Your kidding me!

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Ace's POV

I watched as Aquilla tried to hide behind anything, including a chair. Sky was trying to hide behind Makayla eventhough she was easily seen because she was atleast three centermeters taller than her,thought Makayla had grown a bit, because now she came up to Sky's nose when before she only came up to just past her shoulders...still Sky could see over her. Felicity was trying to mix in with us, she was trying to get behind me considering I was about a few centermeters taller.

"Tell me now! What this place is!" Miss yelled at us in disbelief. I nuged Makayla in the side since she was the only one actually looking at miss, she craned her neck to the side to listen to what I had to say." 1. This place is amazing! 2. Your going to have to tell her" I whispered to her and she turned back to face miss, who was fuming at this point. "Well......."- Makayla either seemed to be coming up with words or stalling-" it is what it looks like. A secret room"-cough-" base"-another cough, but this time covered with her clearing her throat-"and we found it. I get you saw the way to open it in the book you gave me, but we've only known about since I found that book last time we were here...well- minus Ace" I slapped the back of her shoulder,were her arm conected.

She turned around and gave me a what! It's true! look. Then miss said with the most Australian accent ever I have herd her say. " Well of course that's 'bout bloody right, ain't it! You don't wanna tell me 'cause ya all want to keep whatcha found to yourselves!" She just about shouted, almost throwing her hands up in the air in a shrugging motion. "Take a look around for yourself, then!" Makayla shouted back, gesturing around a room which i guessed was the main room.

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