Ch 23: The Final Trial

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Eventually the month of waiting came to a close, Harry and Hermoine swiftly practiced multiple hexes until he felt comfortable, and I worked on my garden. During that time when they were free, I was able to pitch the possible charm idea to Hermoine; and not much to my surprise she was ablet to think of one. She truly was like most people said, the brightest witch of her age. It was a simple charm, after we figured it out, we enchanted the area above the plants to have a glass panel on the ceiling. And due to the new charm, on both sides the room would follow the day and night cycle of wherever I was in the world.

Finally, on the Saturday evening they had planned for the event, we were ushered over to where they normally kept the Quidditch matches. We all filed in together in a large bunch huddled close by. The twins and I had walked there together with Hermoine and Ron so we could all sit together in the stands, and a good thing too since a vast majority of the seats were taken. Hanging on the front of the seats were several flags for each house, and a couple for the visiting schools, billowing calmly in the soft breeze.

As we spilled into the main arena of the once was Quidditch area, we passed through the opened doors to the seats and filed in. Settling in we readied our gear we had brought in. The five of us were all dressed in our comfortable gear, the twins wearing the same sweater. I had put on one of my shirts and wore a thin jacket over it.

Looking around I noticed the three schools each sat with their respective schools, the Beuxbatons sat off in the corner huddled together in their powder blue outfits, on the opposite side sat the male students from Durmstrag huddled together. As I looked through the crowd, I had noticed Nikolaus with his friends, he had noticed me as well as he grinned and attempted to wave towards me. Waving back, I continued looking around.

Off on the opposite side of the arena, I noticed a new group of people had arrived. There was a plethora of different people from the ministry and what looked like parents as well to come and watch the game. I noticed Mr. Weasley standing next to Mr. Damos eagerly talking amongst each other. Pointing him out to the twins and Ron, we looked forward again waving towards him getting his attention; once he saw us Mr. Weasley's grin broadened as he gave us a big wave before talking with Mr. Damos again. Sitting in the front were the other teachers of the school, sitting with smiles on their faces.

A small band was situated right next to the exit, that played soft music in attempts to lighten the tension. To the right of the band was a large cannon with Mr. Filch excitedly sitting beside it, ready to start the match. The students around began to take out their flags and sheets with the names of those who they were rooting for and began cheering and shaking them, as the music played.

The four champions were escorted to the middle of the arena in front of a massive green bush maze, being escorted by each of their headmasters; except for Cedric who had his father excitedly escort him as he was no longer sitting in the stands. Each of the champions wore gear that had been color coated for their schools; or for Harry and Cedric, they wore the colors of their houses.

From where we sat, it looked as if the green hedges had reached twenty feet tall, the tops swaying in the breeze. Watching it sway, you could almost feel an ominous feeling coming from inside. The maze had four separate entrances, mist lingering over the top, some beginning to spill out of the entrances.

After the four were escorted to the middle of the arena, Dumbledore walked forward raising his hands high as he stepped up to a podium they had placed there. After his attempts to wave us down to quiet down, he placed his wand to his throat once more.

"Silence!" His voice boomed, echoing throughout the stadium. The loud cheers growing silent, the musicians halting their playing.

After seeing everyone had settled down and now sitting down waiting for him to continue, he spoke again "Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, seeing as Mr. Diggory" the students cheering for Cedric suddenly stood up shaking their flags "And Mr. Potter" Myself and the others that sat with me did the same, jumping up and cheering loudly, others waving a large tapestry with his name painted on the front. "Tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze. Followed by Mr. Krum" The Durmstrag students stood up roaring, as Igor thrust his hands in the air shouting. "And Miss Delacour" the rest of the students cheered loudly for her.

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