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(Roelynn's P.O.V)
"Come on, Roe!" Ansel urged me on as I slouched after him. I let out a big huff as he continues "we can't be late for school again! Our parents will have our heads". I pull my bookbag over my shoulder and then decide to make a move on. He was right, both me and Ansel had been late multiple times this week, already. This didn't please our parents one bit and they had scolded us. Yet, I believe we had a reason for our tardiness. Ms Honey had to go to her family in Scotland and so we have a subsitute. But both Ansel and I do not like him. So we tried to go as late as possible, to not be around the man. He was stern and always put us down. All the other kids are from old money family. And me and Ansel come from a traveller background. It didn't matter to Mr Redlow that I was a Shelby and even less when he was told that my newly appointed uncle was Alfie Solomons. He just saw me and Ansel as the lowest of the low in the class room.

Both me and Ansel had made it just in time in the classroom before the door closes. "Ms Shelby and Mr Lee" Mr Redlow said crossing his arms, "late again, I see". "We weren't late" I argued back, immediatly feeling Ansel poke me with his elbow, telling me to shut up. But I ignored my friend completely. "How so?" Mr Redlow questioned, annoyence clear in his voice, "you're late when the door is closed and you are not in the classroom" I said pointing at the door with an annoyed expression. The teacher scowled at me before walking away from the two of us to begin his lesson. Ansel pulled me with him to our seat. The school benches are in pairs of two, standing in a row of 5 behind one another. The pairs are always boy-boy and girl-girl, never mixed. Ansel was paired with a blonde boy, named Luke, while I was paired with a blonde girl named Julia. Luke and Ansel sat behind me and Julia. We four liked each other inside of school, but outside of school we lived different lives. So they simply were mine and Ansel's school friends. I looked at the chalkboard and tried writting along with the teacher. When suddenly I felt a poke against my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Ansel, Julia did the same, after all Luke had poked her. Ansel and Luke both began to whisper softly at us. But before either me or Julia could respond to their joke. A loud smack made me jump and instantly I turned around. Mr Redlow had slammed his cane against my desk and gave me an angry look. There was almost steam coming out of his ears and his head reminded me of a tomatoe. I had thought that all four of us would've be yelled at, but I was wrong. I was the only one. He grabbed me by the upper arm and roughly pulled me to the front of the class. "How often have I told you, to keep quiet!" He sneered at me as he raised an arm, not to hit me, but it was more in frustration. My mind gave a quick flash, a reminder, of my aunts tricks of trying to keep me mute a few years ago. But ever since I regained my voice, I never was going to be quiet again. I tried pulling my arm away, but Mr Redlow kept a strong hold on me. He began to belittle me in front of the whole class. Then he pushed me against the wall and told me to stand there untill he allowed me to leave. My friends giving me pityfull looks, Ansel mouthing an apology. Frustration and anger filled mg veins. Then I had enough, and just took off. I dashed towards the door, leaving my books behind and ran out the classroom. Running outside I looked around the street as the door fell close behind me. My breathing was heavy due to being angry and frustrated. I pushed the feeling away and ran all the way home. Every footfall closer to home, my heart began to boil over. When on the driveway the angry tears began to fall. "Roe?" Uncle Arthur questioned walking out of the house. He probably had a meeting with daddy. I stopped to look at him for a moment, but then ran away from him and towards the stables. When I had ran up, Blue-Eye greeted me from her stable with a whinney. I opened her stabledoor and she walked out, completely understanding what I needed. Without any tack I jumped onto her back. Struggling a bit due to being tired from the run back home. But my dear Blue-eye was helpfull and pushes me up a bit with her nose. I laughed after getting on her back. "Thank you, Blue" I told her and gave her a pet. Before grabbing her mane and go riding to blow of some steam.

After having a bit of a ride. And being able to cool off. We decided to go home. I had given Blue-eye her dinner, cleaned her stable while she was eating and took the basic care after a ride, before going inside. "Good night, Blue" I whispered to the black mare. Who didn't seem to care much for it because she was to busy eating her dinner. I made my way inside and before I even got the opportunity to get my shoes off I heard my dad call out. "Roelynn Eden Shelby". Oh no... he used my full name. I froze to my spot, knowing very well that I screwed up. He never used my full name, yes he did say Roelynn Shelby if I was disbehaving. But this was the first time he also used the lastname I had been given at birth, Eden. "Do I have to drag you in here?" He asked from the other room. Clearly not enjoying the fact I hadn't immediatly come upon hearing my name. So I quickly made a move on. I arrived in his office and he stood tall, arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently. "You're treading on thin ice, Roelynn" he told me sternly, "getting to class late even when either me or one of the Lee's bring you on time, talking back to Mr Redlow, misbehaving in class-" he began listing up the things I did wrong. "But-" I began trying to tell mt side, "No, Roelynn!" He cutt me off, "you need to start behaving. Because I don't know how to make you unless I put in some serious consequences and I rather not do that. But I will, believe me" he told me. I watch him closely. What consequence would he use? I thiught to myself. He noticed my questioning look and answered "Blue-Eye" he simply said. "What?" I asked in disbelief, "I have given you 100th of warnings, Roelynn. Now you have one chance left. Break it and I'll sell Blue-Eye". I stepped back from him. I felt my lip begin to quiver "that's not fair!" I yelled and felt tears prick in my eyes. He wouldn't sell her, would he? I questioned myself. I had no idea whether he was just bluffing or not.

Published: 8th of August 2023

Update request:

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