Chapter 10: "Buffalo Stance"

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Jules was working on something for Tom, but she had decided to play it entirely cool now. She was lying in her hammock – one of her two work stations – and typing away, when her blue phone buzzed. "Just wanting to check in. Mind if I rang?"
"Go ahead ..." she replied, and a couple of seconds later, Tom video called her.
"Hey", he said with that trademark grin of his.
"Hey there", Jules replied.
"So, how's it going? Keeping you busy yet?" And the second he had asked that question, he realized where Jules was literally hanging out. "Wait – that a hammock?"
"Yes Sir! It's one of the two places in my loft where I am working from. I need to be cozy."
"Never fails to amaze me, this one", he said with a laugh.
Jules suddenly had an idea: "Want me to give you the grand tour of my realm?"
"Sure, why not?" Who knows, maybe I'll visit your place as well one day?

"Right." Jules climbed out of her hammock, switched the camera, and showed Tom around. "So, as you saw – my hammock. The other place where I can be found working is The Nook, which is essentially this." She walked over to a comfy couch with a bunch of cushions on it. "Also a lovely place to unwind and lose myself in a good book."
"Haha, nice!"
"And that's just the warm-up", she grinned, and showed him her little home gym. "And this", she explained, pointing at her punching bag, "is my Pissed Off-Corner." She switched the camera again and said: "Like, when I am really, really pissed off, five to ten minutes of high intensity kickboxing, and I am all good again." She ran her hand through her hair. "Also, due to that, I know some self defense, and if a guy decides to approach me in a way that is, well, offensive ..." She paused for a second.
"Uh-oh", Tom replied.
" knee goes where it REALLY hurts!"
"So I best don't piss you off then?" he asked with a grin.
"If you don't want to get hurt ..." she replied. They both just looked at each other for a moment. Why is he so goshdarn handsome and lovely?
"Anything else I need to know?"
"I can also knock a guy who's much taller than me out in various ways."
"Well, I am a bit shorter, so ..." he laughed.
"Just behave, and I won't hurt you."

Jules switched the camera again and showed him some more of her realm. "And here", she opened the bedroom door and pointed at her queen-sized bed, "is where Yours Truly gets her beauty sleep."
"As if you needed any!" Tom blurted out and wanted to slap himself for it the second he had said so.
Jules swallowed. She was just about to switch the camera back to her, but she hesitated. When she finally did, she said, "Tom ...where is this going? What is that thing with us?"
He sighed. "Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel ..."

"Anyway. I am sure you didn't call me to get the grand tour", she said while walking back to her hammock and showing some other little tidbits about her loft. And as she climbed back into the hammock, her leg tattoo was fully visible. Shit.
Too late. Tom had seen it. "Is that ...a phoenix?"
"Yeah, it is." She tried to smile, but knew immediately that she had absolutely failed. "Enough about that stuff. Why did you call?"
"Well, just to let you know that I am off to South Africa soon to film there."
"And I wanted to ask if you're up to maybe visit me for a couple of days there?"
"You serious?"
"Absolutely. I felt it'd be cool for you to get a glimpse behind the scenes."
"Do your sisters know?"
"Not a single syllable. They're on my ass already because they think I've fallen in love with you at first sight."
"Have you?" she teased him.
He was biting his lower lip. "I like you." He didn't mention the heart gesture he had made at the airport after she had gone through security. ...but I could fall for you, Jules.
"Same. And I kinda trust you already. Which is ...rare."
"And I appreciate that, Jules." He suddenly was aware of the fact that Jules had her 80s playlist on again. "Ah, that playlist!"
"Yep, that one." She smiled, for real this time.
"I know that song, what's it called again? Help a guy out ..."
"It's 'Buffalo Stance' by Neneh Cherry. One of those bops that will never go out of fashion", Jules explained. "And yes, 'Africa' by Toto is also somewhere on that list."
"Nice arc back to the topic," he grinned. "So, you up to South Africa?"
"If, like, really want me there?"
"Jules, I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." Having you back in my arms for a moment, your ocean eyes, your sass ...of course I want you there!
Jules was a bit torn. On the one hand, this was a huge chance for her. But on the other hand, she didn't like the speed this whole thing was going with. They were clearly flirting with each other. Tom liked her, she liked him. But the last thing she needed was falling head over heels in love with him. Rule Number One. "Until when do you need to know?" she asked, wanting to play it safe for a moment.
"No rush, I understand if you need some time to mull that one over. Pretty sure I've taken you by surprise."
"That you have." The prospect of seeing him again so soon, however, was something that Jules found incredibly pleasing. Being close to him again, hugs, all that. Why the fuck should she not accept the invitation? "I'll let you know as soon as possible."
"Of course. I would love to see you here, though."
"I know you would!"

