The fun begins-Sorta

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The sun was just rising, making the black sky turn a hazy purple orange as we arrived at my house. I unlocked the shed and the house while the other wheeled the bikes into the shed and unpacked. "Okay we need sort things out first, then... then we need to sort out what we're going to do with these guys and how are we going to get them home!" It Was so weird to hear my voice out loud at its normal volume after whispering for most of the day.

"What we do know is that they'll most likely come for Gracemere fisrt then head to uhhh....I don't know" Flci said, sighing giving up. "Okay. Let's focus on how and we're we are going to give them. I mean we can't have them running around everywhere and finding out everything can we?" Sky said sitting beside me at the table, whith her back to the baker stand facing the master bedroom door. "GKI! Great Keppel Island! That's we're we need to get them- we can't keep them anywhere else without power or food" Aquilla stated sitting opposite Sky.

I got up from my seat and walked over to my spinning globe on my desk, spinning it to Australia I pushed the button the turned the lights on so you could see the star constellations but I used it for extra light. I spun it round a bit more to my finger landed on Rockhampton. Standing there I said " First we need a night's sleep and after that we wait to they come, which will take awhile with what? Forty kids? Anyways then we need to get the message across for them to head for GKI. But how do we do that....huh! That's it! We get them to think its us and im 99.99.9% sure they'll follow the directions!" I shouted while shaking the globe

After my little freak out and the day grew into midday we waited for them to trip the motion activated cameras I had set up. We sat on the lounge room floor amongst the food and game cards, making most if the little bit of fun we could have- although we didn't turn the TV on, fearing it would be too loud. "AND........ "- I let the suspense rise-" BOOM! I SKIP YOU FLIC! UNO!" I shouted getting all excited as I laughed myself to death at Felicity's ima kill you stare while I added my Uno card to the pile.

Aquilla went next with a grumpy expression and placed a plus two on the pile, causing Sky to draw two cards from the deck while I grinned whickedly placing my last card down on the pile. Imeaditly everyone went into a frenzy, a lot of No's and Yes's were said back and forth, they were arguing at the fact I hadn't picked up two cards like Sky Since it was teams and i was her teammate. I stayed out of it, furiously searching for the answers, wanting them to stop bickering as almost two whole dam classes came closer and closer.

"OH GAWD! I HAVE NEVER SEEN PEOPLE FIGHT OVER UNO LIKE A FLOCK OF SEAGULS WANTING RED ROOSTER CHIPS AT THE BEACH! Okay that's a lie, you haven't seen my faimly- but geez guys it wasn't that hard to google the awnsers!" I shouted and then read out the truth. Turns out we did win and only one team member has to draw two cards. My phone buzzed as I put it on the ground and picking it up again to see what it was dying about my face paled. "Their here- past the shops!" I said blankly now going into full panick mode over the fact they'd gotten here so fast.

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