What do I have to do?!

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(Tommy's P.O.V.)
With a fast pace, I walked towards Roelynn's school after getting a very urgent call from the school director. When I walked onto the school ground I saw an ambulance leaving, which made me curse underneath my breath. I walked into the directors office and saw Roelynn. She noticed me and immediatly looked away after seeing my stern glare. "Mr Shelby" Ms Peregrine began, catching my attention. I turned to look at her and saw her motion for me to sit across from her. "I don't know the exact circumstances yet, but it is clear that I cannot tolerate this behavior. I don't want to get ahead of things, but even I come to see that teacher Redlow's leg was not in the right position. Not at all even". I turned my head to look at Roelynn. She had now hung her head and was playing with her shirt, ignoring my gaze completely. "I'm afraid this is going to be a long-term issue. For today I think it would be best if you take Roelynn home". I felt anger rise in my stomach as I stood up. "Thank you" I told her with a nodd before turning on my heel to face Roelynn. She looked up at me and by her face and eyes I could tell she knew that I was fuming.

(Roelynn's P.O.V.)
I looked at daddy. I could tell he was angry, almost ragefull even. But the thing that was very clear and maybe even hurt the most. Was the fact he held dissapointment im his eyes. He has never been dissapointed with me before. Daddy didn't say anything just reached down and grabbed my hand in his. This was not his usual friendly and loving hand. This one was tightly gripped, as he pulled me with him. He was going far to fast for me, I could barely keep up and struggled keeping myself on my feet. During the walk back, he didn't say anything to me. Apart from the occasionly "hurry up" or "keep walking". With every step closer to home, he grew more and more angry. His hand gripping tighter and tighter. Untill eventually it began to be painfull and I tried to plea for him to let go, for fear of him breaking my hand. "Daddy" I softly cried, "daddy please". "You never fucking listen, Roelynn" He responds cold. Roughly stopping me in my tracks and looks down at me. Eyes burning with rage. "you never listen!". I try to break free from his grip as he loudly rants on. I begin to panic and as a reaction, I kick my leg out quickly. It connects with daddy's knee and he lets go abrubtly from the sudden pain. I back up and trip before falling to the ground as he continues to scream and cuss every curse word in the book. I look up and scared, I scoot back as he approached me. "What do I have to do to make you fucking listen to me?!" He loudly screams as he stands over me before backing off to calm down.

 "What do I have to do to make you fucking listen to me?!" He loudly screams as he stands over me before backing off to calm down

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He stops for a second and it was like a lightbulb appeared above his head. He turns back to face me. But never says anything, he only nodds before walking away, leaving me behind. I look after him and try to figure out what he was up to. But had no idea. But honestly, I didn't care. Because he did not even show that he somewhat believed that I had done nothing wrong. That it was not my fault that Mr Redlow broke his leg. But no one believed me or wanted to stand on my side. So, I went to the only one who would stand on my side. Blue-eye. Still with tears in my eyes, I ran towards the field.  She greeted me and immediatly showed signs of wanting to give comfort. I sat down in the field and began to tell her what had happened, while she continued to graze. From Paulie's Zebra book, to Mr Redlow's accident. I just wished I could leave this place. Somewhere that doesn't have school. But that would never happen. Suddenly, I saw something from the corner of my eye. Daddy had appeared by the gate with another person. I was to far to see who the stranger was or what the where talking about. The only thing I did see was that they shook each others hands, before the stranger left again.

The next morning

I woke up to the sound of loud neighs from the horses. I was confused and decided to get out my bed. Trailing my legs behind me, I walked tiredly towards the window to take a look. Upon seeing what was happening on the driveway, I was fully awake. I immediatly bolted out my room and ran outside, not caring that I was in my pyjamas. "No!!!!" I angrily screamed as I ran across the pebbles barefoot, towards the stranger who was trying to load Blue-eye onto a trailer. "No" I screamed, "she's mine!" I yelled running faster. Blue-eye heard my voice and reared up. Not liking the whole ordeal. "Blue!" I screames out in fear. Suddenly I was grabbed tightly, it was unpossible to get free. It was daddy who had me. "No!" I cried out as he pulled me back from my friend, "no! She's my horse!" I begged loudly, "she belongs with me!". "Roelynn" dad said stern trying to make me stop kicking out at him. I hit, kicked, slapped and screamed my lungs out untill a point that it hurt. Meanwhile Blue-eye reared, kicked out and refused to get on the trailer. Daddy carried me with much work back inside the house "I warned you, Roelynn, what would hapoen if you didn't listen". Eventually into his office on the ground floor. When my feet connected to the ground, I immediatly tried to dash out the door but was not quick enough. "You gave me no other choice" he told me and blocked my escape route. "You can't do this!" I screamed at him, "I can and I did" he told me loudly, "now you stay here untill I get you" he said slamming the door shut. "I hate you!" I loudly screamed. I tried to open the door but daddy had now locked it. "I fucking hate you!" I yelled and kicked the door, "I wish it was you who died in the tunnels not papa!".

Published: 1st of October 2023

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