They hung up a moment later and Jules didn't know what had just happened. Tom did something to her. Something she wasn't sure she liked. And yet ...she found herself more and more attracted to him. She knew what she had to do ...
"Uhm, Nora, can you come over? I need you here."
"On my way!"

A couple of minutes later, her best friend sat on Jules's couch, next to her, and asked, "So, what's he done now?"
"How do you know it's about Tom?"
"Because I know you, Jules, and you wouldn't have asked me to come over if he wasn't the reason. So – has he told you he loves you?"
Jules clenched her jaw. "No. But ..." She didn't know how to start best. "He's flying down to South Africa soon and ..." She looked at Nora. "He fucking asked if I wanted to come for a visit while he's filming there."
"Are you shitting me?"
"Jules, from me to you, and I know your Rule Number One, but – do it! He likes you. And from what I can tell, you like him, too. Go get the man!"
She sighed. "And that is the exact problem, love. I am scared."
"To fall in love with him." Now it was out.
Nora held her hands. "Jules, hear me out. If it happens, it happens. Fuck that rule of yours. He wants you near him. And that is all I need to know. Give it a chance."
"You think?"
"Sweetie, I've known your for over twenty years now, and that heart of yours is already beating for him." This time, Nora wasn't teasing her. "It's been how long since him who shall not be named?"
"A bit over ten years."
"See. Something tells me you're ready again."
"Ready for?"
"The Fall. Jules, honestly – he's got you. You just don't know it, yet, because you barely ever let anyone into your inner world. But you fucking did with him." She hugged her friend. "I know, you're extra careful with him, because of that shitty little thing called Scientology. But ..."
Jules all of a sudden came clean: "Nora, I saw and felt his soul."
"Like I said ... We were talking, looking at each other, and then ...I ...saw his inner world, somehow. His soul. His pain he hides. All that." She paused for a second. "And I don't like the pace this is going and where to at all. I'm ..."
"Wow, Jules ... I don't know what to say. Really. Only that he's got you. Hook, line and sinker." She looked at her friend. "Tell him you're coming to South Africa. I'll kick your ass if you don't! And – remember, rules are there to be broken."
"Just ... you know, if I do fall for him, I am just scared of the consequences and that he could reel me in with that weird ass cult."
"We'll see to that ...when it happens."
"When? You mean 'if'?"
Nora shook her head. "No 'if', Jules. You're on the way into his heart, and he's on his way to yours."
"I ... I dunno. It's all happening way too fast."
"Shhhhh, sweetie. Give it a chance. But I have an inkling that the two of you will ride off into the sunset on your Fireblade in a couple of months, maybe weeks, from now."
Jules managed a crooked smile. "I'm just ... I'm scared. Plain and simple."
"I know you are."
Jules looked at Nora. "Wanna see something?"
Jules whipped out her blue phone and showed her best friend some pics of her and Tom together. "Aren't we adorable?"
"You're so fucking happy, Jules! If I needed any more proof that he's the one to steal your heart, it's right here." She pointed at a photo where Tom and Jules were goofing around, all smiles. "My girl's in love. Definitely."
"I'm not."
"Yeah, whatever," Jules said and chuckled. She took her phone back from Nora. "Okay. I'll do it."
"Let him know that you're ...?"
Jules just nodded. "Although it's way too fast paced for my liking, and he's still a walking, talking Red Flag, I will do it." She looked at her friend. "Thanks for the pep talk."
"Anytime, dear. And remember – he wants you there, so he definitely has a thing for you!"

When Nora had left again, Jules decided to take the plunge: "So, when do you want me to come down?"
Tom's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the message from 'Phoenix' and he couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. "Once I got the schedule a bit more detailed, I'll let you know. You don't worry about plane tickets and all, I'll invite you."
"For real?"
"Yep." This is apparently about to get serious...
"Thanks <3"
"Anytime. <3"

Jules almost started crying. Her emotions were running wild, she was caught in a hurricane of them. Too fast, too soon. But she couldn't help but look forward to spending time with him again.

"Wind on my face, sound in my ears
Water from my eyes, and you on my mind
As I sink, diving down deep ...deeper into your soul"

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