Chapter 25: "You Came"

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When Nora was back at Jules's place, she noticed immediately that her friend had changed her sweater. She just smiled and didn't say anything about it. It was absolutely obvious to her that Jules still was in love with Tom, and no matter what she was saying, her heart was taken.
"Okay, Julesy, who was supposed to get fucked?" she pried.
She looked at her bestie. "I know, I mentioned Tom, too, a little while ago, but ..." She paused for a moment, not really sure how to best phrase it. "I ... Yes, I am still angry as Hell at him because he hurt me, broke my heart and my trust. But for some reason, I ... I don't think that this whole shit show was really Tom's doing."
Nora raised an eyebrow.
"Remember that I told you how protective he was of me when I was at his place and David M showed up?"
"Oh! Yes, of course! That was also one of those moments between you two when I knew that there's definitely more to you."
"And now let's just imagine for a moment that DM was behind it? Tom would've never done that to me on his own volition", Jules said. "He is just too deep in this crap." She sighed.
"Good point, sweetie. I mean, he also promised me to leave you alone with it."
"See?" For some reason, Jules was more and more aware again how deeply she still was in love with Tom and how much she wanted him back. Alas, it was too early. She suddenly had to giggle.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, you know, when you promised me the Nobel Prize should I manage to get him out of that mess?"
"Haha, yeah, that was one of my brightest moments!" Nora replied with a chuckle.

"Phoenix" appeared on his screen. Even though it was only her "I need time." message, it was at least something. Sure, he'd have preferred to talk to Jules again and tell her how much he loved her still, how he wanted her back, but at least she had for the first time since their 'break up' replied to one of his messages. Tom smiled. "I love you, Jules're still the one", he murmured. Since he was still in the UK, he decided to do something romantic for her. He knew it was a risk, but no risk, no fun, and who said he was not allowed to fight for her?

Two days later.

Jules had been for a run and just walked out of the bathroom again. She was still drying her hair, Tom's hoodie draped around her shoulders.
"Welcome back", Nora said, while her eyes focused on the hoodie. "And by that, I obviously mean something else as well", she added and still looked at the hoodie.
"What?" Jules asked, although she damn well knew what her best friend was driving at.
"The hoodie", Nora mouthed.
"Oh. Well, it's comfy", Jules replied with a grin.
Nora raised an eyebrow and said, "And your ...whatever his status is now gave it to you, and you miss his ass."
"His ass will stay put in the Naughty Corner!" Jules declared with a chuckle. "Just because I am wearing that hoodie again, it doesn't mean ..."
"Come on, Julesy – you still love him!"
Jules took a deep breath and slowly exhaled again. She closed her eyes for a while and relived some of the moments with Tom. From their first meeting, to falling in love, to their ugly fight. "Yeah ...probably." Of course I still love him. 

"Oh, by the way, sweetie – while you were out there running, you got a flower delivery."
"Flowers!?" she asked in disbelief. "Who the fuck ..." The second she spoke those words, it dawned on her: "No way! No fucking way this idiot sent me flowers!"
"Let's have a look, shall we? I mean, if he did, he is clearly still in love with you, and has a romantic side to him I didn't expect."
Jules grinned. "Oh, he is a hopeless romantic, that I can assure you." She then saw the beautifully arranged flower bouquet which Nora had thankfully already put in a vase. "Damn."
"Told you – he still loves you."
Jules discovered the blue envelope and opened it. "I hope you can forgive me one day. TC <3"
"And?" Nora asked impatiently.
Jules didn't know what to say for a moment. "What he did hurt a lot. Still does. But ...this is too cute."
"What are you going to do now?"
Jules grabbed her phone and snapped a photo. "Listen, I may still be angry at him, but I am not impolite. I will at least thank him!" she said and quickly typed a short message to go with the photo: "Thank you for the flowers. They're gorgeous! :-)"
Not much later, she received a reply: a kissy face emoji.
"Tom, you are a stupid dork, but I do love you!" she giggled.
"I KNEW IT!" Nora hollered enthusiastically. "So, what's the plan now?"
Jules grinned widely. "I'm not letting him back in just yet."
"Continuing to play the 'hard to get' card?"
"Exactly, Nora. I need to torture him a little still."
Nora giggled: "The question is – how much longer can you resist him?" She looked at her friend. "I know you're still mad at him, and rightfully so. But I also know you and well, he's already on his way back in, isn't he?"
"Time will tell."

