Ch 77: Pleasant News

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"Prewett" George spoke followed by a soft wooden tapping sound.

Confused, I let go of the leaf I had been pruning and turned around. The two of them had joined me in my bag to hang out while I pruned my plants. They had brought down a small radio along with them, I had only assumed they were wanting to listen to music while we were down here. Nothing too serious. Though after listening to George talk and later tapping on the radio with what I saw now was his wand, confusement had urged me further to question their decisions.

"What's going on?" I asked, stepping away from the garden.

Waving me over with one hand, Fred placed a finger over his lips to keep me quiet. This only deepened my confusion. Sitting down beside them, I waited. This was how we spent a majority of our time, sitting together inside of my bag. Several weeks had passed and my lessons had continued more so as well; I was beginning to learn more offensive spells. It took a couple weeks for Arthur to be ok with it, but in time we no longer used the dummies and instead had sparring lessons instead. There were plenty of times I had hurt myself if I hadn't dodged correctly or took too long to use a defensive spell, but I hadn't minded. While Arthur had gotten worried each time it had happened, I had taken it as just practice to hone my reaction time in a fight; it didn't matter to me how many bruises or cuts I would get from the fight, so long as I learned how to properly defend myself I was happy.

We sat in silence for a little while, sitting cross legged in a triangle around the radio, the two of them looked expectantly at the radio, expecting it to grow legs and walk off or something. When I had looked over to Fred wanting answers, he merely shook his head and pointed to the radio.

Within moments, crackling static erupted from the radio, none of them had placed a finger on the dial to turn it on. I raised my eyebrow in surprise. Although, that surprise had quickly been outmatched by the shock that had appeared after I had heard an all too familiar voice begin to speak. One I had not heard from in such a long long time, before graduation if I had to be exact.

Lee Jordan.

"Hello and welcome to the Potter Watch!" Lee excitedly shouted, it was good to see he himself hadn't changed in the years. I smiled.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the two of them.

"Potter Watch is a thing that Lee started not long after the death of Dumbledore when Harry had gone into hiding." Fred explained. "Think of it as some sort of a resistance."

"They change their position each time and do it at various times so they can't easily be tracked. To ensure the right people are listening there is a code word that changes each time that activates it." George added.

"Today we are going to go over some new information to ensure you lovely folks are up to date!" Lee's voice continued echoing behind our own.

"What are the codes?" I tilted my head confused.

"We filter through the last names of the original order, this time it's Prewett. He was the brother of our mom." Fred added.


"Back in the first war, Fabian and his brother both died from Death Eaters; like mum and dad, he was part of the original order." George explained.

"Oh I see." I nodded.

"It's a nice little thing that Lee has been doing, he wants to keep the hope up within the people, help them not give up just yet so he does these. There are special code words for certain events, one that is especially important." Fred leaned back.

"And that is?" I tilted my head.

"If Harry is spotted at the school or has been seen to be ready to begin the fight, then whoever is speaking will utter the phrase 'lightning has struck'" George leaned forwards, "Different people speak on the station a lot of the time, Fred spoke on it once before we went into hiding."

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