Ch 61: Panic

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Warning: This chapter contains blood and wounds.

"One, two, three" I counted to myself, measuring the last mixture of my new creation. One I would hope I wouldn't have to end up using, but if it had ever come to, I would have three vials of the mixture ready.

Lifting each vial up high, I examined the pollen fully mixed with the venom, its color turning a sickening green. It was finished. I had no idea what would be the end result in all honesty, with it being Doxy venom, one that had a common occurrence of causing pain to the one who it made skin contact to, so I wasn't entirely up to it for testing. I would just have to hope it would work. Picking up the belt that had been laying across my desk, I clasped it together letting it hang on my hips. A new thing I had recently bought while obtaining my usual herbs while out in Hogsmeade. I had liked it so much due to the multiple small leather pouches sewn into the belt, making it much easier on myself for any on the go herbal necessities.

Placing a singular vial in each pouch, I placed my thick black gardening gloves on and looked around. It had been several weeks since Dumbledore's funeral, I had spent a vast majority of my time down in my bag, trying to perfect the powder mixture. It had taken multiple attempts, causing me to waste a vast majority of the vial of the venom, leaving me with only the three vials. My hope for this pollen mixture by mixing it with Puffapod pollen was how much it would spread, it was common knowledge how much Trolls detested this pollen for the same reason, it's pollen causing them to sneeze uncontrollably whenever they bloomed, later learning they were allergic to them. But if I could mix the Doxy venom with the pollen, if someone were to come at me with a dangerous attempt, all I'd have to do is blow the pollen on them and it'd take effect once it makes skin contact or ingested. Which was why I had ensured to wear my gloves when handling them, i'd need to break the glass vial in order to blow it on them.

Looking over my supplies once more, I gave a slow nod. I was running low, I had been experimenting with multiple mixtures other than just the two together so much that my supplies had dwindled exponentially. I grumbled to myself at the sight, I had been so buried deep in my research and grabbed one after another, not paying attention to just how much I was actually taking. Which meant, I would need to head out to Hogsmeade, preferably today. I hadn't wanted to go for another few more weeks, but with what I had left, it was likely they'd run out within the week.

Looking at the sun rays that softly filtered into my garden and creature section, it looked about mid afternoon. Which meant that the streets would be exceptionally busy this time of day, which would be a plus. Whenever I did go out to Hogsmeade, I tried going out when the crowds in the streets had been the most full, making it easier to mingle within the crowd hiding in plain sight. Doing so did allow me to learn that snatchers typically didn't go after any and all muggleborns that they saw, from the whispers of the townsfolk, it sounded a lot more like the Ministry used them to find whoever defied their laws, how they were sure that corrupt members would use it to their advantage. Another way was if you pissed off a rich enough family that they had paid one to come after you, seeing as though I did not qualify for either of those, slowly I began to feel more comfortable leaving my home. I would stay safe and not intervene with any Auror business I might come across, I was to leave it all aside, focus on myself.

While they didn't go after any and all muggleborns now, I wouldn't be surprised if that is how it would turn out to be in the future. Though for now I would enjoy the temporary freedom.

Giving Fawke's and p/n one final scratch against their jaws I walked up the ladder leaving my bag. Tying up the bag, I hoisted it over my shoulder and closed my eyes, imagining the front entrance to Hogsmeade, and with a snap, I apparated.

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