Chapter 33: "The Power Of Love"

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Jules stretched a bit before getting up. She had never felt this happy ever before and knew she'd also never feel like that ever again. Their relationship was just a couple of weeks old, but it felt much longer. Falling asleep and waking up again in the arms of the man she loved more than anything in this world felt amazing, and she realized how much at peace she was ever since she and Tom had decided to give their love a try.

And while of course exploring each other and their young love was at the center of every day, they also were talking about work related stuff, as in, finalizing the press tour for "Dead Reckoning", which also demanded a lot from Jules. But with her spirit and drive, it wasn't a Herculean task. Tom also kept in touch with McQ and the M:I team all the time, and bit by bit, they had it all figured out. If Tom had to travel somewhere, he made sure that Jules was with him. Their recent separation had stung way too much for their liking.
That included the "Dead Reckoning" press tour obviously as well. Jules was happy how welcoming everyone on the team was towards her, and she was sure that it was not just because she happened to be Tom's girlfriend. She felt she belonged there. Tom kept assuring her that she was doing a great job not to let on early that they were dating, they'd make it official at some point. They both were professional enough to keep that little secret under wraps for the time being. At least in public. That they couldn't keep their hands off each other and were sharing kisses all the time while being away from the spotlight didn't go unnoticed. And yet, everyone kept quiet about it. 


However, there was still another very important thing they had to take care of. Jules looked deep into his eyes again. "And you're really sure that you're done with Scientology?" she asked.
He nodded. "I fucked up so much because of it ..." He clenched his jaw and looked down. "DM tried to reach me a couple of times, but I ignored his calls. I can only hope that he won't send anyone over to ..." Tom's eyes filled with tears. It was what had happened back when he and Nicole had been filming "Eyes Wide Shut". And bit by bit, he had also lost contact to his sisters after he had told them already that he was leaving the sect. He knew what was at stake. But if he stayed with Scientology, he'd lose the person he loved more than anything.
Jules sat down on his lap, wrapped her arms around him and leaned her forehead against his.
They both didn't say anything for a bit, just sat there, in their embrace.

"We'll be doing this in two parts", Jules had said. "We're going to release two statements, a shorter one with the announcement, and then, after a couple of days, a longer one will follow. And keep in mind – we have Nora in our corner as well. She has a ton of connections, if that's okay for you?"
"Absolutely!" He had definitely made the right decision to hire Jules, although he had not expected back then that they'd end up as a couple.

"So, are you ready?" she asked. The first bomb was about to drop.
Tom nodded.
"Just to make sure – you know what's gonna happen ..."
"Jules, fuck it! Meeting you, getting to know you and your story was the wake up call I needed." He paused for a moment and looked at her, his eyes full of love. "And of course, falling in love with you the way I did – madly, passionately, deeply."
"Ich liebe dich", she replied and kissed him.
"I love you, too."

"When the chips are down, I'll be around
With my undying, death-defying
Love for you"

"Alrighty then", Jules said. "Blocked someone's phone number already?"
"Oh, thanks for the reminder!" Tom took out his phone and blocked DM's number right then and there. "Sayo-fucking-nara!"
"That's my man!" Jules said with a smile.

And as if on cue, Nora popped up, too. "You guys already started?" she asked.
Jules shook her head. "We were waiting for you, because you know what is about to go down when we have issued the first statement."
"That's why I am here for, love. Support!"

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