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I am always right, especially about this filthy place. The muggles are disgusting, it's an insult to call these things "houses," and my parents are mistaken if they think this experience will change me. I hate everyone and everything, hopefully, this summer ends quickly.


"Stupid muggles!" Draco muttered to himself as he navigated the busy streets. Currently, Draco is on his way to Goyal's home in the muggle world. Due to his previous entitlement and attitude towards his parents, they threatened to send him to the muggle world.  His family being known for their certain distaste for such creatures, he figured he would never see the day when his father would send him to such a loathsome location.

Draco battles his suitcase through the door silently cursing to himself. 'Merlin these people are hopeless,' he thought to himself acknowledging the lack of house elves.

"Hello, my darling!" A short wider middle-aged woman, with brown bobbed hair, rushes over to help. "Gregory's room is upstairs to the left, and he can show you to your own. " She kindly stated before a sudden outburst, " Gregory, You better get down here and show our guest some respect!" She yelled making Draco jump. For such a meek-looking woman she sure had a hell of a yell. Draco was used to yelling and fighting at his home, but that doesn't mean it won't make him flinch.

"Thanks Mrs.Goyle." Draco reluctantly squeaks out trying to be respectful.

"Please, call me Pamala. Pam for short," and with a wink she waddles away. 

       Gregory's house wasn't terrible but compared to what Draco was used to it was awful.  To the left of the door was a small kitchen and dining room. There was a stainless steel fridge in a white coloured kitchen with marble counters. In front of a large sized bow window, is a wooden circular table with 5 chairs. This was odd because, there were only 3 Goyals living here, and Draco was aware they rarely got visitors. To the right of the room there was a beige coloured couch facing the wall that has a wooden tv stand with a television playing a muggle show. The walls were a smokey grey and the stairs had an accent of cadet grey matching the carpet beneath the couch.  

Draco was partially lost in thought about how terrible this "trip" will be when he entered his room. It was a small room with one desk, a small window,  a weird light up rectangle thingy, a single bed covered in blue comforter with dark blue pillows and a small nightstand with a light to the left of the bed.

"My room is right beside yours, you can see it if you want," Goyal stated in his usual sim-witted tone. Draco already wanting to go back to his house, shook his head and collapsed on his bed. The night went painfully slow. He laid in bed for what felt like eternity till he found out the little rectangle thing was something called a 'computer.'  It was actually pretty cool. You could look up anything and tons of words would appear. Although Draco refused to compliment a muggle invention, he secretly wished he had this stuff back at home.

Deception in Between us - Draco x YnWhere stories live. Discover now