7. Make Up Your Mind

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Jade was avoiding Kit

At first, for the first two days, she believed the woman was just too busy.

But when two more days passed, she knew she was being avoided.

And since Kit is Kit, she wouldn't let that happen for much longer.

One of the things that Kit's mother always told her was that the girl was extremely stubborn and determined.

And if Kit put it in her head that she wouldn't give up on getting Jade's attention, then she wouldn't rest until she succeeded.

Which is why at that moment, Kit finds herself on her way to Jade's office (how had she gotten the address? Is safe to say that Kit is pretty good at digging up personal information on the internet when she puts her mind to it)

Kit balances the two cups of coffee in her hands and knocks on the glass door with her elbow, Jade's "office" is actually a loft that used to be a watch shop a long time ago, Jade has apparently done a makeover, covering the windows with dark film paper and taking the signs off the place.

The door opens and a surprised Jade widen her eyes at the sight of Kit.

- Good afternoon - Kit says, entering the office uninvited, she puts one of the coffee cups in Jade's hands - Do you know how hard it is to find anything about you on the internet? It took me two hours to find this address, are you on the run from the mafia or something?

Kit looks around, the shelves and cabinets are full of old objects and books, all locked behind tempered glass doors, the whole place smells and looks old and preserved, is like waking into a library.

Jade closes the door slowly, she puts one of her hands in the pocket of her satin trousers, this woman is always well dressed, it's amazing.

- I would ask why you're looking for me on the internet but I'm afraid of what the answer is - She says approaching with an almost feline gait, Kit has noticed this too, every time, Jade walks very softly, as if her feet almost don't touch the ground.

Kit approaches one of the glass Showcase, the light here is low, almost too dark.


- Oh for the obvious - She turns to Jade and in a firm voice she says - You're doing a great job of avoiding me completely.

Jade stares at her, then shakes her head and sips her coffee.

- Oh you're going to tell me I'm wrong?- Kit approaches Jade, stopping right in front of the woman - Aren't you avoiding me?

Jade looks at Kit and tilts her head.

- You know damn well I'm not.

- Save it, Jade- Kit says, raising her head, the woman only a few centimeters taller, but her energy makes her look meters taller. - Don't come with that clown shit on me.

Jade laughs

- I'm not clowning around Kit- she sips her coffee again -I haven't been avoiding you, I've just been carefully avoiding your path.

Kit laughs and rolls her eyes.

- You are so insolent, my gods! - She says laughing and shakes her head.

Jade rolls her eyes then Kit notices how close she is to Jade and feels the blush rise across her face, she turns and continues to wander around the place, exploring Jade's collection.

She stops in front of a collection of statuettes and allows herself to be distracted for a moment, trying to make that feeling she felt in her dream a few days ago pass.

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