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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
"Roe, eat your dinner. I'm not asking you again" I harshly warned her, once again. This was around the 7th time I had told her to eat. We where at dinner now for about an hour, while I had finished about 10 minutes ago. Roe, had not even eating one piece. She just pushed the vegetables and meat around. "Roelynn" I once more spoke up. Her eyes lifted up, and she glared at me. An angrily, piercing stare at me. Polly would've laughed and tell me that Roelynn held the same expression I had when I was the same age and was angry with someone. "Eat" I ordered and looked at the plate infront of her. "No" she replied with a snarky tone. "Roelynn, I am your father, so what I say goes. Now eat". "you're more like a dictator" she replied and kept pushing some potatoes around. "Just eat your food. Because you're not leaving untill that plate is empty" I said and pointed to her plate before leaning back and crossing my arms. A challenging look shined in her eyes and she lifted her hand up to the plate and pushed against it slightly. Immediatly I knew what she was gping to do. "Don't you even think about it" I warned her through gritted teeth. With a straight face and keeping her eyes locked on me, she pushed the plate slowly towards the edge of the table. Like a cat wanting to push a cup from the table. "Roe, I'm warning-". I didn't even finish my sentence and she had pushed the plate of off the table, making it clatter onto the hardwood floor, spilling the food everywhere. Immediatly my hands clenched into my fists and I had to contain myself not to explode. So I rubbed a hand through my hair and mumbling "such a hand full the last few days" in Romani. Forgetting completely that she knows Romani thanks to the Lee kids and Johny-Dogs kids. "So why don't you sell me, like you did with Blue, and buy a rabbit instead!" She snapped at me in Romani. "Atleast a rabbit would eat its fucking dinner" I said through my teeth. "Atleast a rabbit would eat its dinner" Roe mocked me, emphazing my Birmingham accent. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them back, I saw that Roe's chair was empty and she was leaving the diningroom. "Where do you think you're going?" I loudly asked her and stood up from me seat. "You didn't finish!". "You told me I wasn't going to leave untill the plate is empty. My plate is empty now" Roe simply replied. Yes, she was factually correct in saying the plate was now empty because the food had scattered over the floor after she pushed the plate from the table. But I didn't mean that the plate should be emptied like that. "Go to your room!" I told her, having enough of her snarky and sarcastic comments and back-talk. "Already going!" She yelled back.

Later that night

(Roelynn's P.O.V.)
I opened my eyes. Waking myself up from my deep sleep. I carefully got out my bed, as to not make so much noise that could wake up the house. On my tiptoes I walked to my door and softly pulled it open, preventing ot from creaking. The hallway was dark, the only light came from the full moon that shined its light through the windows. I continued to tiptoe towards the stairs to go down. The first step down, was clear. But the second one squeeked loudly. My head snapped backwards to look at daddy's room. To see if the door would open and daddy would walk out to investigate the noise. I stayed completely still, just watching the door. But never came a sign of daddy having been woken up. So I breathed out softly and continued down. I sneaked my way across the house, towards daddy's office. I quickly got inside and went ahead to search for any piece of information about Blue's buyer. A name, an address, a company name. Whatever could work, to find out where she is. I searched through the stacks of paper on his desk. Making search to keep it neatly so he wouldn't notice tomorrow morning. I searched through the draws of the desk. And the last spot was the cabinets containing files.  I pulled out the newest file which contained the latest payment to Shelby Limited company. I couldn't figure out what exactly the payment was for, but I was certain it was for Blue-Eye. Because the company that paid Shelby limited was a stable in Birmingham.

Published 1st of November 2023

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