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once the boys 'got' to the game, minho couldn't say a word.

by the time they arrived, the workers were not letting anyone else in. so what did they do? jisung got minho up on top of the structure above the game, hidden away, but close enough that they could watch the game.

he wouldn't admit it, but over the time he spent with jisung, he sort of started to like him. he wasn't sure how though.

as a friend right? but now, he couldn't organize his thoughts.

jisung is spiderman? no that can't be. he took a deep breath. he is spiderman. i saw it with my own two eyes.

he quickly turned his head to jisung who was also nervous, looking at the game going on below them.

minhos head was slightly tilted as he though of how to start the conversation.

but he didn't have to.

"i'm spiderman." jisung said as he looked into minho's shining eyes.

minho's eyes were still wide. was he supposed to treat jisung differently now?

"i hope you knowing this doesn't change anything." jisung smiled. "i like being your friend minho."

i like it too, minho thought. "it won't." minho gave a small smile. "i like being your friend too." he took a look down below and immediately shut his eyes.

"is it too high?" jisung said as he touched minho's shoulder.

minho took a deep breath. "yeah maybe a little. i'm scared of heights."

"oh, sorry. do you want to go down?"

as much as being high scared minho, for some reason he didn't want to go down. "no it's okay."

jisung could tell minho was frightened, so he scoot over closer to him. minho couldn't help the light blush that appeared on his face.

it didn't go unnoticed by jisung. "aww your blushing!"

"no i'm not!" minho said shaking his head. "it's just hot!"

jisung stuck his hand up to feel the cold breeze. "sure it is." he said and smiled.

minho sighed as he thought of how to change the subject. "do i need to explain the game?"

jisung gave a small laugh before saying, "no. i lied about not knowing anything about football."

minho's eyes widened. "why?"

"well i just, " he paused. "wanted to go to a game with you."

minho sat and stared at jisung trying to get his heart to stop beating like crazy. does.. he like me? do i like him?


jisung looked away sort of disappointed in his response but still hopeful.

"well, let's watch the game then." the team in blue then scored a goal and minho cheered as jisung laughed at his enthusiasm.


a few minutes before the game ended, minho couldn't take it anymore.

fuck i really gotta go. "um, jisung?"

he turned his head towards him. "yeah?"

"can you, um, bring me down?"

jisung looked around and said, "yeah sure, but why now?"

minho sighed. this is embarrassing. "i have to pee. like bad."

jisung smiled and laughed. "no shame in that." he stood as as he grabbed minho's arms and easily scooped him up, sending butterflies to minho's stomach.

"you ready?" jisung asked while looking for where he would swing to.

minho took a deep breath. "not really but-


and then they were in the air.

minho's face went into jisung's chest as he tried to hide his scream.


once they were near the bathrooms, minho spoke up. "please never do that again."

"do what?" jisung said with a smile.

"oh whatever." he spotted the bathroom and said, "i'll be out in a sec."

jisung smiled as he saw minho awkwardly run over to the bathroom door.

he's so cute. he then imagined minho's face when they were in the air and started laughing.

but his energetic mood suddenly changed as he got a very bad feeling.

"what is this?" he spoke to himself.

something was happening. and it wasn't good.


please feel free to comment & vote for this book!! (it gives me more motivation to write 😂)
hope everyone is doing well!!
- ✌️

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