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"please get him out too." felix said as spiderman had finished notifying the police that he had found more civilians.

jisung nodded his head. "please stay out of sight for now."

felix nodded as he watched jisung run back into the building.

jisung hurried on his way back. he couldn't stop thinking. is minho alright? they didn't do anything to him right?

he quickly sighed as he reached the tent, and quietly got down to the floor. he was about to open the tent door when he heard loud voices.

"where'd the other one go, huh?" a deep voice yelled.

"i d-don't k-know s-sir." hyunjin said between gasps.

jisung's eyes went wide. he's choking him.

jisung quickly opened the tent and kicked the back of the man's knees. he shot his webs around the males back and pulled him away, which made hyunjin drop to the floor, gasping for his breath.

"what the?" the man said looking up in front of him. his eyes widened when he saw jisung's blue and red suit.

he then got up and tried to run away, but tripped over a cord coming from the tent.

turning around on his back, he saw spiderman standing right above him.

"i-i'm sorry, please let me go!" he said in a quiet but clear voice.

"where are you keeping the boy?" jisung asked sternly, stepping on the man's chest.

"ahhghh" he said as jisung applied more pressure.

jisung then grabbed his collar and pulled his head slightly above the ground. "you don't answer me, you won't have time to regret it." he said squeezing his chest harder.

"ahhgh okay okay!" he said in pain. "he's n-near in the main lab room." he spoke, mad that he had told him the truth.

jisung slightly tilted his head to the side. "and where is that?"

"p-past the b-black tent."

jisung grabbed the man's shirt again and roughly pushed him to the wall. he used his webs to keep the man's hands behind his back and attached him to the wall. "don't even try to move." jisung said to the man as he watched spiderman in terror.

he then ran back into the tent to find hyunjin with his hands on his chest, breathing slowly.

"are you alright?" jisung asked softly as he put his hand on hyunjins shoulder.

he nodded and said, "yes, thank you." his neck was red from where the man had grabbed him.

"let's get you out of here." jisung said as they both stood up. he carefully held hyunjin and shot his webs to the celling once again.

"hyunjin!" felix said as he ran towards him. "are you okay? what took you all so long?" his face looked even more concerned when he saw the red marks on his neck.

"i'm okay, i promise." hyunjin said as he hugged the aussie's frightened body.

the two boys then made their way to the officers car.

"is that everyone?" the officer asked.

yes, jisung had found everyone on the original list, but not minho. he had to save him as well. "no, there's still someone inside." he quickly bowed and ran into the building once again.

i'm coming minho.


"well are you finally going to sit still?" a lab worker asked minho, who was tied up.

i'm so tired. minho thought to himself. the scientists had put needles in his arms, and it made him exhausted. he didn't even want to think about what was going to happen to him.

"oh just wait, you won't feel tired soon." the worker spoke again. "you feel completely different."

minho didn't mean for it, but his eyes filled up with tears. he was scared and all he wanted was to go back to the hotel room with jisung. he wanted to go home and meet up with chan, jeongin, and jisung and hang out all together. he hoped that spiderman had figured out where he was. i really need you jisung.

for some reason, he wanted to be in jisung's arms. when jisung had held him while swinging around the city, he felt safe. even though he was way above the ground, he trusted jisung.

where are you now ji?


another late update :(
hope everyone is doing okay!
- ✌️

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