Chapter 13

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Yn Pov

After our little scene in the Great Hall, I was irritated and sick of Draco's games. I was leaning on the railing lost in thought when I heard steps behind me. 

As I turned around I met the stormy-grey eyes, filled with jealousy. "What do you want?" I snapped at him already irritable. 

"Sorry, wasn't aware you own the place. Last time I checked you don't even go to school here." His tone was nasty and very rude. The temperature around me dropped a few degrees while heat started rising up me. I felt anger, and if this were a cartoon my ears would have steam coming out of them. 

"What is your problem?" I was clenching my jaw trying to be as civil as possible.

"Didn't mean to get your panties in a twist. I guess that's Cedric's job right?" 

"You don't know anything about Cedric! Yet, you still are so envious of him." The built up rage that has been there growing like a weed started coming out.

"I know quite a bit about Cedric. Like how he didn't put everything in danger to be with you! I did!" We were now stepping towards each other with every emotional jab.

"Is that right? Well it's a good thing we aren't together!" A sarcastic smile spread on me as I said the last part.

"We could be; But you decided it's a good idea to be a whore and mess around with a bunch of guys!" He took another angry step closer to me. At this point we were nose to nose. Well, I guess nose to chest.

"Excuse me! Just because people like me and you can't take it does not make me the bad guy! If I am such a whore than how about we just stop whatever flirty friendship, relationship thing we have going on here!" I poked my finger aggressively into his chest.

"I think that would be great. At least then I don't have to waste my time loving a filthy mud-blood." When he said that I could see the instant regret; But I didn't care. I tried to act it at least. I couldn't care less about the term. However, the hatred that fueled the word hurt the most.

"I made a mistake thinking you wouldn't live up to you last name." With that I walked away leaving the heavy atmosphere around him.  I angerly walked to Theo and Blaise's shared room.

"Wow, you look happy." Theo teased letting me in. We haven't known each other long, but we grew a sibling like bond fairly quickly.

"Shut your mouth." I dove on the bed face first. 

"You wanna talk about it?" I shook my head no but started to explain anyways.

I sat up meeting Theo's worried expression. "Draco." Tears brimmed my eyes and my heart stung a little. I refused to let a tear fall over Draco's immature and bi-polar behavior. "We got in a fight."

~As I was explaining what happened Blaise walked in and joined in the girl talk~

By now Theo was comforting me and Blaise was trying to cheer me up. A few tears managed to escape but I wiped them before Theo or Blaise could notice.

"I could beat him up. Nobody hurts my little soul-sister." The stupid grin Theo gave me managed to make me laugh.

"What should I do? Should I ignore him?" I lean my head on Theo's shoulder, emotionally exhausted.

"Maybe you could be the mature one out of the two of you and talk through it?" Theo was questioning his own answer.

"No way mate." Blaise sat crisscross on the floor infront of me and Theo. "This is Draco you're talking about."

"SO I should ignore him." The words came out sounding a bit too excited, "sorry I like being petty."

"No, No, That's the right energy. Up top." Me and Blaise high-fived, "Draco will be expecting you to come crawling back, but you won't."

"Why is that?" Theo asked opening a bag of Doritos. 

"Because she is going to be a cuddled up to Cedric." Blaise pat himself on his back, "Good job Blaise, You are so smart."

I laughed, "That's not a terrible idea but I don't think cuddling up to some guy is the best idea."

"I agree" Theo mumbled shoving a handful of chips in his mouth, "I think she should ignore his existence, act like she doesn't even know who he is. If she wants she can wink at Cedric a few times and before we know it, Draco will swallow his pride and come crawling back."

"Merlin, Theo you are a genius!" My tone frozen in pure shock.

"Wow, and I thought you were an idiot!" Blaise exclaimed leaning forward patting Theo on the back.

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