Chapter 4

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Draco POV

Gregory's mom came back from her work trip, but his mind had been occupied by a certain hypnotic girl that could make the entire world pause. Half of the break was gone, almost all of it surrounding his girlfriend Yn. He couldn't help but be happy with how his summer was going.  As usual, Draco gave Goyal some lame excuse as to why he had to leave. Just as he was about to leave he heard the curious yet knowing voice of Pam. "Going somewhere Draco?" He turned around to try and understand where this conversation was going.

"Nowhere special, like I said earlier I just have a few things I have to do." He spoke confidently with the smile that usually charms adults.

"I have been noticing you sneaking off quite a bit... You aren't running away from me are you?" She laughed nervously. "Your father would probably have my head." She laughed unconvincingly. 

I could read through that laugh. Fear. It's all anyone fears when my father is the topic. That is why I am grateful I met Yn. If I hadn't I probably would have grown to be just like him. "Don't worry, he would have my head too! I really must be going now." I smiled hoping to cut this conversation short so I could see my girlfriend quicker.

After a silent beat of her carefully trying to read through me, she let me leave. I could tell that she was thinking something about me but I don't quite care enough to ask.

 I looked around to make sure nobody could see me walk into Yn's house. I didn't see her in her Livingroom so I trotted up the stairs to her room. It was much more bright and joyful than my room. Her's was filled with whites and pinks and greens. She had a twin sized bed in the left corner of her room. She had a few decorative pillows set nicely against the wall, and a big fluffy Smokey pink blanket draped across the mid-section of the bed. She had a few stuffies sitting tall at the end. To the right of the cozy single, is a light brown nightstand made out of smoothed wood lightly reflecting the bright window with cordless pull-down curtains. She has a few books and a plant lazily place on top. The room was ridiculously full of fake vines and plants. Vines can be seen on her roof and crawling down the walls. She even has some crawling out of pots on her light brown bookshelf on the right wall. Overall, her room looked fairly empty and she barley had anything. Even with the lack of items she managed to make it feel so... Homey and safe. Something I only ever felt in my moms arms as a child. I quietly shut the door behind me avoiding the hung down sweaters and I walked over to hug her while she was reading, sitting crisscross-apple-sauce on the light pink fuzzy rug on the floor. I seemed to startle her, when she quickly shut her book and chucked it across the room.

"Sorry, you scared me." She nervously laughed hugging me back. Being in her familiar scent was like finally returning home after a long trip. Something about her. I can't put a word on it but she is the physical embodiment of safety and warmth and like... I am not sure. "You alright?" Her concern snapped me out of my thoughts.

 "I am now." I raised my eyebrows at her and she laughed a song, angels would be jealous of. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over to her bed and I laid holding her in my arms. Her messy bun rested against my chest and I took in the feeling that danced in my heart. The feeling that only she could create.  She played with the rings on my hand before looking up at me. I could tell there was something bothering her but she quickly pushed that worry away from her eyes before masking it with a smile. "Wanna do something!?!" Her words bounced with excitement.

 I loved seeing her like this. "Depends. We're not gonna kill anyone right?" 

She smiled mischievously making me reconsider my word choice. "Depends. If you don't do this then murder may be in my cards." She then tilted her head innocently as if she didn't just threaten me with hypothetical murder. God she was adorable.

"What do you have planned?"

Yn Pov

I dragged him to a park down the road. I needed to get rid of the idea that soon I will have to leave my father's friends home and go back to France. Worse of all I would have to leave the life I created for myself this summer behind. Draco Malfoy is more than just a summer fling; Draco takes up all of the space in my heart. I will figure this out. I always do.

We pushed each other back and forth on our swings and slid together down slides and acted like stupid teenagers for once. Acting like my age with him was fun. I felt free and for one night I put down the safety of secrets and masks I normally held onto so tightly. I trust Draco, so maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so terrible to tell the secret that has been keeping us apart. We have broke the rules enough, why not break one more.

By the time the sun started to creep back up I knew it was time to go back to our houses. We spent the entire time after the park on a hill a bit farther away from the suburb. We went far enough we could look up and see the stars that danced in the sky not masked by the cities lights. We went from conversation to conversation flowing like we had known each other our whole lives. For all I cared, we had known each other forever. Even when we did fall into the very rare silence it was comfortable. For the first night of my life I was able to openly discuss my fears and struggles without feeling judged or like they would be used against me; And I know Draco felt the same. I savored the feeling so when a new day brought a new battle, I would be able to remember that moments like this make it all worth it. 

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