Chapter 6

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The morning sun lay peacefully along my face, a golden hue piercing the blinds. I rolled over in my warm soft covers, smelling a richly layered cologne, which I could place as Draco. Confused, I opened my eyes to see I was still wearing his hoodie. I smiled down at his sweater, bathing in the sweet aroma of my Draco Malfoy.  

I was cleaning around my room when I found a book with the words "Quidditch Throughout the Ages." I had found that book earlier in the library and started reading it. I know my father wouldn't be happy if I was reading such rubbish, but I was curious.

I heard a familiar laugh that could light up the darkest crevices of the world. I looked out the window to see Draco playing football with Gregory. It was cute to see him so carefree.

Since I was leaving anyways, I thought I might as well give him his sweater back. I grabbed my library books, and his hoodie. 

"Hey," I smiled walking over. They both gave me confused glances before I gave Draco his hoodie. 

"What's this?" Draco ridiculed my behavior as if it was the weirdest thing he had ever seen. 

I nervously laughed trying to ignore the knot building in my stomach, "Your hoodie?"

Draco made a disgusted face and he turned to Gregory to share a few glances, like they were having a silent conversation. "Let me speak a little slower for you, This. Is. Not. My. Sweater." He mocked treating me like I was stupid.

Fine. He wants to play, let's play. "Then why does it say Malfoy on it." I rolled my eyes irritated.

"What are you, some kind of weird stalker? Malfoy here has many girls back at our school. He could have anyone." Greg started judgmentally looking me up and down.

"I certainly, wouldn't choose you." Draco sneered laughing at me with Gregory.

It hurt. I could feel a slight sting form in my eyes but I pushed away the stabbing feeling in my heart and replaced that pain with anger. "I don't know what your problem is, but I don't want to see you until you swallow your pride!" As I was angerly walking to the library I loosened my grip on the books I had been clenching for dear life, and wiped the small well of tears I had been holding back.

Draco POV

I felt the warm comfort of the morning, summer, sun as I was throwing a oval ball back and forth between me and Goyal. I felt the cool breeze flow through my golden hair.  I hadn't brought enough purple shampoo with me, so now my normally platinum hair was goldish. 

"Hey!" I heard a bright voice behind me. I prayed to Merlin she would just be passing by, but the crunch of the grass coming closer said otherwise. I turned around to see what she wanted so hopefully this nightmare would end. She handed my sweater over and I could see Goyal's questioning glances.

"What's this?" I questioned this my tone being slightly more aggressive then I intended it to be. 

I could see the nervousness building in her, "your hoodie?" I was thinking of just taking it and telling Goyal I must have forgot it when asking for help but I know that wouldn't work.

 Me and Goyal started looking at each other to try and "figure out" what was going on. We grew a lot closer over this summer so it felt almost like twin telepathy. I made a disgusted face as if she wasn't the most perfect person I had ever met. "Let me speak a little slower for you, This. Is. Not. My. Sweater." I regretted it as soon as it left my lips. Why do I have to be like this?

"Why does it say Malfoy then?" She rolled her eyes annoyed.

My blood started to boil at Goyal calling her a stalker. I had to clench my fists to avoid punching  through his stupid face. "I certainly, wouldn't choose you." I sneered. That couldn't be farther from the truth. Yn Yln, I would choose you every time. I wish I had said that instead.

I caught a glimpse of the pain in her eyes, before she masked it, anger falling over her. She walked away. I could hear Goyal laughing and I just wanted to punch him. I gripped onto the soft fabric wishing that I had been braver and treated her right.

I brushed off Goyal and his billions of questions. I laid in bed staring at the roof replaying our interaction. I smelled my sweater and I savored the pleasant smell of (y/Scent). I wish things were different; But they aren't. So that means I have to make things right.

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