Chapter 17: "Right Here Waiting"

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"Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain"

"I hate this", Tom muttered while he was flipping through the album "Phoenix" on his phone. Pictures of Jules and him, or just Jules. His heart was once again aching with the pain of not being able to spend time with her more often. And the fact that "Right Here Waiting" by Richard Marx had just come on on the playlist Jules had shared with him didn't exactly do anything to ease that pain. He knew he needed to see her. The sooner, the better.

"If I see you next to never
How can we say forever"

...and wondered at the same time how much longer they were going to do this. Being more separated than together, even though they weren't a couple ...yet. He sighed and started to plan something he'd usually never ever think of. But here he was.

"I miss you so much :-(" he texted her. "It's empty without you."
Jules smiled when she saw his message, although she, too, felt the pain of not being close to him. "Same here ..." she replied. "Would love to see you again <3"

Nora looked at her friend. "Julesy?"
"I am worried about you."
"Why so?"
"Because of the state you're in. You're missing a certain someone, right?"
Jules looked down and nodded. "And someone's missing me, too." She sighed. "I swear, I didn't want this to happen at all when I first met him."
"I know, sweetie. But it has happened, and it's too late now, anyway. As you've said yourself the other day."
"Is there any way to turn off those ...feelings?" Jules mumbled almost inaudible.
Nora's ears perked up. "Wait – did you just ...admit it?"
"Admit what?"
"That you love him."
"I didn't say that. I ...feel him on a different level." She looked at Nora. "In my soul." It's a different kind of "love", if we wanna call it that.
"Does he know?"
"That you fucking LOVE him, sweetie."
"Nora, please. I just told you that I don't love him." She ran a hand through her hair. "We ... I don't know how to explain it. We both know that there's something between us which is mutual. There's trust. Affection. That kinda thing."
"And love, Jules. It's so obvious with you two lovebirds."
Jules gave up, shrugged and flipped the bird with a grin.

"Oh fucking shit and a half!" Simon shouted all of a sudden.
"What is it?" Tom asked, immediately alerted. While he was on set, he was currently on some kind of lunch break and kicking back.
"Some fuckery", Simon explained. "Looks like something broke and it'll take a bit to fix it."
"You've gotta be kidding ..." Tom got up and had a look for himself. "This damn film is as cursed as the one before!" he complained. "First the whole pandemic mess, now this."
"Sucks, doesn't it?"
"Yeah ..." As a producer, it pissed Tom off immensely. But at the same time, he couldn't help but smile inwardly. If this set was going to be shut down for a couple of days to get things fixed again, it might also mean he could maybe ...? Just as he started to grin, Simon turned around.
"Is there something you want to tell me?"
"I was just thinking of ..."
"Your girlfriend?" Simon teased him.
"She isn't my girlfriend, but yes, I was thinking of Jules."

Just in that very moment, Christopher McQuarrie came stomping their way. "Bad news, Tom – we need some new equipment here."
"Yeah, I heard", he replied. "Any idea how long it might take?"
"We could get it fixed, but we might as well order a new one. Both of which won't make much of a difference in the duration." McQ threw his arms up in frustration. "I'd say maybe a week."
"Hrmph", Tom muttered, although at this stage, his annoyance was only partially real. All of a sudden, he had a chance to see Jules again. "Well, give the crew the week off and let them have some fun."
Simon looked at Tom: "And you go and get the girl!"

Tom sauntered off and checked flights immediately. "Bingo!"
"Jules, there's some shit going on here on set, meaning we'll have a week off. Mind if I came for a visit?"
"Is that a rhetorical question?" Jules said with a giggle, while she felt her heart skip a beat. Good thing Nora isn't around for the next two days ... "Get your ass here, Tom! Looking forward to seeing you! <3" Jules grinned from ear to ear and decided to not fill Nora in at this point.
"Okay, I'll book the next flight to you. <3" Tom suddenly felt elated. In a couple of hours he'd be with Jules again and that was all that mattered at this point.

After he had booked his flights to Jules and back, he texted her his arrival time. "Can't wait to see you! <3"
Jules almost cried a couple of happy tears when she read his text. "Same. <3 Just you and me for some days ..." And while she had decided to let him in, as well as allow her feelings for him to grow, there were two things she wasn't ready for – sharing her bed with him ...and being the one who initiated that first kiss, even if Nora was egging her on. No, she needed to be sure if what she felt for Tom was really love.

The next morning, she went for a run, and was all smiles. Not long anymore and she'd be reunited with Tom. Something she was looking forward to in a way she had never even thought of before she met him.

The hot shower afterwards felt amazing, and she couldn't help but be happy. She was listening to her 80s playlist while she put on fresh sheets for Tom. He would be sleeping in her bed, while she was going to catch those z's on her comfy couch. She just wasn't ready yet for more.

Simon pulled Tom aside for a second: "Do me a favor, Tom, and do the thing properly!"
Tom grinned: "We'll see. Jules needs time, though, and I am not going to rush her. We're like, whatever happens, happens."
"Good luck, though!"

Jules couldn't wipe the grin off her face once she was at the airport to pick Tom up. They would only have five days in total, but that was still better than not seeing each other at all for God knows how long.

Tom saw her immediately, almost ran towards Jules, dropped his luggage once he had reached her and gave her the tightest hug. "So good to see you!" he muttered and looked into her eyes.
"Absolutely", she replied and placed her hand against his cheek. "I missed the shit out of you!"
"Tell me about it", he said and looked at her with love in his eyes.

Once they had arrived in Jules's loft, she grinned and said: "By the way – Nora doesn't know, yet, that you're here."
"She doesn't?" That came as a surprise to him, since he knew that the two girls were basically inseparable.
"Nope. But I think she'll pop up here tomorrow anyway, and I just want to see the look on her face when I tell her", Jules cackled. "I bet she'll have to pick her jaw off from the floor."
Tom giggled, too. "Haha, can't wait!"

"Well then. You have gotten the virtual tour, but how about I show you around here?" Jules asked.
"Nice", he replied.
Jules first led him to the bedroom, and when he noticed that there was just one pillow and blanket on the bed, he looked questioningly at Jules, raising an eyebrow.
"Sorry, Tom ... I'm not ...ready, yet", she quietly said. "I mean, we both know it's gotten pretty serious by now, and there's more to us than we both expected, but ..." Serious indeed. I think I have really fallen in love with you.
"Hey", he said and caressed her cheek. "It's perfectly fine! No rush!" He smiled. "And as long as I get to spend time with you again ..." This is also why I didn't kiss you back then, although I would have loved to. If he was brutally honest with himself, he had to admit that he was definitely in love with her.
They didn't say anything for a while, just stood there, looking at each other. "So I guess this is also where it's getting ...complicated?" she said.
"Yeah, basically. But as we've said – whatever happens, happens. And who knows, we'll take the chance one day." He smiled and knew that his heart belonged to Jules. He wanted her in his life. More than anything.

"I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance"

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