Chapter 1

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It's Monday once again, and the day seems to be racing by so quickly. Weekends, on the other hand, always fly by. I'm sure there are a lot of activities lined up for today. But, no more complaining; it's time to tackle these tasks and get them done. *she thought.*

Now it's lunchtime, with just one more subject before the 2 pm dismissal. I'm relieved to know that I'll have a chance to rest. I stayed up late finishing a painting because the deadline is today, and I didn't want to compromise timeliness.

"Hi Aud, are you okay? You look tired and worn out. Did you get some sleep, dear?" Bea, my best friend, expressed her concern.

"Nope, I stayed up because I finished the painting assigned by Ma'am Lily," I replied.

"Oh no, you're in trouble with Auntie, right? You're not supposed to stay up late. But luckily, our schedule ends early. You should rest, okay?" Amelia, also my best friend, chimed in.

"Yes, I know. Just keep it quiet, or I'll really get scolded by Mommy. I'll make sure to rest when I get home. You guys too, okay?" I replied, and they just nodded.

Finally, I can head home and get some rest. I'm so sleepy now. I immediately asked Manong Henry to pick me up. When we arrived, Mommy and Daddy were still at work.

"Good afternoon, Nay Dolores," I greeted warmly.

"Oh, hija, you're home early today. Wait, are you okay?" *checking up on her. "Jusko ang init mo . Oh dear! Did you stay late up again? You'll be in trouble with your mom and dad when they find out," she said.

"Nay, please don't tell them *puppy eyes. I just finished something last night. I'll just rest for now, Nay," I replied.

"Inumin mo muna itong gamot at ipaghahanda kita ng soup. Sobrang masakit ba ang ulo mo, " she asked

"Opo Nay eh salamat po" I replied with my pagod tone

After taking my medicine, I headed upstairs. I didn't wait for Nay Dolores to bring the soup. My eyes are really closing on their own. I really want to rest. Eventually, I dozed off. But my headache today is intense. I'm in trouble with Mommy later, huhu.


It's already 6:47 in the evening, and we just got home from work; today was so tiring. There's been a lot to attend to this whole week. I wonder where my baby is because she usually waits for Greggy and me here in the living room, but she's not here now. I miss her so much; we barely had time together this week because of how busy it's been. I hope she's okay.

"Oh Irene, Greggy nandyan na pala kayo", bungad ni Nay Dolores.

"Oo nay, asan po ang anak ko?", I asked

"Ay naku siya nga pala Irene ang Carol mo may sakit. Umuwi siya kaninang 2 pm. Mukhang pagod na pagod, masakit daw ang ulo niya. Nagpuyat na naman", saad ni Nay Dolores na ikinagulat ko. Si Greggy naman upstairs na

"Ho!? Naku sige nay salamat. I'll check her muna". I said

Oh, my dear daughter is so stubborn, just like her daddy. I went straight to her room, and there I found my baby fast asleep. She feels so warm. I gently kissed her forehead and ran my fingers through her hair. Uh-oh, she's awake now!

"Hello my baby. How's you na? May masakit pa ba? Sabi naman sayo anak h'wag na magpuyat e. Bakit ka ba puyat last night?", I asked worriedly

"May tinapos po kasi ako mommy 'yung painting ko po. Deadline na kanina po e. Sorry na mommy, " she replied

"May magagawa pa ba ako? Take care of yourself naman anak. You should call me kagabi so I can help you, " I said

"I am shy mommy. Alam ko pong busy ka e, " she said

"Hey no baby, listen, mommy's always here. Kahit gaano ka-busy ang mommy I will always make time for you ha. I am always here for you, " I said

"Oh yes, I'm sorry mom. Where's daddy?" she asked

"No need to say sorry. Daddy's at our room. I miss you so much my baby!  We should bond na I barely see you lately. Come here nga pa-hug si mommy" I said and hug her tenderly.

"I miss you as well mommy. The super clingy mommy always. Love you mommy" she said and I chuckled a bit.

"What about daddy?" Greggy interrupted

"Oh hola daddy. How's you? *hug and kiss her dad

"I'm good po. Ikaw baby you're not feeling well daw. Naku! At nagpuyat na naman. Please take care of yourself anak" Greggy said. I love encountering this moment.

"Opo daddy, am sorry. It's just I needed to finish that kasi kanina 'yung deadline" *Greggy just nod and hug our daughter lovingly.  What a view!

"Let's eat now, so that we could all rest. And you little girl you'll be sleeping with me and your daddy" I said

"Sure mommy, I love that! I miss you both kaya. So much" she said

"And we missed you as well hija, you drink medicine ulit after we eat hmm'kay" her daddy said.

We went downstairs to eat dinner. After I showered and changed into jammies. I take care of my daughter, drinking her medicine and milk. I sang her favorite song until she fell asleep. After all, I pray for my daughter's health and my two other children who have their own family na. Missing them both so much. And after exchanging goodnight kiss with Greg we dozed off to sleep. What a day!

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