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it really is a fucking hellhound.

it startled jisung as he realized just how strong this creature was.

though it was very clearly stabbed in the chest, it seemed to just brush it off. so what would he have to do in order to put an end to it?

jisung's brain was filled with so many different thoughts at once. i need to stop this thing. they're still so many people in need of saving.

he took a deep breath and was about to try stabbing it with another piece of metal when he saw a glimpse of the creatures back.

behind it's large horns, near the neck, there seemed to be a red piece of something reflecting off of the sun.

is that a stone? unfortunately, the creature had moved to a different angle, so jisung couldn't take a second look.

if it was what he thought, couldn't it be the creatures source of power? if jisung was right, wouldn't that mean that he just needed to retrieve the stone, and depart it from the creature?

he really wished he could see the creatures back once more, but that wasn't what happened.

another deep howl came from it, causing jisung to back up a little.

it's knees bent slightly, so he knew it was about to come at him. should i try to take the stone from him? that makes sense right?

with a grunt, the creature pounced forward, forcing  jisung to go with his plan.

the creature was coming at him straight, so he shot his webs on the side of the building next to him, and ran up the side of it.

he then braced himself, and pushed off from the building, basically diving at it with his hands out in front of him.

all of this caught the creature by surprise, so jisung was able to land on the creatures back before it turned around.

as soon as he made contact with it, he winced from the temperature of its skin. it was a scorching hot. it burnt, but he ignored this as got his hands on the stone.

but it didn't come out with a slight pull.

the creature was now shaking side to side and running in what seemed like circles to try and get jisung off, but he had his webs to help him stick on.

"ggrgghh, come on!" he yelled as he put all of his effort into pulling out the stone. it moved ever so slightly at this, but didn't come unattached from it's back.

jisung was able to get his hand half way under the stone, making it easier to pull on.

a shriek suddenly came from the creature as he did this. it began to walk backwards slightly, making jisung confused, but he didn't stop pulling the stone.

i got it, it's coming undone. he could feel underneath it, so he knew he was close.both his hands were gripped tightly on the stone.

suddenly the creature ran and shoved it's body with the force of its weight forward.

this caused jisung to fly off, and slam into the wall in front of him.

he groaned, but quickly looked down, and in his hands was the stone from the creatures back. i got it. jisung looked up at it, staring back at him.

the creature looked different all of a sudden. it wasn't as vibrant, and there wasn't very much smoke coming from its back.

is it dying?

it stumbled to the side, seeming to have a hard time holding itself up.

jisung was relieved by this, and was ready to grab one of the signs from before to finish it off.

but as soon as jisung stood on his feet, the creature ran infront of him, head first.

the horns hit jisung's side, as it pushed him against the wall.

after that it didn't move. that was its last attack.

it's legs buckled and the creature fell to the ground.

jisung saw it all happen in front of him, but why did he still feel so tense? he had killed it right?

that's when he suddenly felt pain coming from his side.

he looked down and put his hand where it was coming from. warm, red liquid began to spread onto his suit.

the creatures horn had stabbed his side.

shit. he tried his best to apply pressure on the wound before making his way away from the dead creature on the ground.

jisung glanced around to see that fireman had now arrived and were starting to put out the fires. he saw the policemen in the distance slowly starting to make their way over to him.

i can't let them see this. he thought, referring to his wound. they could probably try to treat him, and that would mean he would have to take off his suit.

he put his hand up and waved slightly towards them, and nodded his head before using his webs, through the pain, to get on top of a building.

landing roughly on the the top, he held his side and made his way against the roof door's wall, and leaned against it.

he then thought of minho.

is he hurt as well? is he still getting people out? is he okay? does he need help?

though his mind was telling him to go and find minho, his body collapsed onto the floor.

he could only hope that minho was alright.


"i couldn't find anymore people, but please be sure to be careful searching." minho bowed his head before taking off, away from the firemen.

he had saved a lot more people then he thought he would be on his first day of being a hero.

though the situation was tense, he couldn't help but smile a little under his mask knowing that no one had died in the burning buildings.

he glanced around and didn't see or hear anything that could be coming from the creature, so he assumed jisung had taken care of it.

as he walked around the corner, he saw police and trucks gathered around something big on the ground.

did jisung put an end to the creature? he then saw the creatures face, and almost looked away. it was definitely not a pretty sight.

where is jisung? 

minho scanned the walls to find some of his webs, and to his luck the building above the policemen had some at the top.

he must be up there. he thought before going around the small crowd.

the building had stairs in the ally way between the one beside it, so he climbed the side, floor by floor, before getting to the top.


i hope everyone is doing great tdy!!

what did everyone think of stay week??
i loved it sm :0

super close to the end of this book!!
i luv you all!!
- ✌️

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