" I heard dad's voice come from behind me in a question manner. I turned my head to face my dad as he walked into the hallway.

"Why are you awake, darling?" He questioned and stopped infront of me

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"Why are you awake, darling?" He questioned and stopped infront of me. I had to think of something quickly so I wouldn't be suspicious. I couldn't say I needed to pee because there was a toilet upstairs. So I decided to go with not being able to sleep. After all, I had trouble going to sleep in the past. So it wasn't something new. "I can't sleep" I said softly. The features on his face softened. Dad sighed and rubbed his eyes but then chuckled before stretching his hand and taking my own "let's see if we can sort that out, aye". Together we make our way to the kitchen. Daddy lets go of my hand before bowing down to pick me up so he could place me onto the countertop. I watch on as he finds a mug before going to search for something else. He arrives back with two things, milk and honey. He grabs a spoon and scoops a bit of honey out of the can before handing me the spoon. Its a creme honey so you can basically lick thw honey of the spoom like a lillipop. While I was occupied by the make-shift honey lollipop, I watched as dad warms up the milk before pouring it into the mug. He finishes and turns towards me and slides the mug over. I leaned forward and handed dad the spoon that still contained some of the creme honey. While I drank the warm milk, dad began to get the remaining honey from the spoon. Nodding and humming, immediatly agreeing that the creme honey is delicious aswell.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I watched Roelynn sipping on her warm milk. And with every passing sip, I could see her become drowsier and drowsier. Untill the first yawn left her body. She soon had trouble keeping her eyes open and barely held the mug upright so she wouldn't spill any milk. "Alright" I laughed and grabbed the mug from her hands and placing it on the counter, "lets get you back to bed". I got a very sleepy nod back from Roelynn. I snaked my arm around her waist before lifting her up from the counter. Almost immediatly after hitting my shoulder with her head, Roe fell asleep. Soft snores hit my ear as I walked out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. I stopped for a moment when I realized that my office door was open. Normally the door would be closed when it was night, so I was confused why it was open. I wanted to check it out but then remembered Roelynn who moved her head slightly. So I didn't bother to find out why the door was open and just closed it before heading upstairs to bring Roe to her bed. I walked into Roelynn's room and carefully, as to not wake her, laid her down in her bed. I spotted Mr Monty at the end of her bed and grabbed him before placing him next to her. In her sleep, Roe grabbed the beloved teddy bear tightly. I watched her for a couple of seconds, seeing how realxed and at peace she was. Something she was not when being awake. It began right after I had sold Blue-Eye. The guilt began to rise in my stomach and I felt horrible. I acted on impulsive when I sold her horse. I know I should not have done it, but at the time I didn't see another option to get her to listen to other people. But now, I homestly could care less if she would fail a class or stay behind, as long as she was happy. And Roelynn would only become happy, but most of all, herself again with Blue-Eye. So tomorrow morning, I will get the most beloved horse in the stable, back to where she belongs.

Published: 9th of December 2023

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