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" he couldn't go through that again. "

jisung had stopped things that sounds like they came out of a movie. some 'crazies' who thought they could just casually take over the city, some people who thought they invented the world's most terrifying weapons, and so on.

people praised him for these small accomplishments. he was happy to help as well. he wanted to protect the people. a lot of people relied on spiderman, so he had to be the great, strong hero everyone made him out to be.

many failed lab experiments he dealt with in the past never led him to expect this one.


jisung had a few friends, but jeongin and beomgyu were his favorite. they actually understood him. jeongin and beomgyu didn't really know each other very well, but jisung cared for them both. even though, the were amazing friends, beomgyu didn't know that his friend was actually spiderman.

jisung had always wanted to tell him, but never found the right time.

may 17th 2021

it was pretty late at night, around 11 pm. jisung was in his room studying for his finals that were the next day. he knew he should've tried to study more, but he decided to take a quick break.

but of course he fell asleep.


until he heard that.

jisung sat up in his bed. what was that?

he put in his suit and went out his window onto his roof.

he saw something in the distance.

'what is that?' he though to himself.

a green, slimy looking creature stood below his window. people were running out of there houses to get father away.

jisung immediately swung down to get a better look.

'how did a lizard become this big?'

later on he found out that it was because of an
experiment attempted by a scientists who had lost his arm. he tried to use lizard dna to grow another limb.
jisung would've felt bad for him, if he wasn't already such a bad person. the scientist had done many horrible things.

"what- how?" jisung was taken aback.

he had to stop it before it hurt someone. but what were those people pointing at. some of them looked like they were .. crying?

they were probably just scared.

or not.

jisung attacked the lizard by covering it with webs. the lizard was pretty strong though.

in the end, jisung ended up having to use a street pole to stab it. of course this made people near by gasp.

but people were still pointing at something. what was it?

jisung looked into the distance, and started panicking when he saw figures on the ground.

were they people?

he sprinted over to the 'figures' that laid on the ground.

he couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.
he fell to the floor next to one in particular.

"b-beoms?" jisung said as tears began to weld up in his eyes.

there, in front of him, laid one of his best friends, choi beomgyu.

he picked up his hand.

beomgyu was already gone.

jisung began to sob as everyone in the crowd was in shock.

he knew he shouldn't give anyone a clue of who 'spiderman' was close to, but he couldn't hold it in.

people began to call for ambulances.

jisung held his friend's lifeless body in his lap.

he couldn't even begin to guess what had happened to him with the lizard.

and next to him, laid beomgyu's mother and sister's bodies, on the cold, bloody concrete.

his family was also gone.

jisung had failed to protect his friend, who meant the world to him.


the ambulances arrived, but it was no good. they were pronounced dead at the scene.

what was even worse is that beomgyu's father had found out about the incident, and came home from his night shift at the hospital.

his dad called 'spiderman' horrible slurs.

yet he couldn't even begin to be mad at him.

jisung had lost his best friend. and it was all his fault.


okay what the heck 🙈
i had no intention of trying to make this sad when i wrote the first chapter but here this is 🥲

beomgyu :((

anyway, minsung will meet soon i promise
i hope everyone is doing well!
please take care of yourselves!

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