Interlude II: "Gethsemane"

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Bit by bit, Jules regained her vigor after she had overdone her kickboxing. At least, she didn't slip in and out of consciousness again, her erratic panting had returned to a regular breathing rhythm again, but Nora needed to still give her a dressing down.
"Julesy, what the fuck!? How long were you really at it?"
Jules sighed. "I honestly don't even know." She looked at her friend. "Mind if I had a quick shower? I stink ..."
"Sure, but don't do anything stupid there, girl!"
"Aye aye, Ma'am!" Jules disappeared in the bathroom to have a hot shower. She loved feeling the droplets pelting on her bare skin. It felt ...good. For a split second, Tom's face appeared in front of her inner eye. She shuddered and made sure that it was just a split second. She was done with him. But was she really? Yes, she had read his pleading messages of wanting her back, but she had left all of them on exactly that – "Read". She didn't bother replying. What he had done hurt too much, and she was not one of those who forgive easily. Nope. If anything, she was going to let him rot in Hell for a bit.

After she had put on a shirt and pants, she grabbed another piece of clothing. The second she touched the fabric, she knew what it was – Tom's hoodie. "Fuck off", she mumbled and chose something else.

She waltzed back into the living room to have a talk with Nora.
"Right, how long has it been now?" Nora asked.
"Fifteen days." She hung her head. "Fifteen days of a broken heart and excruciating pain."
"So what's the plan now?"
Jules looked up again. "For now, I am ignoring his ass."
"Yes, and ...?"
"And what, Nora? I still don't even know if I ever want to see him again."
"But you cannot ignore him forever, Julesy. That motherfucker meant something to you!"
"Exactly – past tense." She rubbed her face. "You know, he was the first man in a fucking decade who tore down those walls around me. Whom I was seriously in love with. We were about to ..."
"I know, love. You guys were well on the way to become an absolute dream couple." She lovingly patted Jules's arm. "But ...what do you feel in that heart of yours?"
"Emptiness." She clenched her jaw.
"Of course you're heartbroken, but ...are you sure you are over him?"


Jules shook her head. "It's been fifteen days, Nora, I am still baffled at what happened. I was about to commit! I wanted that relationship with him. And he goes and ruins it before it even started." She paused for a moment, but before she could continue, Nora said: "Look, I know it hurts, even more so since there were serious feelings involved. But something tells me that what you need is time. Wait for the storm to calm down and then ..."
"You think?" Jules asked.
"Yep. Julesy, I've known you for more than 20 years now, I know you inside out. And I know you still love him. Yes, he's an ass for what he's done. But he still has a hold on you and your heart."
Jules just looked at her and didn't say anything for a bit. "Or maybe I should give up on this whole relationshit mess once and for all", she said with a frustrated tone. Although she knew that Nora was right and she still loved Tom.
"Relationshit ...!" Nora snorted.
"I mean, last time I thought I'd found The One, it ended with my ass being hospitalized with a burnout. Now, ten years later, I finally meet someone whom I fall head over heels in love with, and get  the Shit Treatment once again. Thank you very much!" she said with a chuckle. "Nope, I'm done here. Fuck the dating life. Seriously. And fuck Tom, too, while we're at it."
Nora shook her head with a grin. "You sure about that?"
"The 'fuck Tom' part?"
"I dunno. What I DO know is that this idiot made my life a lot more interesting for a couple of months." She sighed. "And now look where I am once again – love life in shambles." Her phone buzzed, and she already had a hunch who had the absolute audacity to interrupt her Pity Party with her best friend.

"Jules ...I'm ...I'm sorry for what I've done. Please believe me. I miss you more than words can say, I feel incomplete without you. You took my heart with you when you left, and there's a void inside me. Please ... let us talk. I need you.
- Tom"

Nora looked at her. "And?"
Jules put the phone back down. "He's fighting for me. He wants me back." A crooked smile. "It's really kinda adorable, though."
"And what about you?" She tilted her head. "Are you going to reply?"
Jules shook her head almost imperceptibly.
Nora did something she knew Jules was going to hate her for – she reached for the phone and read that last message. And the ones before that one. "Julesy, the way I see it, he regrets it terribly what happened. He still loves you, too. The least you could do is tell him you'd need time."
"What for? So he thinks he can have me back easily, as if nothing happened?" Jules knew she was being unfair and cynical, but she still felt the blade of the dagger he had stabbed her in the back with. "Nora, I cannot do this. I ..." The floodgates opened.
"Oh sweetie ..." Nora replied and hugged her friend tightly.
"He could've been my man for real. The one I really loved ..." Jules mumbled between sobs – and knew deep down inside her that she still loved him.

After her crying fit had ceased, Nora grabbed her face and looked sternly into her eyes: "Right. Promise me something, love – don't do anything dumb, okay? I'm heading home, grab a couple of things and move in here with you for a couple of days again. I cannot leave you unattended in this state!"
Jules nodded and wiped her snotty face. "Promise."
"Good. I'll be back as soon as I can."

As soon as the door had closed shut behind Nora, Jules felt an urge beckoning her to her bedroom ...where she changed her clothes: she put on Tom's hoodie for the first time again since they had 'broken up'. "I still love you, you idiot", she muttered. She grabbed her phone next: "I need time." That would have to make do. She hit "Send" and hoped she was not going to regret it.

"Another beauty loved by a beast
Another tale of infinite dreams
Your eyes they were my paradise
Your smile made my sun rise"

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