Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since I saw Draco kissing that girl. I stopped the plan because in the end, I was the only person that was getting hurt. I actually didn't do anything anymore. 

I lay in my bed heavy-hearted with puffy tired eyes, and my pale face covered in dry tear stains.  I heard Theo come in to try and get me to eat but I couldn't. "Yn! Get up and go eat. It's been days!" He sounded like an annoyed brother, but I know he is only concerned. I weakly nodded know he wouldn't take no for an answer. I got up and slowly walked with him to the Great Hall. I felt eyes on me left and right, snickering about my broken appearance. 

"Jesus Ynn!" Pansy ran over and held onto my arm tightly, "are you okay." I just sat down staring at the wall emotionless.

 "Have you heard? Apparently, Draco has a new girlfriend!" Some first years gossiped. My head rose a little at the news, swallowing the lump that formed in my throat. 

"Yn, it's just a silly rumor!" Pansy reassured me pulling her arm around my shoulders.

I rested my head on Pansy suddenly feeling exhausted, "I don't know what I did to deserve you guys." I still felt worthless for helplessly loving a guy that would never want me.

My friends noticed that I didn't want to talk about my pain, so they started talking about Quidditch and couples prefects found in closets and empty hallways.

I was so focused I didn't even notice Draco sitting down beside Pansy. "Can we help you?" Theo protectively shot at Draco.

"What? I can't even sit with my own friends now?" Draco sounded defensive.

I looked up to see what the commotion was. "Hm? What's going on." My brain wasn't working because of the late nights I spent staring at the roof. I met the guilty eyes of Draco. "He can stay." Everyone swiveled their heads around at me shocked and I gave them a weak reassuring smile. The pain in my built but I stared at my fingers not wanting anyone to see my broken expression. I wouldn't want to be a burden.

"I still think you should leave." Theo's expression was cold. He narrowed his eyes at Draco when suddenly something clicked, "actually, change of plans. Let's have a little chat. Privately." The anger in Theo's voice was enough to make a shiver run down my spine.

Everyone looked somber, with sadness coating their eyes when looking at me. "What? I really was okay with him sitting here?" I turned to look at Pansy for answers but she looked just as sad, if not guilty. A terrible feeling twisted in my gut, "Why are you guys looking at me like that?" I nervously laughed.

"Look Yn I was gonna tell you-" Pansy started before Blaise grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the hall. 

"I want to know what she was gonna tell me!" I complained to Blaise who was walking really fast with his freakishly long legs, dragging my behind him. I abruptly stopped nearly falling when Blaise kept on going, "stop it! I want to know what's going on!" I slid my arm from his tight grip out of pure luck and I darted to the Great Hall stopping just outside of the door to see Theo and Draco.

"You are disgusting." Theo was aggressively pushing Draco with each sentence, "she does everything to try and get you to like her!" He pushed him again, "EVERYTHING! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH SHE LOVES YOU!?!" Theo was yelling and pushing Draco, and the blonde boy just took it.

"I didn't mean to hurt her! I just thought she wouldn't want me anymore." Draco was on the verge of tears pleading desperately for Theo to understand.

"Yn may have ignored you, but you deserved it! She wanted to talk to you! Every single day!" Theo was yelling so loud it caught the attention of people eating at their house tables. Several prefects started heading over, Cedric being one of them. I was still stood in the middle of the hall with Blaise standing beside me. At some point chasing me he decided I had a right to know.

"I just wanted to feel something alright! I was hurting and Pansy was right there!" Then it all clicked. Pansy's terrible advice, the guilt in her face the became normal and even the fact that she would want to be my friend in the first place. Draco's eyes were straying from Theo's until he met my watering, hurt and broken eyes, "Yn." He breathed out guilt falling heavily over his features.

"You were the one kissing Pansy?" My voice cracked, a few stray tears falling down my cheeks. "Please tell me I'm wrong. Please." I was more trying to desperately convince myself. Blaise put his hand on my shoulder and the Great Hall went silent witnessing the dramatic seen in front of them. 

I was hurt and angry; But suddenly something dark fell over me fogging my thoughts. I don't wanna feel hurt anymore. I turned my gaze to Pansy who looked like she was in-between crying and begging for my forgiveness or running away. I started angerly speed walking towards Pansy with intent. My gaze dark enough to burn a hole through her. I clenched my jaw and I punched her on her nose leaving a trickling trail of blood.  Then I punched her again and again until her blood was splashing over the table. I got pulled back by two strong arms while people stood unsure of what to do. I stared angerly at her bleeding limp body barley conscious on the floor.

Anger continued to build up in me, fueling me, until all of it became overwhelming and Pansy started slashing back and forth on the floor. Screams of pain left her lips before we both fell unconscious. My last memory being Draco running over to me. 

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