23. Let It All Go

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Kit was taking the knots out of her hair when Agnar finally arrives, she had spent two hours waiting, and got too bored.

He enters with his feline elegance, wearing a linen shirt and red silk trousers, his dark hair tied  in a low bun and a packet of cigarettes in one hand and a tray with a bowl full of something in the other.

- Good morning Kit- he says smiling, -I hope you have a better stomach for something to eat now.

Kit stares at him, which makes him smile and put the tray on the table.

- I brought you some noodle soup and tofu- he says, -I don't know exactly how you like it, but this soup is delicious.

- No thanks- Kit says, boldly, -I don't trust you.

Agnar laughs and moves closer, leaning against the door.

- You really think I'd leave you here if I wanted to kill you?- he tilts his head, his godlike, sculpted face looking almost magical, Kit feeling a small twinge of envy at how he looked so flawless all the time, even though she hated everything about him and especially the fact that he was a man.

The hairs on Kit's arms twitch and she feels disgusted.

- Why am I here? - She asks, -What does Jade have to do with all this?

Agnar pulls out a chair and sits down.

- I'm so glad you asked- he says, -I think it's about time you knew some of the things Jade has been hiding from you.

She lifts her head.

What? What are you talking about?

- What do you mean?

Agnar sighs and stays silent for a few minutes before saying:

- Jade belongs to us - He says - To our coven.

Kit laughs, letting out an anasal sound.

- What? You're going to tell me you guys are rebellious witches doing dark magic?-she scoffs.

- We have wizards among us- he says, -but no, that's not our forte, but listen up, Kit, I'm not kidding.

- Get to the point then- she says sourly.

Agnar rolls his golden eyes, he lights his cigarette.

- I suspect there's a traitor among us- he says, looking at her, -the night before last, a woman was killed, a harlot, and thrown into the river- Kit raises her eyebrows, -and I suspect it's someone in here, but you know what's funny? We found Jade's belongings on the harlot's body - Kit's heart stops inside her chest - Apparently all the evidence and proof points to her being responsible for that death.

Kit feels her mind focus and says:

- Of course not! Have you gone mad? Jade would never be capable of...

- Kill someone? - He cracks a smile - Ah dear Kit, you know nothing about her, Jade is one of us, killing is part of her instinct.

- No - Kit insists - Jade would never do that!

Agnar sighs.

- Do you remember the cabin and the body found in the forest a few weeks ago?

She looks at him and lifts her shoulders, her posture erect, her heart is tight in her chest, she begins to feel her hands tingling.

She knows Jade, Agnar is lying to make her vulnerable.

- She admitted it to me herself- he says, -It was an accident of course, but still, I had to punish her- he tilts his head, -and I bet you didn't buy the story that the fire in Jade's office was vandalism.

Kit stands up.

- Stop- she says, -Stop telling lies, you're just trying to mess with my head.

Agnar smiles, and she visibly sees his canines protrude into, lengthening, the pointed tips so long they almost touch his lower lip, she freaks, backing away.

- Me and Jade are vampires, all of us, even the maid who came you bring you food, Kit - He stands up - And we are made to kill, it's our instinct.

Kit's eyes widen, she refuses to believe what he says, but a small part of her can't deny what she sees.

She thought vampires were just an ancient legend of an extinct people, but seeing Agnr's fangs, seeing how his skin grows paler and purplish circles form around his eyes, how he suddenly looks like a mystical creature, challenges all of Kit's beliefs.

- I'll let you absorb this information later dear - He says smiling and smokes his cigarette - The important thing is, I know she didn't do it this time, Jade was right yesterday morning, she's clean and careful with her hunt, she would never leave the body in a river and especially not with belongings of her own that would link her with crime, Jade is controlled, she feeds with discretion - He leans back against the bed, Meanwhile, Kit tries to stand - And that's where you and your role come into the story - He tilts his head - Look, Jade is extremely loyal to you, even more loyal than she is to me, and if I want her to do something, I need to really get her attention, and what's more appealing than kidnapping you, the great love of her life?

Kit's heart beats fast, but she's not sure if it's because she's being played for bait or because Agnar has just revealed that Jade loves her.

- What did you do?- she asks, feeling a "but" coming on.

He shrugs.

- Don't worry, sweetheart, you'll not be here for a long time. - He sits up and smiles-I sent one of my vampires to negotiate with her.

- Negotiate what? - She asks.

- You darling-  he says, -the deal is: if she investigates the whore's death and finds the person responsible for her death, I will return you to her intact and safe.


Jade stares at the piece of paper for a few minutes, Endrias had handed it to her with the letter's seal still sealed, which means he doesn't even know what it contains.

Which means, according to the contents of the letter, Agnar doesn't trust anyone within the coven, not even Endrias.

With the exception of Jade.

She folds the paper and realizes that Endrias has his eyes fixed on the letter, she turns and goes to the fireplace of Scorpia, and she can almost hear the displeasure of the vampire as she takes a lighter and burns the letter to the last ash, making sure everything is on fire.

Then she turns to the others and silently, she indicates Endrias.

- Get out of here - she orders.

Endrias laughs and crosses her arms.

- You expect me to leave after you burned the letter from Agnar that surely contains something he doesn't want me to know?

- Yes- she says, -That's exactly why I burned it, because not a single comma in it concerns you, and is therefore none of your business.

Endrias shows his fangs, Scorpia does the same, hissing.

- Go away Endrias - She says growling.

He grunts and leaves the house, Jade watches him through the window and waits until he has gotten into his car and driven away before turning to the others and saying:

- Agnar wants me to find the person responsible for the death of the woman in the river yesterday - She says - He will only release Kit when I hand over the traitor.

- That worthless bastard- Scorpia grumbles, slamming her hand against the wall in frustration, -Now that's all I need, he can't keep doing this! Using blackmail to make you do what he wants.

Jade sighs.

- I think it would be good to call Elora, if she wasn't furious before, she's sure to lose her mind now.

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