Ch 57: The Calm Before the Storm

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Finally, the winter months had come to a close. The brisk mornings make way for foggy mountaintops in the morning, dew drops hanging on the grass. Many of the students had been exceptionally eager for the warmer months. Many wanted to spend their free times in the courtyard enjoying the spring breeze with their friends, some excited for the outdoor classes to feel more comfortable. The vast majority had been looking forward to it, because with warm winds it brought more matches. Leading up to the end of the year championship. Gryffindor would be going up against Ravenclaw.

I had been especially excited for this match as well, other than my classes nothing else had been going on. My schedule always had the same rinse and repeat motion. I enjoyed my work, but I had wanted a small change of pace.

"Nervous?" I asked, walking alongside Ginny as we made our way down the walkway.

Gripping her broom, she looked to the ground as we walked. "The Ravenclaw team is really good, there were several times during the year where we struggled against them." She noted.

"They are good, yes." I nodded agreeing, "But you're better." I looked over to her, "I've seen you play all year, and you have incredible talent."

"Thank you." She smiled.

With May finally upon us, whispers of summer plans hung around the students as well. Where they would travel too, hopes and desires of things to accomplish. Many desired the long break from school and getting to enjoy the summer heat. It was a common conversation to hear in the halls, it had been especially so during the walk. I had heard four different summer plans on our walk down the hills as groups of students rushed past.

Looking around, I searched the heads of the students as they passed looking for the familiar sixth years I had seen grow. I had yet to see the trio this afternoon.

"Have you seen Harry and his friends?" I asked.

"Hermione and Ron are more than likely already at the Pitch waiting for us." She answered, her gaze turning ahead. "Harry on the other hand won't be playing, Hasn't been for the past few weeks."

"How come?" I asked curiously, I had missed a good portion of the games since the conversation in the hall with Mr. Snape, the curriculum had taken up a large portion of my off time, along with caring for Fawkes.

Caring for Fawkes had been an adventure all on its own. With only a small book on information on Phoenix's', I was practically in the dark with their care. It still felt alien to me having him in my care, Fawkes had always been in the care of Dumbledore, there were years of companionship the two held. And now, he would be mine. It still felt unsettling whenever the thought of what Dumbledore had admitted to me in his office, that he felt his time would be ending soon. I had tried on multiple occasions afterwards to help protect him, try to find some way to ensure he stayed alive for a while longer. No matter how many ideas or attempts I had made, he denied them all. He wasn't afraid to die, told me that it was a part of life, one not to fear but to embrace. While I agreed it was, the sinking feeling of despair of losing someone that had been in your life for so long, helped you immensely, had been intense. I had spent many nights sleeplessly staring into the void thinking about it, wishing he hadn't told me so early.

I was thankful that he trusted me enough with Fawkes, but the ownership carried alongside it a heavy truth.

"He's been receiving Detention from Snape every single Saturday, practically pulling him out of the Quidditch team." She sourly explained.

That must have been Snape's response to attacking Draco in the bathroom. I had noticed there had been a greater uneasiness between the two of them when they happened to walk down the same halls. The look of fear in Draco's eyes had been brief, but still flared when seeing him. The hatred in Harry's eyes meeting in return. I'm sure not being able to play Quidditch had been devastating for him, especially after just returning from his ban from Umbridge. I had felt bad for him too, though, thinking about it this was probably the best for him. Maybe he would learn from this experience and finally stop. One could only hope.

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