"Look who is smiling again", Ving said when Tom appeared to be in much better spirits.
"You back on with Jules?" Simon prodded.
"Not quite yet. But at least, she ..." He paused for a moment, and the two men looked at him. "I had sent her flowers the other day, and she loved them. It's still too early to say that things have improved and she let me back in, though."
"Well, that is indeed some good news", Simon replied.
"Also, you were right – she does need time. I really hurt her."
"Oy vey", Ving said. "So what happened exactly?"
"We had a fight, in short. I said something to her that upset and hurt her, and when she left, she took my heart with her. Been licking my wounds since – and I believe that the pain I feel is nothing in comparison to what Jules must be going through." His eyes became misty for a moment. "I love her more than words can say, and I just want her back." He looked at his buddies. "Want to see something?"
They both nodded, and Tom showed them the photo of him and Jules having a nap. "That was at her place a while ago. I miss that. And her."
"You cuties!" Simon blurted out. "No really, that is adorable."
Ving nodded in agreement. "Indeed!"
"She really trusts you, doesn't she?" Simon asked.
Tom looked down. "I hope she still does. I really broke her trust when we ..." He swallowed. "I love her, and the only thing that matters is that she'll be able to forgive me one day."

Jules sighed for the umpteenth time. "Nora, I miss whatever I had with him. The hugs, the snuggles, all of that." And above it all, I miss Tom the most ...
"Then let him know", Nora suggested.
"I'm ... I'm not ready, yet."
"How long has it been now?"
"Three weeks, pretty much to the date." She paused for a moment. "I still don't know how I really feel. Do I still love him or is it just the What Could Have Been I am romanticizing?" She looked at her bestie. "And that goddamn kiss ... I should have never ever done that! Made everything even more complicated."
"Julesy, I cannot answer that question for you. But I can tell you the way I see it – you still have feelings for him. You still love him, despite all the pain he caused you." All of a sudden, something else dawned on Nora: "Be honest with me, love – was there ...more?"
"If you mean if I had sex with him – nope. We didn't get any further than that one kiss."
Jules grinned: "The only times I did sleep with him were the two naps. That's about it."

Her phone announced a new message: "I miss you. But I'm waiting until you're ready to talk. :-*"
"You and your goddamn kissy face!" Jules chuckled.
Jules nodded and just typed "<3"
Nora looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "It's back on, isn't it?"
"Who knows?" Jules replied with a grin. "Day 25, and ... Shit, Nora – I ... you know, when I realized that I am in love with him, I also knew that this whole thing is different. I've never felt that way before, and then there's Tom and he turns me inside out. I fell for him in a way I had never expected. And I want that back. I want HIM back." She looked at her friend. "I love him. More than anything."
"Julesy, I am happy for you! Really." She got up, walked to over to Jules and hugged her. "And now do me a favor and ..."
"Talk to him?"
Nora nodded. "Go for it, babe! You have nothing to lose anymore. You two have been dancing around this for God knows how long, now you need to finalize it. He wants you, you want him. Could it be any better?" She smiled. "Let your man know you're ready and go from there."
"Thank you for being there for me in this mess, Nora. I love you."
"That's what friends are for, sweetie. And I love you, too."

Jules got ready for bed again, preparing herself mentally for the moment she was about to let Tom back in. She looked at the framed photo again, a smile crossed her face and she mumbled "Ich liebe dich!" and placed a kiss on his face. "I hope I will kiss you again soon ...and lie in your arms again." She also realized that she was about to fall asleep without feeling that excruciating pain. She probably had for a couple of days now, but hadn't really noticed it – until she had confided in Nora that she still loved Tom.

"You came, and changed the way I feel
No one could love you more
Because you came and turned my life around
No one could take your place"

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