Chapter 2

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Draco POV

I woke up starving. My insides felt like they were eating themselves. Last night Goyal and I couldn't figure out how to work the "oven." I pressed buttons and tried to turn the knobby things, but it didn't work. I ate crackers for dinner. That is certainly not a way a Malfoy should be treated.

I couldn't take it anymore. I walked over to the Nabors and I knocked on the door. The girl I saw yesterday opened the door. She smelled vague of (Y/scent) and I couldn't help but wonder if I smelled as good as her, or if I should have sprayed more cologne before coming here. "Erm, Hello?" I mentally face-palmed myself for my awkwardness. Why am I acting like this? I mean she is just a stupid muggle. "I was trying to work the oven thing but it won't work. I am starving and I was told to ask you guys for help?"

She angelically laughed. I smiled at the beautiful harmony. " I can show you how to work it if you'd like," she smiled at me tilting her head and tucking a piece of her (h/c) hair behind her ear. 

"Y-you mean like c-come over?" I wanted to crawl inside of my own skin. I have never stuttered out of-  I don't know what this feeling is. The only time I have ever stuttered is when my father got angry, and that feeling felt very different.

"Well, yeah? I know the Goyal's and I am pretty sure you aren't gonna kill me." She smiled again and closed the door behind her, leaving the electric space between us, far too little. I just continued to stare at her, "Are we gonna go?" She sounded like she was genuinely asking, but I still nervously smiled after being caught looking for a few seconds too long.

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck, "y-yeah sorry." I let her go first, so that I could hide my reddened cheeks.  


I heard a knock at my door so I put down the weird book I found in the old library. When I opened the door I saw a quite attractive young man. He looked to be around my age. He had light blonde hair that fell above his eyebrows. His icy blue eyes held so many emotions I felt like I was reading a novel. "Erm, Hello?" He apprehensively asked. His question made it clear he was the visitor Pam told me about. 

As we walked next door we started introducing ourselves. If I didn't go to a super strict, all girls boarding school, maybe I would have read more into the spiraling feeling I got walking so close to him. I mentally tabbed everything he was saying, noting our similarities. 

His name is Draco Malfoy, he just turned 15 in June, He also goes to a boarding school except it is in London and he is visiting for the whole summer.

When I got there Gregory looked like he saw a ghost. He kept on looking between me and Draco. I pretended not to notice, but I really hope it wasn't because he noticed me blushing

Draco POV

I made sure  to remember every detail about her. She and I were a lot alike. Although her accent wasn't like mine, she still understood my fraises.

Her name is Yn Yln. I wondered if she was visiting because her last name wasn't the same as the adults that live in that house; But before I could ask, she had already started talking again. She is turning 15 in a few months, she goes to a boarding school in Southern France, and soon her and a group of select students will be going to another school to compete for a cash prize and a trophy for her school. I could hear the excitement radiating in her voice.

She is a muggle. Father won't like her. You don't like her. I had to let those words flow in an endless stream in the back of my mind, but no matter how much I tried to block out the growing feeling in my heart and stomach, I couldn't.

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