Chapter 10

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I was walking to the great hall when I saw a group of kids I used to call my "friends" slap Ron Weasley's books down. I pranced over with my head held up high. "What do you think you're doing?"  I yelled angrily at the group. They all looked at me in fear and when I stepped forward threateningly they all ran. I squatted down and began gathering Ron's stuff. He just stared at me in pure confusion. "Sorry about them. It's a good thing they are still scared of me." I lightly chuckled before trying to hand Ron his stuff back. He didn't move. He just continued to stare at me frozen, with a dumb-found look on his face. I grabbed his hand and put his papers and books in them before walking to the great hall.

Blaise came and sat beside me before smiling at me. I returned the gesture before going back to pushing stuff around my plate. If I am being honest Blaise was my only real friend. He was the only guy that wasn't there because he was scared of me, but because he genuinely wanted to be friends. "Bro, you doing okay?" He sounded worried and it made me smile slightly to feel cared about again.

Without guarding my feelings or hiding under an emotional mask, I told the truth, the same way Yn taught me how to, "I just miss her is all." I met is eyes hoping he would have some good advice.

"Who?" Blaise tilted his head with a reassuring smile.

"This summer I stayed with Goyal." Blaise nodded following along, "I hated it at first, until I met this girl," I started to smile thinking about her. My first real smile since the break up, "she was smart and funny and undeniably gorgeous." A blush creeped up my neck as I continued to talk about her, "for the first time I met someone who understood me and my struggles. She wasn't afraid of me, and she made me forget who I was. She made me a better person. I loved being around her." My smile started to fade as I got towards the harder part. "There were a few problems keeping us apart." I looked around not ready to say that she was a muggle, "one of them being..." I couldn't say it so I just said the other problem, "She goes to school in France."

"So? Just a little long distance. We will learn to apparate really soon, just wait until then." Blaise tried to advise me.

"Come with me." I grabbed his arm and dragged him into an empty classroom using muffalo and a locking charm. "I need you to make an unbreakable vow." I looked at him desperate. I needed to talk to someone about this.

"You're scaring me. " Blaise leaned in, "is this about your little girlfriend being a muggle?"

I looked at him shocked, "how did you- what?" 

He laughed a little and he shook his head, "I am not a moron like Crabbe or Goyal." I continued to just stare at him. "You suddenly came back from break all buddy-buddy with the half-bloods and blood traitors. I think its sorta obvious." 

"You need to swear to me that you won't tell anyone. I can't have this get out. She could be put in danger if someone like my father figured it out." I begged gripping onto Blaise desperately.

"Chill out, Come any closer and I might think you're trying to kiss me." He laughed and then realized I needed verbal confirmation, "I swear to you on my ma's grave I won't tell anyone about your new-found love for muggles." He laughed throwing an arm around my shoulder, "now let's go to the Great Hall to watch these lovely ladies arrive." I know Blaise was hoping I would snog a few of the girls then be back to my regular self, but I am starting to think this new me is my regular self.

Me and Blaise sat down across from Crabbe and Goyal who were already covered in slob.

As Dumbledore said his usual speech, sorting the first years, most people sat on the edge of their seats waiting to hear if the rumors were true. Once people started giving up on the idea, he finally said it, "as you guys have already heard, we have two lovely schools coming to join us." Cheers of excitement filled the room before Dumbledore silenced them to continue his speech, "Without further a due, let's welcome the beautiful ladies of Beauxbaton." Pretty girls dressed in blue gracefully entered the Great Hall, I nearly choked when I met the familiar (e/c) eyes of Yn Yln. Her eyes widened before shuffling to stay with the rest of the group. My whole world froze and I didn't care for anyone else that was in it, only Yn. Me and her held confused and shocked eye contact from across the hall. Neither one of us breaking it to watch the Durmstrang students enter. 

Yn Yln was a witch, and she was in my school.

I felt Blaise nudge my side before saying, "look at you getting back out there!" He laughed before realizing my expression.

"That's her. The muggle." I stood up abruptly speed walking out of the Great Hall. It was all too much. My muggle girlfriend, *Ex-Girlfriend,* just entered the Great Hall, and it turns out she is a witch. My head was spinning, and it felt like I was going to throw up.

This is not what I had expected for this year.

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