Welp There Goes Another Secrect

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Sky's POV

I watched Makayla's face as miss decided to head to the stairs into the second level. There was nothing there except just books, well if you don't count the massive tapestry on the wall and the numerous 'objects' for whatever spells. She picked up a hard covered book and brought it over to me, placing it in my hands. "Uhh... what? Umm okay,I'll  just hold it then" I said totally confused. Makayla gave me a look. Don't try snd be funny AND make her even more intrigued!.

I just rolled my eyes and she shook her head at me taking the book from my hands, flipping threw it and putting it back in my hands. This time I gave her a look. "What? It was full of gibberish shit!" She whispered beside me and then walked up to behind miss, looking over miss's shoulder at the shelf infront of her reading the books. Now it only occurred to me what she was doing. She was looking for a memory whipping spell! But with miss there, searching threw all the books, it would be most likely miss who would find it first.

"Oi! Try and find a memory whipping spell, before miss does!" I hissed at Aquilla and Flic, Ace would have no clue what I was talking about but eventhough she started looking as discreet as she could, I'd tried to make my voice come out as nice as I could, but it's hard when you normally say things threw clenched teeth and it comes out as the opposite, like I was mad at someone. Thankfully they saw I was trying to be nice and  get them to that spell before miss did.

After a while and I mean like half an hour standing there with a pile of books in your arms, half an hour! They had started to get heavy After a while and I had started to put them back at least to were I couldn't remember were they went. Miss had gone back up intk the common room  and I was down here with the most beautiful girl ever looking around for a stupid spell. "Oh just fucking for-GET it!" Makayla hissed "There almost back to where we all disappeared, we need to get miss and us there now!".

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