Chapter Eleven

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Kim's next week was full of random psychiatric and psycologic tests. She was so tired of telling them all she wasn't insane, they practically ignored her. But she wasn't going to give them a reason to lock her up immediatly so she eventually gave up. The tests would come out and tell her she was a normal person in no time... She hoped.

But in the meantime she tried to stay as calm and relaxed as possible, the nurse didn't even have to give her sedatives anymore.

"Kimberly" The nurse woke her up, it seemed to be early in the morning. Kim rolled over and opened her eyes.

"What?"She mumbled sleepily.

"We're taking you to another hospital"The nurse revealed. Kim felt so happy she smiled like she hadn't done in a week.

"What? Why?"She let out confused. The nurse's eyes wandered around, not meeting hers.

"We recieved the results of the tests and we think it's better to take you somewhere else. You'll be fine Kim" Kim's eyes widened.

Other nurses came in the room and took her by her arms.

"Wait no! I'm not stupid. You are taking m-me to a m-madhouse. I'm NOT mad!"She yelled eyes full of tears. 

Without her being able to fight back the first nurse inyected her a substance that made her fall asleep in seconds.


Meanwhile at Demi's house... 

"So, she really is mad?"Niall cleared his throat and sat in front of his girlfriend. She let out a deep fake sigh.

"Yes. I don't know when this all started, and how I didn't realize before. But it's a good thing they're sending her to a mental institution"She spoke as if she didn't have fault at all, as if she and Justin weren't comploted together in this.

Niall shook his head.

"She seemed so vulnerable, so indefense. I can't believe I even doubted you for a minute"He said looking into her brown eyes. She gave him a small smile and hugged him.

"It's okay. She can't try and break us apart now..."

"And I'm glad"He answered kissing her lips softly.

The doorbell rang minutes after. Demi got up and walked to the door.

"Hey Jaybe! Come on in"Niall heard her say and back she came with Justin.

"Sup man"Justin did a handshake with Niall.

"You heard right?"Niall told him while Justin sat in front of him.

"Heard what?"He asked confused.

"Kim... She's been taken to a mental institution"He answered. Justin's face expressed some sort of confusion, panic and anger at the same time.

"W-what the hell?"He let out looking at Demi in the eye. The ends of her lips tugged to form a small evil smile.

"Yes, we got news from the psychiatrist and they say she has a disorder"She sighed erasing the smile off her face just in time for Niall to spin around and look at her.

Justin looked like he was going to kill Demi. He only did what he asked her to do, and what they had agreeg to do was give her a scare for a few days so she'd stay away from Niall and Demi. But this? It was getting out of hands. Justin now felt so guilty, why had he done this to Kim? How could he be so cruel?

It was too late to apologize, too late for him to make it up to her...

"Um are you okay man?"Niall waved a hand in front of his face and he shook out of his thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just didn't think she'd be crazy. I just thought she was obsessed with you"He confessed facing the ground.

"Oh well she's both now"Demi said.

"Demetria stop"Justin snapped. 

"Guys, please don't fight"Niall spoke trying to evade a banter.

"It's fine. I'm leaving anyways" He got up and left.

Demi followed him out the door, Niall sat there confused, curiousity filling him. He got up and slowly walked towards them to eavesdrop

"Why would yo do that? You know she isn't crazy, what the fuck is wrong with you? It wasn't what we agreed to do."Justin whisper-shouted at her. Niall's eyes grew wide. What could they mean?

"Shut it! You helped me do this in the first place don't act all heroic you hypocrit. You wanted to get back at her, so did I. Now she's being taken to a madhouse and she's never coming back."

"I don't know how you could go so far..." 

Niall felt anger, confusion and dissapointment in hearing all that.

"I told you she was going to learn to not mess with me ever again."

"But this is too fucking much! We could go to prison for this you lunatic!"

"But we're not going to. Duh!"

"How do you know?" 

Niall couldn't take it any longer. He had to do something so he walked out in front of them and they both looked at him in horror.


"What? wait no, this isn't what it-"Demi tried to explain. Justin just stood there staring guiltily at his eyes. He'd hate them both if he knew they had really slept together. The lies were being unveiled.

"No! Shut up! I am so dissapointed in you two. Honestly."He said shaking his head and leaving.

"And where are YOU going?" Demi asked him furiously. 

Niall turned around and gave her a death glare.

"WE are over" He said ponting a finger at him and then her indicating 'them'. 

"What? NO YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME"Demi yelled after him. "I think I'm pregnant!"She cried.

Niall froze in his tracks wide-eyed.

"Would you leave your future baby fatherless? Could you do something like that?"She cried eyes full of tears touching her stomach.

He turned and saw her standing there. Justin was shocked too.

"What? Since when do you know?"He told her as his eyes flooded with tears as well.

"My period's late two weeks..."She said facing the ground. Justin found the right moment to leave the couple alone.

 "Holy shit..."Niall cursed running his hands through his bleached blonde hair. He couldn't believe it... "I-I want proof, so until you get a pregnancy test result, don't even speak to me."He pointed a finger at her, tears flooding both their eyes.

He turned on his heel and left. He would go get Kimmy, he HAD to. He felt so guilty for thinking she was crazy and kicking her out of his house. He'd need some help though, a few lawyers at least. Here we go...

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