Chapter Nine

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Kim cried on her pillow, she felt the urge to punch someone on the face and inside her heart was shattered. 

"I hate my fucking life"She cried. "I don't want to hurt anymore" She added more so speaking to herself.

Throwing the pillow towards the wall she let out a deep sob come out her throat, releasing some of the pain.

She decided to go out and get a glass of water and bumped into Demi on the way.

"Sorry"She mumbled sniffling.

Demi hugged her even though Kim didn't hug back. She didn't want her pity.

"Kim, you are acting so distant from me lately. What is wrong?"Demi asked her pulling away to look in her eyes. 

"Nothing. Now if you move out of the way I'd like to get a glass of water"She said irritated.

Demi sighed and let her through.

"You're not going to win anything by being in that mood"Demi told her.

Kim spun back around and raised and eyebrow.

"Excuse me? Oh right your life is so fucking perfect to understand mine, you've always been so succesful and talented. You have the PERFECT boyfriend. You never make mistakes. You're the sweet, funny and beautiful one, everybody loves you. So why the fuck would you understand me?"

She let out. Did she really just say that?

"WHAT? Is that what you think? You are just so jealous of me, I can't believe it. And now everything seems so clear to me, you want everything I have... Including Niall"

"I do NOT."She lied back angrily.

"YES YOU DO. I bet" Demi shot back at her.

"Listen I don't want your stupid life or your stupid boyfriend. I'm getting the hell out of this house. NOW. And get yourself a new makeup artist cuz I FUCKING QUIT." She stormed into her room and packed her bags.


Kimberly in tears of anger packed her bags and left the house slamming the door shut behind her.

She took a cab to a hotel where she'd stay until she found an apartment.

Her phone rang... Justin

She cursed under her breath when she saw the caller I.D and didn't pick up leaving her phone on the night table next to the bed.

She put her bags on a chair, hands shaking in anger.

How dare Demi call her all those things? In part she was kind of right? Was she really jealous of her? No. Not possible. No way. 

Justin wouldn't give up calling her, she didn't pick up. She got a message from him.

'Please answer me. It's really important. I have to tell you something''

She scoffed and answered his next call.

"And what the hell do YOU want?"She snarled.

"Kim, this is important. I don't know how to tell you this but..." 

"Justin can you please make it quick? I don't even know why I -"

"Demi cheated on Niall"


"Yes... it's true."

"How would YOU know?"

"Can we see each other I need to say it to your face"

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