Chapter 6

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Audelia's birthday is approaching. Irene, Greggy, and the whole family were planning to surprise her. Her birthday will be on Saturday, the 16th of March. Irene is planning to distance herself from her daughter, it will be difficult for her but she will do it for the best. All for the best surprise.

It's Thursday now. Audelia seemed to be so busy at school as she is the current president of SSLG  (Supreme Secondary Learner Government). They are now preparing for the upcoming graduation that will be held next month.

"Oh no, it's already 6:30 na pala," Audelia said as she check her phone

To: Mommy Love 🤍

Hi Mom, are you at home na po? I will be coming home a little late. We're doing a lot pa po today for graduation. Please understand, thank you, Mom. Love you!

To: Daddy Bear 🤍

Hello Daddy, I will be late tonight since we're still doing lots of stuff now. Please understand, thank you, Dad. Love you!

From: Daddy Bear 🤍

Okay baby, message your Mom in okay? You take care. Love you!

"Okay, buti Daddy replied na. Wow, Daddy replied agad ha. But mommy saw it lang. Maybe she's busy", Audelia uttered in her mind.

It's already 9:15 in the evening and Audelia just got home. She's now going inside their house and she's a little nervous because she was thinking about her mom. Maybe she's mad at her now.

"Why are you so late? It's already 9 in the evening Caroline!", Irene shouted.

Audelia is surprised by the sudden change in her mom's attitude earlier she did not reply to her message and now she's shouting at her loudly.

"I.. am sorry Mommy, I messaged you po earlier diba, that I will be a little late tonight. We did a lot of ~" Audelia wasn't able to finish her side and she was stuttering and afraid.

"Stop explaining yourself!  Go upstairs now and change your clothes. We're going to eat now." Irene said cutting Audelia's explanation

Tears are now forming in Audelia's eyes, and she looked at her daddy asking for help. But her daddy just motioned her to obey what her mom said.

As soon as Audelia reached her room she cry while she is preparing herself for dinner.

"Why are they like that? Did I do something bad?" Audelia said in her mind while sobbing terribly.

When she finished preparing she immediately went downstairs and found her parents eating already. She just sits beside her mom. Her mom still not minding her so she just continues to eat. The dinner is so quiet and no one dared to talk.

"They usually wait for me naman before eating, pero bakit ganito ngayon, they did not wait for me man lang," Audelia said in her mind while eating.

They are now done eating their dinner, Audelia helps on washing the dishes while her parents were on the sala. She's planning to talk to her mom after she washed.

She just finished washing the dishes but on her way to the sala her mom and dad were already going upstairs to rest. So she immediately called and approached them.

"Mommy, daddy wait po!" Audelia

They both stopped and looked at their daughter.

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