Chapter Eight

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"Kimmy!"Justin yelled after her, but she was so much in a hurry to leave, raging with anger.

"WAIT!"Justin reached her and turned her around. Kim watched his messy hair, and shirtless torso and then his eyes angrily.

"What?"She snapped pushing him back. "Don't touch me. You're such an idiot"

"I am so sorry you had to see t-"

"See what? Oh right you and that slut making out in your bed.? Just forget it. I thought you really meant what you said last night, why don't you just get the hell back to what you were doing and leave me the hell alone?"She yelled in his face. Justin gave her a confused look.

"Kim what is wrong with you? You were the one who turned me down last night. Tell me why are you here?"He asked.

"I thought for a moment I could give you a friggen chance and try to be happy with you. I thought you really loved me. But I guess not, I come here and you're about to fuck this bitch. I'm out" She cried and her tears streamed down her face and she turned on her heel to leave.

"No! Kimmy wait I still love you"He yelled after her. 

"SHUT UP! AND DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN YOU LIAR!"She yelled back and slammed the door shut on his face.

Why did this happen to her? She thought she felt something for Justin and went there to tell him but only to get her heart broken one more time. The pain she felt inside was getting stronger by the minute. She sadly took a cab home, dissapointed and angry at the same time.

Why was she so unlucky? She felt so stupid, angrily she tore off her necklace, and threw it out the window. 

He said he'd always love me. BULLSHIT. 

She arrived home and it was about midnight.

"Kimmy! where were you? What happened?" Demi got up from the couch where she sat with Niall, he got up as well.

She looked them both in the eyes.

"Know what? I'm so stupid, so stupid I thought someone would really love me this time and I could be happy" She cried. "But I was wrong, he was there making out with a slutty bitch!" She yelled angrily.

"Who? Justin?"Niall asked in surprise.


"Calm down" Demi said in a soft and calm voice.

"Don't bother to knock my door. I want to be left alone" She warned and with that she ran up the stairs to her room...

Niall and Demi exchanged looks of confusion and sat back down.

"I don't get it, I thought he loved her. He's an asshole"Niall said.

"I know. I'm so puzzled. Poor Kimmy" Demi sadly answered. "She can never be happy"

"He's an idiot, he lost her for sure now"Niall stated shaking his head. 


Demi sat guiltily next to Niall, his boyfriend. After what she did at the club last night she deserved Niall to hate her and dump her.


"Come on gurl! have another one!"Cece invited Demi another shot of tequila, she was already so dizzy and laughing at nothing but she accepted and drank it.

"Woooooo! that's it, come on let's dance" Cece took her hand and they walked away from the bar, Demi stumbled from side to side while walking until they found a spot on the dancefloor.

Two guys came towards them and grabbed their waists. Demi turned around to see the guy who was behind her and it was... Justin. Non other that Justin Bieber.

She smiled goofily at him and he smiled back.

"DEMIIIIII!"He yelled and hugged her. She hugged him back and took in his scent of perfume. 

They were both exceded in alcohol... They left holding hands towards the vip room, Justin payed some guys to get in and they stumbled over on a red couch in the room. Demi kissed Justin, Justin kissed her back.

Have they ever even wanted each other? No, not like that. But that night was different. They were drunk and wanted to have fun. Guess they chose the wrong way.

The slept together in the vip room.

End of Flashback

"Are you okay babe?"Niall waved a hand in front of Demi's eyes. She shook off her thoughts and faked a smile.

"Yeah I am, is it okay if I go to bed now?"She said. He smiled at her and kissed her.

"Can I go with you?"He asked her.

"No, please. I'm tired. Go home, I will call you tomorrow ok?"She said pulling away. 

He gave her a sad and confused look but did as told.

"Okay, night babe"He pecked her lips and left.

Demetria Devonne Lovato, how the hell are you going to deal with cheating on your boyfriend with Justin, who was Niall's friend and Kim's guy? 


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