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(The Sully Twins)
(please excuse any mistakes that I didn't catch)

Niri sat on the end of the dock, swinging her feet back and forth in the water. She was beyond tired for the past few days she wasn't getting any sleep

Jake and everyone started noticing because usually when they woke up she would still be asleep, they begin worrying when they would still hear her wide awake at night or when they woke up she was never there

"Hey" She looked behind her seeing A'teyo "Hi" She whispered before turning her eyes back to the water

"You've been out here since sunrise, are you okay"? His deep voice became louder as he sat down next to her

She sighed "Did my brothers send you over here"? She asked looking at him

"No...your dad did...he told me to go check on you because he thought you might be mad at him or something" She lowly chuckled

"Why would I be mad at him,"? She said more to herself but he still heard her

"I don't know but he wants you to talk to him, so go do that and meet me back here I wanna show you something" She nodded before getting up


"You okay baby girl"? Jake asked, it was only him and Niri in the pod he stayed back to talk to her

"Yeah I'm fine" She replied from beside him, he didn't know what was wrong with her but he needed to find something to cheer her up

She was always the one who made everyone smile and seeing her down made everybody's heart hurt

"What's wrong"? He turned his body to face hers, She shrugged her shoulders "I don't know... I just haven't been able to sleep a-and I feel...off" She said looking up at her dad

Jake looked out the window of the pod and saw A'teyo walking by "Come on I want to show you something" He stood up and bent down

"What are you doing," She said with a small smile on her face "I wanna give you a piggyback ride like old times" She laughed before jumping on his back

She gasped jumping off his back "Dad...what is this"? She saw all her family and A'teyo and his siblings all sitting around a tree

They had all the trees decorated, it reminded her of the forest

"We wanted to cheer you up, it was Neteyam and A'teyo's idea" She smiled as A'teyo walked up to her "Thank you," She said hugging him before pulling away and heading to her twin brother

"Thank you so much teyam I love it" She whispered as she held onto him "Okay, who's ready to eat," Jake said walking over to the food

Him and Neytiri made everyone food while the kids all talked and laughed

"I think it worked," She said smiling at her mate "Yeah, me too," He said kissing her forehead

"I had fun today," She said walking on the beach with A'teyo "I'm glad you did," he said looking at her

"You should smile more, your smile is beautiful," he said stopping in front of her, she blushed looking up at him

They both stared into each other's eyes for a moment before she felt him place his hand on her cheek

And it felt like the world around her slowed down as she felt him place his lip onto hers and without a thought in the world she kissed back

Soon they pulled away to get air and he rested his forehead onto hers "Have a good night Niri" He said with a smile on his face as he watched her walk into her pod

She took off all her knives and laid down to go to sleep

"We're talking tomorrow" She heard Neteyam whisper before she fell into a deep sleep

I'm trying to give you guys more of Niri because...

Anyways I hope y'all still like me at the end of this book but hey 😂

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