Chapter 3

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Over the next few days, I kept on making excuses to go over and see her. The light wasn't working(I unplugged it,) I didn't know how to use a computer(I already figured it out,) and although I was almost sure she would figure out the act I was holding up, she continued to come over and help me. Sometimes she would stay over for a few extra hours and we would just hang out, her and I. I learned how to cook muggle food, and she showed me how to use all these different types of electronics, and we watched many muggle films together, which usually ended in her having a new favorite. What I enjoyed the most was our flirty relationship. The way I could easily make her flustered, and she just as easily could make me blush.  I would be lying if I said I wasn't falling for her.

Every night I secretly hoped there would be a way we could be together, but I am no blood traitor, and she is no magic being. No matter how hypnotizing her smile may be, and how mesmerizing the life in her eyes, we couldn't ever be together; And I had to be okay with that. 

I began hoping so vigorously that she could have an ounce of magical blood I started hallucinating. Sometimes when she got frustrated and said "My lord" I would hear Merlin.  I was going crazy. Whenever we would hang out, I couldn't help but stare at her; And on every shooting star, I would wish for things to be different. 

Thank Merlin Goyal is a brainless bat, if it had been anyone else they would have been able to figure out my weird behavior. Apparently I wasn't the only weird one. I noticed Y/n started acting weird too. She started distancing herself from me. I don't understand? what did I do wrong? I started going down an endless spiral trying to figure out why she was acting like this. For example, she would be out in her yard picking flowers, or reading on a bench, but once she saw me observing her or walking over she would leave. Maybe she noticed me admiring her and she thought I was a weird stalker, or maybe she got sick of me, Maybe she felt like I was suffocating to be around. I couldn't mope around anymore. I have never been like this before, dating has always come easy, girls were easy to read; them all liking me, but this girl, she's different. She is difficult to read, complex. Although that may sound like a bad thing, I sorta like the challenge. I haven't really ever met a girl that wasn't blown away when they saw me; And the fact that she was "forbidden" made me want her that much more.

Before I could even register what I was doing, I knocked on her door. I anxiously waited rocking on my feet. When I heard someone walking to the door I quickly pulled out my confident front.

"Hey," I pulled my best cocky grin to hid the anxiety pooling in my stomach.

When she looked up from her book her smile dropped and her eyes widened. She tried to shut the door but I quickly stopped it with my hand. I already lost my smile and I couldn't help the flooding feeling of desperation.

Yn Pov

It broke me to have to do this; to have to shut away the guy I, I- the guy I am in love with.  I looked at him hoping that maybe he would just get mad and leave; But all I could see on his beautiful features was pure desperation. I had only known him for a few weeks but it felt like I didn't know a world where he wasn't in it.

"Please" his shaky voice broke my heart. It broke me that I was causing this, "just talk to me, even if it's only for a few minutes." I know I shouldn't be doing this, but my heart was leading instead of my head. 

"Fine." I looked down knowing if I met his eyes I wouldn't be able to act like I didn't like him. When in all reality the truth was, I couldn't be farther from hating him. My Father would never allow me to be with a boy, let alone someone like him.

We sat down on the couch and an uncomfortable silence layered the air, making the energy feel heavy, like a suffocating blanket. "Why have you been ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?" I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing there was something more I could do. 

"Please don't blame yourself." I finally looked up meeting his broken ocean like eyes, "I just think it would be best if we ended, ended our-" I froze trying to find the word to describe our relationship, "friendship." I stated the word with enough sickness I could start a virus. 

"Why? Why did you throw me away like you would garbage. Am I not enough?" He cried the words out not like he was looking for sympathy, but instead like if he didn't he would rot away. "I thought we had something special. Correct me if I misread the situation, but I though, you know, m-maybe, we were, like, more than friends?" It hurt that he was right. It hurt that he would ever think he was less than; And it hurt all the more that there was nothing I could do but push him away.

"I don- I- It's hard to explain." I tried to grasp onto anything, anything at all that could push him away. "We were, and-  I- I wish more than anything we could be together, but, the way my life is, makes it not possible for me to  be with someone like you. Don't ever blame yourself, you are perfect in everyway. If things were different." I weakly tried to send him a reassuring smile.

"Maybe, we don't have to date, I mean we can be friends right? We can stop flirting, and just, be, friends." His words became weak on the word friends.

"Look, my father-"

"Mine too. He wouldn't want me to be with you either; But I would put everything at stake all over again if it meant I got to meet you," he interrupted fiddling with his rings, "I have to say this now, or I may never get too," he took a deep breath and he looked into my eyes, normally I would have cringed at this amount of emotional intimacy, but with him it was different, being under Draco Malfoy's gaze was like every cell in your body was under his control. Simply being around him, is like you are drawn to him. You want to see what he'll do next. Every movement more intriguing than the last. He mentally prepared himself for what he was about to say, "I like you. I like you a lot actually. Being around you makes me forget about who I am and what I am expected to be. When I am with you, I feel cared about." He smiled like a weight had been lifted off of his chest, and honestly, I think the weight of our two very different worlds was dragging us down.

"I like you too. I also like you a lot. When I am with you I feel light, like I could concur the world as long as you are the one by my side." I tilted my head smiling.  It may have been quite obvious that we liked each other, but you never truly know until the words are out there. 

"So Yn Ymn Yln," He smiled moving closer to hold my small warm hands in his large cold hands.

"How do you know my middle name." I smiled genuinely curious.

" I did some digging, now shut up so I can ask you out," he teased flirtingly, "Yn Yln, will you make the best decision of your life and date me, the super hot king of my school who is also smart and funny." He smiled nervously anticipating my answer.

"Yes, I will date the 'super hot king of his school who is also smart and minorly funny.'" My stomach erupted into a swarm of butterflies completely under his control.

I fell asleep that night with a smile on my face, thinking about the boy who changed me, the boy who made me ignore my fathers beliefs and the boy who showed me I was capable of loving someone. 

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