22. Lavender haze

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Jade enters her house, she throws her key on the table and calls out:

- Kit? Kit can you come here for a minute?

The silence that follows causes Jade to step away from the door and call again.

After calling twice, she walks up the stairs from her flat to her bedroom, Kit is not there, in fact she is nowhere to be found.

Jade's heart races in her chest and she calls Kit's mobile phone, it rings seven times before falling into voicemail, so Jade tries again.

- Hello? - A foreign voice answers the phone.

- I want to talk to Kit- Jade says - Put her on.

- Uh... sorry miss but I have no idea who Kit is, I just found this phone ringing in a rubbish bin.

Jade's ears ring and she feels her feet wobble, she immediately hangs up and calls Scorpia.

- Call Boorman and the others - She says as soon as her sister answers - Agnar kidnapped Kit.


Kit feels her body aching from the fact that she had been sleeping still in one position for too long and her muscles had started to hurt.

She spins around on the bed, her eyes still closed, groping the bed for Jade.

She opens her eyes at not finding her.

And she finds herself in a completely unfamiliar room, she stands up, startled, and then she remembers everything that happened, she remembers Agnar and the men who were killed on his orders.

She remembers Agnar bringing her upstairs, which turned out to be the ground floor of a luxury mansion, and taking her to the top floor, locking her in a room.

She spent most of the night turning the room over, looking for a way out, the room didn't even have windows, there was nothing she could use as a weapon, it was exactly what Agnar wanted.

Kit looks around, although the room has no windows, the ceiling is completely made of glass, so the sunlight enters with all its strength, illuminating everything, besides the huge and heavy vaulted bed, there was a gigantic wardrobe full of clothes of all kinds, sizes and colours, as well as an even greater variety in shoes, and also an empty desk.

Kit approaches the door, and as she turns the knob, her heart races as she realizes that the door is unlocked.

But when she opens the door, Agnar's two bodyguards stand outside, guns at their waists and looking debauched.

- Good morning - One of them says and indicates the room behind Kit - Why don't you go back inside? They'll bring your breakfast in a few moments.

- Actually I was thinking of going for  a walk- Kit tries to be smart, - Stretching my legs, you know?

- That was an order- She pulls the gun from her waistband.

Kit closes the door behind her, walking into the room and growling in frustration.

She wanders around the room for a few moments, feeling trapped, she'd had claustrophobia since she was little and being locked in spaces without the option to leave made her anxious.

But it doesn't take more than two minutes before the door opens and a woman enters with a tray of food, Kit frowns as she sees the woman crack a huge smile and say good morning cheerfully, as if Kit was staying there or something and not a prisoner.

Kit feels the urge to ask for help,but she simply stays silent, that woman would not help her, it was useless to ask for help from anyone there.

The only option was to make a deal with Agnar.

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